Garlic - useful properties and contraindications

If you have not previously thought about the benefits of garlic, then do not underestimate the product. The vegetable gained popularity in ancient times due to its unique qualities and special composition. A systematic intake of raw materials will provide the body with the optimal intake of useful trace elements. Garlic resists the development of many diseases. Let's consider everything in order.

Useful properties and contraindications of garlic

Composition of garlic

Garlic belongs to the herbaceous vegetables of the bulbous family. The product has a rather specific aroma and island flavor. Today, garlic is grown in almost every corner of the planet.

The vegetable has a low calorie content per 100 g. raw materials account for about 45 Kcal. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, acids, essential oils, vitamins of various groups and some compounds are present in sufficient quantities in the product.

Garlic is recognized as an effective product in official and traditional medicine. The product has established itself thanks to a variety of unique components. The presence of special enzymes helps the human body withstand serious diseases.

An impressive amount of calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, nitrogen and other equally valuable substances can be found in the vegetable. In addition, sulfuric, phosphoric and silicic acids are present in garlic. The list of useful enzymes can be listed for a long time, in total there are about four hundred substances.

The beneficial properties of garlic

  1. Garlic produces active substances that appear to be volatile. Biological enzymes inhibit or destroy pathogenic bacteria in the body. It is proved that the vegetable is effective against diphtheria bacillus, streptococci and staphylococci.
  2. Garlic has powerful analgesic and antiseptic properties. The composition can be applied externally for non-healing and festering wounds. Vegetables easily reduce warts, corns and inflammatory processes after insect bites.
  3. Garlic brings invaluable benefits to the human body due to the content of allicin. The substance is considered a powerful bactericidal agent. Even in small amounts, the enzyme causes tremendous damage to pathogenic bacteria.
  4. In folk medicine, garlic is most often used to treat colds. To suppress the activity of harmful microorganisms in the oral cavity, it is enough to chew a clove of vegetable.
  5. As for allicin, the enzyme, entering the body, relieves stress from the walls of blood vessels. This phenomenon has a positive effect on the human cardiac activity.
  6. Scientific studies have shown that peoples who regularly eat garlic are the least susceptible to cancer. Modern medicine has proven that phytoncides reduce the risk of the formation of all kinds of tumors.
  7. Experts recommend including garlic in the diet. Regular consumption of the product destroys intestinal parasites and their activity in the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, garlic has a positive effect on the skin of a person.
  8. To prevent the development of various ailments, you need to eat a few cloves of garlic daily. To get rid of a specific smell, it is enough to eat 2-3 slices of lemon, chew parsley or rinse your mouth with milk.
  9. Consuming garlic in various variations, digestion is stimulated. The burning taste of the vegetable contributes to profuse salivation.Due to this, the appetite increases. The result is a thorough assimilation of food. With the help of garlic, hemorrhoids, flatulence, constipation and intestinal atony are treated.
  10. Eating garlic regularly reduces bad cholesterol. As a result, plaques do not form on the walls of blood vessels. Vegetable should be eaten with angina pectoris. Raw materials reduce the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle, while increasing their amplitude.
  11. Garlic has proven itself in treating frequent dizziness, sleep problems, and poor memory. The unique components of the vegetable greatly facilitate the course of pneumonia, bronchitis, flu, colds and bronchial asthma.

The benefits of garlic for pregnant women

The benefits of garlic for pregnant women

  1. In the crucial period, the expectant mother should carefully monitor the daily diet in order to exclude the appearance of congenital malformations in the baby. That is why it is necessary to make the menu as balanced and varied as possible.
  2. Many girls mistakenly exclude teeth from the diet, but a small amount of garlic will benefit both the mother and the baby. The main value of the bulbs lies in the bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine properties.
  3. Garlic contains the most valuable folic acid, which is necessary for the body of a pregnant girl. This vitamin allows the baby to develop in accordance with the term, forms the central nervous system and the skeleton of the child.
  4. A special place in the bulbs of a burning vegetable is given to ascorbic acid, retinol, tocopherol. Vitamin C is essential for maintaining the mother’s immune system and protecting against viruses. Vitamins A and E, respectively, enhance the action of ascorbic acid and cleanse the body of toxins.
  5. Potassium and magnesium exclude the possibility of congenital heart disease. Vitamins B clear the blood channels of cholesterol plaques and prevent maternal atherosclerosis. Iron increases hemoglobin, improves well-being, prevents anemia.
  6. Magnesium regulates the tone of the uterus, thereby preventing a possible miscarriage or complications in the process of bearing a child. The accumulation of calcium seals the musculoskeletal system of the child.
  7. Girls during pregnancy are often tormented by sudden jumps in arterial and intracranial pressure. Even a small amount of fresh garlic added to food will prevent this from happening. The pressure in the arteries is normal, the head will stop hurting.
  8. Pregnant women face delicate problems such as constipation. Garlic broths or gruel from fresh bulbs will improve intestinal motility and microflora, combating congestion.
  9. After 6 months of gestation, varicose veins develop on the legs, swelling and heaviness appear. Due to the slowdown of blood flow there is a likelihood of thrombosis. Garlic dilutes blood and enhances its circulation.
  10. Due to the diuretic properties, seasoning removes excess water, which interferes with the full activity of internal organs and systems. On this basis, the heaviness in the legs is eliminated, swelling in the limbs and face disappears.

Garlic treatment

Garlic is indicated for use in the following diseases:

Garlic treatment

  • atherosclerosis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • excessive blood viscosity;
  • gastritis against a background of low acidity;
  • scurvy;
  • colitis;
  • fever;
  • kidney disease
  • fermentation of food in the esophagus, rotting processes;
  • intestinal parasites;
  • flu, SARS;
  • stomatitis, bleeding gums, toothache;
  • low immunity;
  • runny nose.

These diseases are not the whole list of what can actually cure garlic. Its use will be useful and externally in the form of lotions, compresses.

Toothache Garlic

Traditional healers are happy to use garlic to reduce discomfort in diseases of the oral cavity.If your tooth hurts, prepare mashed fresh garlic (3–6 cloves), attach 2 layers of gauze and garlic gruel to the opposite of the tooth with your wrist. Fix with a bandage, wait until the pain disappears.

Garlic when fermented food in the esophagus

If you often suffer from indigestion, heaviness, constipation, food rotting and slagging of the body, an infusion of garlic can help with such delicate problems. Take 0.3 kg. peeled teeth, fill in 0.5 liters. vodka and insist 3 weeks. Use 18 drops 3 times a day, diluting the tincture of 250 ml. warm milk.

Important! In addition to cleansing and speeding up digestion, this remedy improves the composition of the blood and dilutes it, and carries out the prophylaxis of sclerosis and hypertension. And if you dilute the garlic tincture with water in equal proportions, you can rinse your mouth with it to strengthen the gums and treat stomatitis.

Garlic for cleansing the blood channels

This tool has a bracing effect on the vascular walls. They become durable and elastic. Tincture with garlic according to the recipe described below removes cholesterol plaques, so it is taken for varicose veins, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and other ailments of this kind. To prepare the tincture, mix 0.1 kg. peeled teeth with 0.5 l. vodka and insist in the dark for a month. Strain, consume a teaspoon three times a day before a meal.

Important! This tool, in addition to the basic indications for cleansing blood vessels, is useful for people with eye problems (cataract prevention, muscle strengthening, etc.). The tincture will be effective for the brain, it also removes small formations from the kidneys.

Cold garlic

Cold garlic
Useful qualities of garlic allow it to be used for influenza, SARS. To this end, garlic pulp should be mixed with warm honey, taking half a teaspoon of each component. The composition is taken before bedtime. When a cold occurs, it is necessary to wrap 2 peeled teeth with gauze and shove them into the nostrils in turn, after waiting a quarter of an hour. With angina, it is necessary to do steam baths such as potato and breathe in garlic vapor twice a day for 20 breaths.

Garlic contraindications

  1. The composition of the vegetable may include sulfates, which negatively affect intracranial pressure, increasing it. Overuse of seasoning leads to headaches and decreased concentration.
  2. If there are serious gastrointestinal pathologies, the intake of garlic should be agreed in advance with the attending physician. Irritating properties sometimes negatively affect the mucous membranes.
  3. Garlic can cause an allergic reaction. It is contraindicated in pancreatitis, peptic ulcer, liver ailments.
  4. External use should be excluded if you suffer from severe skin sensitivity.
  5. Garlic has the ability to thin the blood, so if there is bleeding, you should limit the intake of vegetables.
  6. Epileptics should be extremely careful when taking garlic. It can cause an attack.

Garlic is famous for its antimicrobial and antipyretic properties, so it is most often used for colds. Burning teeth are often used to prevent various ailments, but with inept reception they can harm. Be careful and study contraindications.

Video: The healing properties of garlic

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