Jack Russell Terrier - breed description and dog character

Natural born athletes, hunters and adventurers. These small animals native to Britain are surprisingly fearless and courageous. Initially, they were companions in the hunt for foxes and rodents.

Jack Russell Terrier

From other terriers, they differ in character compliance and sociability. Extremely attached to their masters and do not avoid complex trainings. Their natural liveliness of temperament and intellectual abilities help to easily find a common language with cats and other host four-legged friends. These positive features made the representatives of this breed ideal friends of people.

From the history of the breed

The purpose of the breed is rodent hunting. The size of the animal allows him to get into the deepest holes and get out of the hiding pest. Naturally, a hunter of such a miniature size must have good physical strength, innate courage and a strong grip so that he can win the battle with the enemy, who is often well armed with teeth and claws.

The history of dogs of this breed began thanks to an English priest, namely a man named John Russell, who was born in Devon in 1975. His hobbies were horse riding and hunting. He also founded the famous Kennel Club in the 73rd year of the 18th century. A large amount of time was devoted by the priest to the selection of a wire-haired terrier.

During his studies at Oxford University, J. Russell randomly acquired a white wire-haired female terrier with brown spots on his head. She did not look like a popular Scottish terrier, unlike them, she was small, slim and harmonious. To improve the hunting qualities of the offspring of his new unusual friend, the priest began to conduct experiments on crossbreeding with pets of other breeds.

Representatives of the breed, bred through the efforts of Russell, received his name. For many years, animals of this breed with unstable standards were knitted with representatives of other breeds. Obtaining offspring, completely unlike their ancestors, became the reason that breeders abandoned this undertaking. At first, Russell jacks needed only the presence of growth suitable for hunting in burrows and the presence of the necessary character traits. And only individual breeders paid attention to their appearance.

Some breeders crossed dogs of this breed with classic type bulldogs. As a result, Russell terriers obtained the qualities of fighting breeds, these individuals did not receive popularity and were excluded from breeding. However, some descendants still retained bulldog genes. They have a stockier body and a wider head. Bulldog-like Russell do not have the desired loud and sonorous voice, which is important in the process of hunting.

Another variety of terriers that was used to breed - Lakeland Terriers. Their introduction into breeding contributed to a more balanced character and the most attractive appearance. English hunters - intellectuals have created a cult of fox hunting. In the process of this lesson, they used special white clothes, and even the dog should have been in tone with the outfit. Today, Jack Russell Terriers are more often used as pets, but their hunting qualities have remained a characteristic feature of the representatives of this breed.

Character Features and Intelligence

Jackie Russell is endowed with excellent intelligence. Breeders sometimes say that these are the smartest representatives among terriers.Their mental abilities developed as a result of the need for hunting.

Intelligence and character Jack Russell Terrier

Hunters from Britain have been working for a long time to improve the physical fitness of these animals and their education. By the sound of a hunting horn, the Russell needed to be able to distinguish which particular animal would need to be hunted. This skill was captured by representatives of the breed on an instinctive level.

The intelligence of adults depends on their upbringing from an early age. Russels should receive maximum physical and mental stress, because by their nature they are very active. Learning teams does not require multiple repetitions for assimilation.

Among other things, they have an inherent love of adventurism. These moving pets love dynamic adventures and life in all its manifestations. Nevertheless, despite their natural excessive activity, they like to lie on the sofa with their master. But every day they are not ready to spend time like that.

Jackie Russell is not at all against communication, despite his excessive attachment to the owners. They love to be in the spotlight and are happy to demonstrate their skills to others. And people usually treat them quite positively, even if they are not fans of dogs.

As for living with other representatives of the animal world in the same territory, representatives of this breed are not very positive about this idea. This is especially true for cats. Jack Russell may dislike a purring relative, mainly because of jealousy of the host. It is absolutely contraindicated to keep them in the same apartment with rodents, because this is most likely to have the most sad consequences.


Jack Russell Terriers are endowed with a rather non-standard, peculiar character. These companionable and funny dogs are ready at the same time to show fidelity, affection, some perseverance, while remaining belligerent and independent. Their education should begin from the very day the small pet ended up in a new home. First you need to clearly distinguish between your own and its space, the owner's territory. Those who are well acquainted with representatives of this breed know that terriers love to walk on the owner’s covered tables, as well as constantly climb into the cabinets, specially jump onto the shelves (yes, Jack Russell love to jump) and on the bed. It is required to boldly suppress such behavior in a commanding tone. In the meantime, Jack Russell is small, he simply obeys, exploring and studying the main character traits of the owners. Including at a young age, these animals are distinguished by special ingenuity and excellent memory, always understanding and analyzing their deeds, and never repeat their shameful misconduct.

The breed Jack Russell Terrier, as breeders assure, is dominant. Often (in particular, already growing males) they try to subjugate for themselves any member of the family, for example, babies or the elderly. Of course, they are not doing anything terrible. As a rule, this is expressed in persistent begging. In practice, a single comment will be enough for the animal to reflect on its unsuitable behavior. The use of brute force and raising a voice for educational purposes is completely unacceptable. It is necessary to express indignation in a humane way, by changing the intonation in the voice. It should be calm, tough and restrained - animals perfectly capture it. Jack Russell Terriers are educated at the heart of communication with their owner, his love and care for the pet. Living next to a person, he easily picks up the master's character and what may cause discontent.


Unique dogs Jack Russell Terriers - according to tradition, dogs - hunters. And this is important to consider when buying a puppy. All their behavior, despite their sociability and superbly developed social skills, obeys instincts. Jack Russell movements are fast and energetic, for this reason these dogs need physical activity. If the mobile and fearless pet receives them in the required quantity, then his ability to behave and intelligence are very pleasing to the owners.

Jack Russell Terrier Walks

The owner of the miniature hunter is obliged to devote, as soon as possible, the maximum time to walks with his pet. A suitable mode of light loads: 2-3 hour walks per day. It is better for the dog to be able to spend some time without a collar and leash. It is necessary to try to make the walks diverse and carried out on various types of ground, this makes it possible to train all muscle groups.

A couple of times a week with the Jack Russell Terrier, sports classes should be held without fail. These wards are very smart and active, so they do not like the monotony. The owner must try - every time you need to invent new adventures and activities that mimic the key vocation of the pet - hunting. Fortunately, leisure facilities are not difficult to find - you can use special balls, as well as frisbee, jump ropes and, of course, ordinary sticks.

The most famous, by the way, is the representative of this breed of dog, a pet named Milo from the popular film released in the nineties - “The Mask” with Jim Carrey in a key role. This film is the best advertisement of the Jack Russell Terrier breed to our time.

Care Features

Animals of this breed are unpretentious in terms of hair care. Short hair of these representatives of the canine does not require a certain peculiar care. Naturally, you need to bathe them as needed and wipe your paws with a washcloth after a walk.

The teeth of terrier hunters need to be cleaned about 2 times a week to maintain their health, with toothpaste with the taste of meat and a brush that is worn on a finger or cotton pad. You can use a children's toothbrush.

Ears and eyes should be regularly inspected and wiped with a cotton pad dampened in a small amount of barely warm boiled water.

Jack Russell Homestay

Jack Russell Terriers have every chance of boasting great adaptability. They are not at all afraid of city noise, the roar of cars and small enclosed spaces, as a result of which they feel comfortable, magnificent and unhindered in apartments of various types and sizes. Naturally, for a comfortable and happy stay with the owner, these dogs need sufficient physical exertion and long walks.

Dog breed Jack Russell

The individual jack russell space on the living space should be quite spacious and comfortable. The animal needs to allocate a place for sleep and rest, where he can hide (if necessary, retire). Sometimes owners of representatives of this breed say that their pets like to sleep under the covers. From this it follows that with all their hunting endurance they are afraid of the cold and drafts. Therefore, the dog must be kept in the most comfortable conditions so that it is not too cold or hot.


The diet of animals of this breed is no different from others. But their excessive activity requires a large amount of protein. Therefore, the basis of the animal’s diet is meat. Low-fat varieties are suitable: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef. Also, cereals must be present in the pet's diet for good digestion and saturation of the body with microelements and minerals. It is worth including rice, buckwheat, corn porridge and oatmeal as true British. Vegetables are given in a necessarily boiled form: beets, carrots, cabbage, pumpkin and others.

For those who do not have time to select and prepare natural food for the animal, it is quite possible to get by with premium and super-premium feeds. High-quality feed is selected individually for pets depending on taste preferences, health status and many other factors. Good feeds, as a rule, contain vitamin complexes and are additionally enriched with many useful substances.

An excellent solution is the option of mixed nutrition, when the dog receives food in one feeding, and natural food in another. However, feed and home-made food should never be mixed in one feed. Feed the animal no later than 30 minutes before subsequent physical activity (walks).

This baby will be an excellent companion for hunting lovers, in addition, it is ideal for keeping in an apartment, unlike larger relatives.

Video: Jack Russell Terrier

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