Miniature Schnauzer - breed description and dog character

A cute, cute, charming miniature schnauzer is such a popular breed in the world that, according to statistics, it occupies the 7th line among the most beloved dogs due to its positive qualities and ease of grooming. Even in the smallest room, he will feel quite comfortable, if only the owner was nearby.

Miniature schnauzer

However, this miniature dog, which weighs no more than 8 kg, belongs to the service breeds. His tasks include finding a criminal load - drugs, explosives, weapons. And since nature has entrusted this dwarf schnauzer with the opportunity to fight lawlessness, then you should not perceive it as a harmless cute toy. Its capabilities are very extensive, it can be a great watchman, a nanny for young children, as well as a faithful and cheerful friend for a walk.

Funny gnome face
Those who are not familiar with the German language will be very surprised to learn that the very word “miniature schnauzer” is actually two words:

  • Zwerg means “dwarf”
  • Schnauzer - this is the "face".


This breed appeared in Germany, and was officially recognized not so long ago. To create a modern exterior, many breeds were involved in the formation of current standards, but, unfortunately, documentary evidence can tell us little about breeding experiments. But that the schnauzers are ancestors - there is no doubt among dog handlers. Also involved in the creation of poodles and Spitz, affenpinchers. Of course, the best ones were selected so that the new breed was distinguished by special characteristics, that is, had an attractive appearance, a special temperament, official qualities and watchdog abilities.

The appearance of the tsverg was officially registered already at the end of the 19th century thanks to the numerous and painstaking work of various breeders. The dog show of 1890 was marked by the fact that for the first time the miniature schnauzer took part there. The strict jury liked the demonstrated breed, and in the same year its standard was officially fixed.

Exterior Features

  1. These dogs are very small, have a square shape, stocky, but they look graceful. Reminiscent of a schnauzer in miniature.
  2. The head is large, and the illusion is created that it does not correspond to the proportions of the body. However, in fact, its mass is in full accordance with the general physique. Thick long eyebrows give the tsverg a very formidable, severe look, but they should emphasize the transition from the forehead to the nose. Eyebrows are the most striking feature of the breed. They are thick and long, like a beard, and must obscure the eyes.
  3. Small oval eyes are directed forward, and the look of a healthy dog ​​is always full of curiosity. The eyes themselves are dark in color, the eyelids fit well.
  4. The nose must be straight, with a flat back and a developed black lobe.
  5. Lips fit tight and should always be black and dry. Jaws - powerful, with a scissor bite. Ears are distinguished by the fact that although they are set high, however, the hanging and the front edges lie slightly on the cheeks.
  6. The shape of the muzzle is blunt, only slightly elongated and a bit like a wedge.
  7. The neck of the miniature schnauzer is very strong due to well-developed muscles. There should be no skin folds in the throat area.
  8. The scruff is convex.
  9. The back is shortened, strong and elastic.
  10. The case has a falling line.
  11. The chest is well developed. It is wide and strong.
  12. The stomach is tightened, forms a graceful bend.
  13. The limbs are powerful, well formed.The rear and front lengths are different, parallel to each other, spaced moderately wide.
  14. The fingers are in a closed state, and the nails are short, black.
  15. The miniature schnauzer has an unusual coat. It is very thick, but extremely tough and rough, very reminiscent of wire to the touch. But on the paws it is much softer and shorter, as in the ears and forehead. Existing thick undercoat and thick awn perfectly warm the dog in the frosty season.

Color has, according to standard estimates, some limitations, therefore the following are considered recognized:

  • black
  • black with silver;
  • white;
  • "Pepper and salt."

It happens chocolate tan, but it is considered defective, since FCI officially did not recognize it, without including it in the standard characteristics.

A distinctive feature of the breed is its high front hull. This factor helps to develop greater speed and even gallop. In general, the movements of the dwarf schnauzer are distinguished by their smoothness and grace, because he throws his front legs forward, while the rear legs begin to spring for a push.

When evaluating a dog, such indicators can significantly damage it:

  • the skull is round and very massive;
  • the muzzle is short and pointed;
  • ears with low ears, either too short or long;
  • lack of proper bite;
  • the presence of skin folds;
  • long back with pronounced bend;
  • the coat is soft or wavy, the length also has limitations;
  • spots or black stripes on the back;
  • brown undercoat;
  • traits such as aggression or cowardice.

The nature and deceitful meekness of a dog

The small size of the tsverg usually makes one feel the protector of such a tiny weak dog, which is not capable of any aggressive thoughts. Indeed, under normal conditions, among their owners, a small fluffy lump will follow people everywhere, playing with children. But, if danger appeared, he would immediately execute the command and attack the enemy. And if the owners did not train, then the dog will boldly throw himself at the offender, and it will be impossible to stop it. The protective abilities of a small pet are quite touching, but the dog should carry out any actions on command. This must be taught so that the owners do not have problems.

Dog breed miniature schnauzer

The Zwerg is almost always in a state of alertness, and this condition is betrayed by his eyes: they are always alert and carefully evaluate the environment.

The miniature schnauzer loves spending time with other dogs, and for him it does not matter whether they are large or small. For large, he does not feel any fear and often involves in the game. This breed has a lot of charm, which is difficult for both people and animals to resist. In addition, the energetic and cheerful nature of the dwarf schnauzer will certainly win on the dog’s platform, and all animals will be involved in the game.

However, it must be remembered that if the owner does not pay enough attention to his pet, then it can be expected that the dog will be naughty and, in addition, also aggressive, and therefore very problematic. But, feeling the care, attention and love of the household, the dog in return will give unlimited devotion, and will never miss the opportunity to prove how true it is. Even a very small puppy is already ready to carry out security service in the house. Such a desire is caused by the natural qualities of a small warrior, and at this time he is so overwhelmed with emotions that the owner needs to restrain such active impulses. When everything is calm, the owners are not in danger, these dogs are affectionate and gentle. However, the dog requires people to be equally sensitive to themselves, because the pet needs to spend a lot of time.

When Veterinarian Help Is Required

Too agile lifestyle of the tsverg, his stupid curiosity to taste everything - affects his health over time.Injured limbs begin to resemble themselves, worms are almost always present in the body, poisoning occurs. A very weak organ of this breed is the liver. And this fact is very important when choosing a diet: fatty, fried and smoked should be completely excluded. Very small puppies are prone to the same diseases as other breeds, for example, to the most common ailments like plague and enteritis - viral and intestinal infections.

But in most cases, these dogs are healthy and hardy, if the ancestors did not have any diseases at the genetic level. The danger in this case is an eye disease, and choosing a puppy in the litter, this ailment cannot be detected, the defect will be discovered much later. This is, first of all, glaucoma and cataract, and very often degenerative changes in the eyeball. But even a partial loss of vision will not affect the guard qualities of a devoted pet, and even in old age he will also remain a formidable defender.

Veterinarians identify other common reasons for owners visiting animal clinics:

  • disturbed hormonal balance, hypothyroidism;
  • malignant tumors, especially the skin;
  • blockage of hair follicles.

To prevent the development of many diseases in time, a veterinarian should be visited with a pet for a full examination of the dog.

On average, the life expectancy of a dwarf schnauzer is from 13 years to 16.

Good care will extend your pet's life!

First of all, the main concern of the owners of the zwerg should be the hair of the animal. The problem is that the hard and long cover is often tangled up, and worms are formed in it. It is they and other factors that indicate insufficient care can eventually provoke the appearance of inflammation on the skin.

Miniature Schnauzer Care

  1. Wool should be combed at least once a week. The brush should be for this procedure with stiff bristles. It is necessary to treat the weak points of the dog, which are on the stomach, legs between the pads and in the armpits. But the main bath should not be too frequent, as this harms the health of the animal. Typically, water procedures are performed before the haircut or when the need arose.
  2. The hanging ears of the miniature schnauzer should be constantly checked by removing those hairs that interfere with good air ventilation. Some owners stop the ears of the pet, the standard allows both solutions.
  3. It is always necessary to monitor the condition of the eyes and nose, so that they are clean, without inflammation and secretions.
  4. In order for the pet to be healthy and active, walks need to be given due attention, taking at least 1 hour each twice a day. Preferably with vigorous games, running.

How to feed?

The state of health and the appearance of the zwerg is very much dependent on a properly built diet. The menu does not quite match when compared with the diet of other dogs.

You can not overfeed the dwarf schnauzer. He always eats with great appetite, which is why the owners are happy and try to put one more tidbit. But this is a big danger: the pet is quickly gaining weight. It is already difficult for him to move energetically, and imperceptibly, but quickly enough, he becomes lazy and inactive. Of course, a small organism immediately attacks the disease.

These dogs love dry food, therefore it should be included in the diet. But only this should be a product with balanced vitamins and beneficial elements. It will be useful for the pet if you combine high-quality dry food with broth cooked on meat. The dog also needs vegetables and eggs, fish or cottage cheese, but low-fat. To select products are necessary those that do not harm the liver.

Up to 7 months, it is advisable to feed the puppy up to 5 times a day, adhering to the regimen. Then a 3-time regimen will be enough, and from 9 months the pet will be full if you transfer it to a 2-time diet, but with increased portions.


As soon as the little puppy has crossed the borders of his new home, he should begin to educate. While this is not training yet, it will begin a little later, when the doggie has mastered, grows up and becomes more meaningful. In the meantime, the task of people is to explain who is in charge of the house, that a new family member must obey their elders and know their place.

Raising the Miniature Schnauzer

Immediately in the house it will be fun and noisy, because the playful, fast and brisk tsverg will force all household members to be on the alert. But too active and uncontrolled games must be stopped. It is worth the puppy to understand that the owners can not cope and are not leaders, no subsequent training will help to raise a real miniature schnauzer.

Therefore, have patience. But it’s not so complicated - these animals are very smart and flexible, they quickly grasp all training lessons, they are happy to carry out the owner’s commands. The main thing is that animals feel both the power of man and his love, because for them the motivation of all actions is necessary. Offending a pet is not recommended, he remembers the grievances and may then not trust the owner. Therefore, even professional teams do not recommend pronouncing rude and harsh. All training should take place in a friendly way.

Usually it all starts with a request to bring an abandoned item, which kids do with great pleasure. It is also sometimes necessary to load a puppy, as it is subject to aggression. If there is no way out for his emotions, he can pounce on the hosts, gnaw everything. And such behavior will soon turn people's lives into a nightmare. All such actions must be stopped immediately. The best way is to shift the baby’s attention to something else or apply a small physical effect, for example, shake or slap. But just do not overdo it. Only with the help of training can we suppress the aggressiveness lurking in the genes and work out all the positive skills that are also inherent in nature.

This dog must not be deceived. She herself is cunning from birth and her instinct is excellent, and her memory is excellent. Because quickly she is able to adapt to the situation, and she will try to circle the hosts around the finger.

It is worth trying, not sparing time for education, and then for many years a faithful pet will be a truly reliable smart assistant and a great friend.

Video: Miniature Schnauzer dog breed

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