Black walnut - useful properties and contraindications

The homeland of black walnut is considered to be North America, but since 1630 he arrived in Europe. Today, a nut of a characteristic dark color can be found often; it gained its distribution thanks to its useful qualities. Walnut is used in folk healing; on its basis, balms, ointments, decoctions, infusions and even jam are prepared. Oil is often used in the areas of cosmetology. But with inept reception and use, the nut can harm.

Useful properties and contraindications of black walnut

Black Walnut Composition

There are a lot of bioflavonoids, tannins, essential oils, organic acids, vegetable fats in raw materials. But the place of honor is still given to ascorbic acid. In a nut it is more than in citruses, rose hips, greens. Also not deprived of products are vitamins of group B, which positively affect the human nervous system. Of the minerals, the most significant should be distinguished: potassium, cobalt, silicon, selenium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and calcium.

Useful properties of black walnut

  1. The product is one of the antioxidants that suppress the effects of heavy metals, radionuclides, toxins on healthy cells. Walnut does not allow harmful substances to develop a decrease in immunity. It owes antioxidant properties to tannin, ascorbic acid, quercetin, and copper.
  2. Walnut is useful in that it has an antibacterial effect. Raw materials are used to combat intestinal parasites. Helminths can be removed with folk remedies and decoctions, while the intestinal microflora will not be affected. All of this product owes ellagic acid and iodine.
  3. The astringent properties of the nut help to resist stool disorder, bleeding, infection penetration into the tissue cavity. Walnut oil has bactericidal and healing properties, so it is often used to treat abrasions, cuts, and stop bleeding.
  4. The antifungal effect allows early suppression of Candida and another serious type of fungus. A tampon soaked in oil acts as an effective remedy for thrush in women.
  5. The composition is famous for its antiviral properties. In a short time you can cope with the infection, suppress the symptoms of a cold. It is useful to consume walnuts for people with herpes and those who often move (climate change).
  6. The product has a positive effect on blood vessels and heart muscle. When it enters the body, the walls of the blood channels are strengthened, atherosclerosis is prevented. This is made possible because walnut eliminates cholesterol.
  7. Oil burns charred and frostbite skin. The composition quickly restores, softens, heals. The tool is effective for hair, on its basis make masks against dandruff, loss, seborrhea, stunted growth.
  8. Substances that are present in the nut are added to medicines for cancer. Due to this, blood circulation in the tumor area is suppressed, thereby the formation breaks up. The nut also prevents the development of new capillaries that nourish the tumor.
  9. Compounds that act as absorbent substances accumulate in the product. They comprehensively cleanse the body of toxins, waste, poisons of a different nature. A special positive effect is noticed on the blood, peanut oil cleanses the lymphatic flow.
  10. Since the product contains a lot of B vitamins, walnut is considered an excellent sedative. It normalizes the psychoemotional environment, suppresses depressive states, fights excitability and poor sleep.
  11. Such nuts can be consumed during pregnancy to suppress the symptoms of toxicosis.For any digestive upset, eating raw foods is also beneficial. It enhances the absorption of food, so nausea and vomiting recede.
  12. Decoctions are made on nut partitions, with which they subsequently rinse the oral cavity for disinfection. This tool relieves bleeding gums and strengthens them, helps to prevent caries and stomatitis.
  13. People with a naturally low immune system need nuts. It helps to cope with vitamin deficiency, which appears during the changing seasons and with frequent climate changes.
  14. The composition contains essential oils, which are famous for their analgesic and disinfecting properties. There is also pectin and dietary fiber, they improve the passage of food through the esophagus and cleanse the intestines from stagnation.

Black Walnut Methods

There are several main ways to take it. Black walnut based products are available in dosage form. You cannot make them yourself at home.

The tool can be purchased at the pharmacy, it is famous for its impressive list of valuable qualities. The main advantages of the oil include the ability to lubricate the mucous membranes of the internal organs and thereby improve the passage of food.

Black walnut oil

Also, the finished product is lubricated with the skin. Squeezed nuts are prescribed for the reception of categories of people suffering from gastritis, diabetes, colitis, peptic ulcer, dysbiosis. Oil is also taken for diabetes, infections of the reproductive system, hemorrhoids.

In the pharmacy you can find black walnut oil, enclosed in capsules. Such pills have a high concentration of active substances, so read the instructions before use.

Tablets are indicated for use with influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, and other viral infections. They also strengthen low immunity from birth, treat diseases of the respiratory system.

Take 2 units per day immediately after a meal or during a meal. With this natural medicine, you will remove cholesterol, increase metabolic processes, cleanse internal organs of toxins.

Biologically active additives
Such a drug is available in lower concentrations, unlike tablets. In dietary supplements there are all natural beneficial components. It is important to understand that the substance does not act as a panacea for various pathologies.

The presented additive is prepared directly from walnut skin powder, pericarp extract and kernels. Also, auxiliary components are mixed into the composition.

In most cases, dietary supplements act as a dietary supplement to increase body tone and strengthen the immune system. To achieve the maximum effect on the composition, it is important to consider the mass fraction of black walnut in the substance. For preventive purposes, the supplement is taken for 1 month at the time of the meal.

The creamy mass is aimed at combating skin diseases. Often, ointments are in high demand in the cosmetic industry. For the treatment of mastopathy, pleurisy and giardiasis, it is strongly recommended to combine the use of the drug and the consumption of tincture.

Ointment with nut extract copes with cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis. Inflamed places are enough to massage with a healing composition 2 times a day. The wellness course lasts about 1 month. After this, you should take a 45-day break. Then repeat the course.

Black walnut extract
Such a tool differs from the classic tincture in that it does not include alcohol. The given preparation is completely natural. The extract is a combination of herbal ingredients with an admixture of walnut peels.

The composition must be taken orally, starting with the minimum portion. The healing course lasts for 2 weeks. Often, the drug is used to treat problems and diseases that are associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, the extract showed itself well in the treatment of thrush and difficult to heal wounds. The composition is also used for general cleansing of internal tissues and organs. With the help of the extract get rid of helminthic invasions. To do this, you should take 85 drops of raw materials with a glass of clean water once a day. The course lasts 1 month.

Vaginal and rectal suppositories
Such a tool is prescribed for the general improvement of the organs of the genitourinary system. Candles can also cure cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis and endometrium without any problems. A rectal preparation is used in the presence of intestinal ulcers, anal fissures, hemorrhoids.

The effect is achieved due to the fact that the active components destroy fungal bacteria. Also, a healing agent significantly reduces inflammation. The undoubted advantage of suppositories is that the drug is rapidly absorbed and begins to act almost immediately. Also, the composition has no side effects.

Elixir and Balm
Such a tool is a mild composition with a lower alcohol content and the presence of herbal collection. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of an allergic reaction of a food nature.

Also, the composition proved to be excellent in eliminating conjunctivitis, pathology of the kidneys, skin wounds and abrasions, diabetes mellitus. For preventive purposes, the drug is taken for 1 month. If the disease progresses, the treatment course is extended to 90 days.

This tool is great for children who have caught a cold. The composition is a sweet and tasteful mass. The tool can be prepared independently from granulated sugar and fresh product. The components are boiled together until boiling.

It is useful to give a nut remedy to preschool children and adolescents. The healing composition perfectly prevents and helps fight viral infections. In addition, active components significantly reduce stress during study. The syrup stabilizes blood pressure and reduces cramping in the head.

Black walnut contraindications

  1. Walnut can harm a person due to its unique composition with an abundance of active ingredients. Therefore, the product in any form should not be included in the diet in the presence of some pathologies.
  2. Also, the nut is contraindicated in case of an allergic reaction, during gestation, to young children under 2 years old, to people who are seeking to lose weight and to individuals prone to obesity. It is also worth considering the presence of possible individual intolerance.
  3. Do not abuse the product so as not to provoke the development of pathologies. Also, non-compliance with the daily norm often leads to spasms in the brain and inflammatory process of the tonsils. Overeating with nuts often causes stomach pain, dizziness, nausea, constipation, and vomiting.

Undoubtedly, black walnut has a number of unique qualities with the presence of active ingredients that are necessary for the human body. Systematic eating of fresh raw materials and the use of various products based on the product will help get rid of serious diseases and prevent the development of various ailments.

Video: useful properties and application of black walnut

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