Great spotted eagle - description, habitat, interesting facts

Today we look at another representative from the hawk family, namely the spotted spotted eagle. The bird leads a hidden lifestyle, and therefore it is not possible to study it in detail. However, there is information regarding the distribution, nutrition, reproduction and general characteristics of the breed group. Otherwise, the eagle is called hermits, because they prefer to stay alone, and also do not like to be near a person.

Great spotted eagle

Habitat and Description

  1. The birds of the family under discussion are medium-sized. However, some scientists classify them as individuals famous for their large size. Again, it all depends on with whom to compare. So, the spotted eagle grows up to 75 cm in length. The body weight of an individual varies within 1.5–3 kg.
  2. Sexual dimorphism is clearly visible, females are larger than individuals of male gender. There is still a small spotted eagle, its large brother is larger, as the name implies. But if you meet birds in the field, you can easily confuse them. Only the experienced eye can determine the category.
  3. By the color of feathers, individuals are colored monotonously. They are brown, dark. However, the area under the tail, the occipital part, the sternum is light. Blackish or brownish feathers are visible on them. It is extremely rare to find birds that, against the background of a brown shade, are also yellowish or buffy.
  4. In young animals, the plumage is light, there are spots in the form of drops in the upper section of the body. You can also find individuals in which the main shade is sandy yellow or ocher. The claws and beak are black in color, the area of ​​the nostrils and the paws themselves are yellowish. On the legs, feathers extend to the hands.
  5. In terms of distribution, these birds can be found in the cooler parts of Europe, whether Poland or Finland. They also live in Mongolia, Hungary, Pakistan, China. In the vastness of our homeland, spotted eagles were noticed in the Kaliningrad region and up to Primorye.
  6. For wintering, birds gather and transport to Indochina, India, Iran. Since individuals belong to predators, they are found in meadow steppes, in marshy areas, near rivers, reservoirs and lakes. It is in this area that the spotted eagle looks out for and drives its prey.
  7. Birds prefer to live on a flat or high area. They often live in mountains, the height of which extends for 1 km. up. As for hunting, individuals prefer to look for food on the ground or wait for its arrival, observing from the air. The diet consists of rodents of various families, as well as small birds or reptiles.
  8. Eagles build nests for future offspring on tall trees. Moreover, after construction, this dwelling will be used from year to year. Masonry is carried out at the end of spring, usually the expectant mother gives up to 3 eggs. But in most cases there are two of them.
  9. After the female lays the first egg, she immediately begins to incubate, and does not wait for the second to appear. Partly for this reason, the chicks are born at intervals, but the last chick usually dies due to rivalry with the first.
  10. When a generation grows up to 2 months, it can get up on the wing. These individuals quickly grow and study, and soon they, together with their father and mother, go to a place for wintering. The Great Spotted Eagle is protected as an endangered and rare species.


Greater spotted eagle lifestyle

  1. Representatives of the family monogamous, to achieve mature puberty, they wait 4 years. Some individuals mature earlier, then at 3 years old they can breed.
  2. Build a home for future offspring together. Then they arrive every year for laying and hatching eggs.Since breeding is fast enough, parents will soon fly back with their chicks to warm places.
  3. By their natural characteristics, birds can be attributed to cannibals. That is, when the female laid her eggs, they hatched at a certain interval, then the struggle between the chicks begins. The elder simply eats the younger.
  4. If masonry is carried out in May, then already in the fall the family of birds with their replenishment can go to winter. As warm edges, Africa, Europe, Asia are chosen.

Interesting Facts

  1. It is worth noting that the individuals in question have a fairly extensive habitat. If you look on the other hand, an interesting fact is that the birds presented do not have subspecies.
  2. Numerous studies have confirmed the fact that individuals of two closely related species may well interbreed (small and large spotted eagle). The result is quite viable hybrids.
  3. Unfortunately, this species is declining worldwide. Therefore, birds are listed in the Red Book. Such individuals rapidly disappear in their habitats. The Far Eastern and European populations are protected on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  4. Such individuals are closely monitored. Due to widespread deforestation, the species is declining. The problem is that such birds nest on the crowns of tall trees. Man is constantly worried about the habitat of wild animals and birds.
  5. Birds are monogamous and build nests on their own. They can also occupy old free slots. Such individuals disguise their home very well. They cover it with spruce and aspen branches.
  6. In the mating season in early spring, such individuals make very interesting sounds. The birds under consideration due to such screams can be heard at a distance of 3.5 km. In common people, this is why the individuals in question are called "Screaming Eagles."

Eagles are unique individuals of their kind. Unfortunately, they do not have subspecies. Their population is declining sharply due to human activities. Eagles are listed in the Red Book. The number of birds is very small, even despite its vast habitat.

Video: Great Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga)

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