Black crane - description, habitat, interesting facts

Among all cranes, it is worth highlighting a specific variety of black individuals that are literally on the verge of extinction. The birds received their conservation status, but for certain reasons, such as environmental pollution and the human factor, the population is still declining. Today we will talk about black cranes - beautiful and stately birds that deserve the most detailed description. These individuals lead a hidden lifestyle, so there is little information about them. But we will highlight the main aspects so that you can make your own opinion.

Black crane

Description and habitat

  1. Representatives of the family are distinguished by their large dimensions. By the size of the body, these birds grow up to a meter. As for the weight category, individuals are in the range of 3-4 kg.
  2. In their format, individuals do not stand out with a large head, it looks disproportionately against the background of a thick neck and large body. The neck is in a “S” shape in a relaxed position.
  3. The beak is medium in length, strong enough, bends at the edge. The legs are elongated, thin, but very strong. On the fingers, 4 fingers, the fourth finger is tilted back, there is no claw on it.
  4. The tail is magnificent thanks to plumage. It is medium in length. The plumage of the body is thick and moderately whipped. Almost the whole body is covered with gray plumage with a blue tone. Cranes with ash-black plumage may occur.
  5. The feathers on the wings and tail are exceptionally dark, closer to black. The neck is white, the head is also in a light tone. There are no feathers on the top of the head, so this area looks bright, red.
  6. In the area of ​​the base of the beak, the color is pink, and at the end with a greenish undertone. The legs are black, have a characteristic brown color. Females almost do not stand out, they are only smaller in size than individuals of male affiliation.
  7. These birds live in many places; their specific distribution area has not been fully studied. It is only known that quite a lot of representatives of the family are in Siberia.
  8. For wintering, individuals go to China, as well as Japan and other warm regions. By the nature of their stay, these birds are migratory, nomads, nest several times in a row in one place, then move to another.


  1. Birds from this family prefer to eat plant foods. Their basic diet includes rhizomes, aquatic vegetation, shoots and inflorescences, fruits.
  2. Cranes can also enjoy berries, whether it is blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries or blueberries. They love crops, therefore, they are found near agricultural land.
  3. Nutrition directly depends on what season of the year we are talking about. Also, the diet can be different for males and females, adults and young animals.
  4. When problems begin with food, cranes switch to a different diet. They catch invertebrates, frogs, eat insect larvae, salamanders, and other small animals.
  5. In many nurseries, individuals are treated with rice grains, corn, millet and other crops of the grain plan. When migration to warm countries begins, birds stop on the corn, wheat and buckwheat fields to eat.


Black crane breeding

  1. These cranes belong to monogamous individuals. During the mating season, the birds depict pretty beautiful dances. Feathered in every possible way wriggle before each other and bounce. They also bend over, flap their wings and throw up bunches of grass.
  2. It is generally accepted that individuals resort to dancing only during the mating season, however, numerous observations have confirmed that such behavior is quite characteristic of cranes on ordinary days.Thus, the birds show their feelings, pacify aggression and tension.
  3. When nesting, cranes show excessive caution. For this reason, finding a nest is very difficult to determine. In the coastal regions, birds equip their homes 70 meters from the edges of open swamps. Often nests are located in small earthen cavities. Wet moss, peat, sedge leaves, stems and branches of birch, larch are laid at the bottom of the nest.
  4. The weight of the egg reaches only 20-25 gr. Often, the color may be brown, greenish or brownish. In any case, large dark inclusions are observed. As a rule, the female is engaged in vysidka. Young growth begins to be born in a month. At this time, the male is engaged in the extraction of food in the open.
  5. Such a move allows the crane to view all approaches to the nest. In rare cases, the male can change the female for a short time when hatching offspring. Sometimes a couple begins to shout to each other, it is at this moment that you can find a nest of birds.
  6. If a person tries to figure out a nest, the male will fly low among the larches and scream loudly. At this point, it is very difficult to determine the location of the nest. After that, the male flies away. The female, in turn, already knows about the danger.
  7. If a person nevertheless purposefully goes to the nest, the male returns. He takes a special stance and starts screaming, diverting attention to himself. At this time, the female hides the nest and tries to quietly get lost among the larch trees.
  8. To find the young growth that has just appeared, it is worth making a lot of effort. A similar task is considered practically impossible. Often a couple lays 2 eggs. Chicks, as a rule, always survive. Young animals hide very well and always follow the instructions of their parents.

Interesting Facts

Black cranes are rare and endangered species of birds. For this reason, they are listed in the Red Book. The population is carefully guarded, any manipulation of the destruction of individuals is prohibited. Also, this particular representative of the family is engraved on a silver coin of the Bank of Russia.

Today you got acquainted with an interesting bird, which has its protective status and is on the verge of extinction. Black cranes are depicted on silver coins of the bank of our country, they occupy an honorable place among other feathered friends.

Video: Black Crane (Grus monacha)

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