House Owl - description, habitat, interesting facts

The brownie owl belongs to the order Owls, which are classified as a family of ordinary owls. The length of his body is 28 centimeters, and the width of the wingspan reaches 64 centimeters. The weight of an adult can reach 200 grams. This bird cannot boast of the beauty of its appearance, which is better known to the inhabitants of the southern regions.

House owl

House owl nests can be found practically throughout the entire central part of Europe. It became known that he can hardly tolerate the low temperatures of harsh winters, as a result of which the population of this species is noticeably reduced. Therefore, for its habitat, the European climate is not suitable.

During the flight, house owls alternate with energetic flapping of the wings with motionless soaring, due to which their flight can occur along a wave-like trajectory. This bird has wide wings with rounded ends, thanks to this feature during the flight it seems that it is increasing in size.

House owls have a fairly strong body and strength unusual for their modest size. A distinctive feature of these birds is a large head, on which there are two large, very expressive yellow eyes. The ears characteristic of the remaining owls are absent. The color of the male does not differ from the color of the female.


House owls are not attracted to wooded areas, he clearly prefers open spaces with single trees that can be used as observation points. Birds of this species can easily settle in villages and urban-type settlements, giving preference to abandoned buildings and all kinds of ruins. And in the southern regions of these birds palm groves attract. They are rightly considered the indigenous inhabitants of the plains, which cannot be found in the mountains.

Favorite places from which the house owl prefers to conduct its observation are solitary willows, especially if their tops are sawn. In addition, the bird can use high fences, power lines and various poles as observation points. She can observe for many hours, maintaining a motionless pose and studying the surrounding area. When danger approaches, the house owl immediately leaves its observation post and flies away.


One of the characteristic features of this bird is a wavy flight path. During its hunt, the owl is able to hang in one place, stopping at a low altitude. To do this, the bird skillfully flips its wings without making the slightest sound. Although you can’t name a house owl a flight master, nevertheless, he is able to actively pursue his prey while on the ground.

If during an observation an owl managed to find something unusual for him, he is able to demonstrate a surprised look. To do this, the bird makes funny head nods and turns its tail from top to bottom. It is curious that these birds always prefer to stay in pairs even when the breeding period is over.

They are not against close proximity from their relatives, they are able to nest about 20 pairs of this species of birds on the 1st square kilometer. Although, going out to hunt, the owl periodically gives sound signals, informing the others that this site is occupied. It is impossible to find a house owl in the mountainous regions, this bird also avoids coniferous forests, every year they become less and less in the territories of agricultural activity.

It is noteworthy that this bird prefers to sing in the rain, most often the sounds of their singing can be heard in the spring.One of the characteristic features of the house owl is the ability to hunt in the daytime, so it can easily be found during the day. In order to eat its prey, the bird tries to choose one and the same place, where over time many leftovers from past feasts accumulate.

Fact! These individuals are not afraid of the close proximity to a person, they can easily get in the attic of a private house or just in a haystack of straw.


House Owl Diet
In the recent past, there was an opinion that the house owl eats only pheasant chicks. In fact, this bird prefers mainly mice or frogs, although it will not give up bugs or earthworms. In rare cases, small birds become prey for these owls, and sometimes they catch butterflies.

The most active period of hunting for this species of birds occurs in the evening twilight or in the early morning, although they are able to hunt both at night and in the afternoon. In the daytime, a domestic owl is able to chase small birds. He prefers to lead his hunt from an ambush. Hiding in the place of his observation, he patiently waits, and when the prey is within reach, he makes a silent attack, conducting an attack from above.

While on the ground, an owl collects beetles, as well as earthworms, in the grass or last year's leaves. He moves perfectly on his strong legs and, if he manages to meet a frog or even a mouse, an owl is easily able to catch up with its prey. This bird is able to grab some insects on the fly, it simply pulls earthworms out of the ground, just like blackbirds do. In addition, the house owl is able to destroy the nests of other birds. When hunting turns out to be especially successful, the house owl tries to make supplies for the future, various insects often attracted by it, attracted by the smell of carrion.


The beginning of the nesting period of this species of birds begins with the arrival of April and continues until the beginning of July, this process reaches its maximum activity in the second half of May, early June. House owls create pairs that can not break up for several years, although it is clear that the affection of these birds is not personal, in fact they are attached only to their territory.

To attract the female, the male is obliged to perform his amusing mating dance, consisting of energetic bows and twitches of the tail. Understanding at such moments the birds reach with the help of sound signals. If the female is too intractable, then the male can appease her by presenting a treat. To build a nest, these birds need a nook in the form of a hollow, a small niche may come up, well, at worst, a rabbit hole will do.

In the clutch of the female is from 3 to 5 eggs, the incubation period lasts up to 28 days. The male does not take part in hatching masonry, he is busy with other worries, he needs to feed his girlfriend sitting on the nest. Little chicks, having been born, have a robe of thick white down, over time, white down is replaced by gray. And only after that the feathers begin to grow.

The food of the chicks is the business of both parents, who are engaged in active searches for food during this period. The chicks make their first attempts to leave the nest a month after their birth, but at this time they still need custody. They finally manage to become wing only after 5 weeks, after which they leave their parents.

Video: House Owl (Athene noctua)

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