Yellow hedgehog - description of where it grows, poisonous mushroom

Many domestic mushroom pickers are so accustomed to collecting the same types of mushrooms that the mushroom that has caught their eye is unfamiliar in shape and structure in a hurry to write in grebes. And all because they don’t know about useful mushrooms growing nearby, without proper information. So they turn out to be edible varieties not harvested. One of these “sufferers” is the yellow hedgehog, which is quite tasty and healthy for the body.

Yellow hedgehog

Yellow hedgehog (also called notched blackberry) grows in both coniferous and deciduous forests, forming a symbiosis with trees. Caught in mossy places among shrubs. It grows in a temperate climate in the North American and Eurasian territories. Distributed throughout the Russian territory up to the cold Siberian and Far Eastern regions. It grows both alone and in large groups. You can collect from July until the very autumn frosts. The highest yield is in late August and early September.


Outwardly resembles an ordinary chanterelle. The hat is dense, fleshy, with a diameter of 3 to 13 cm, under favorable growth conditions it can reach 16 cm. The irregularly shaped surface is dry, strewn with small tubercles, when touched by hand it feels like velvety. While the mushroom is young, the hat is convex, its edges are turned down. But with age, it becomes smoother, the edges become wavy. Hats usually grow together near mushrooms. The color palette varies in yellow shades - from yellow-pink to orange. The older the mushroom, the darker the hat. Neither the young nor the old blackberries can clean the hat from the skin - it does not separate.

The pulp is white or yellow, fragile, slightly smells of fruit, tastes good. If the mushroom is old, it is slightly bitter. At the break, the color of the flesh becomes yellow-brown.

The lower tubular layer is dotted with small sharp yellow (or white) spikes, which in adult grown mushrooms become brittle and crumbling.

The length of the leg is 8-9 cm, the diameter is up to 3-5 cm, solid, rather dense, although sometimes there are voids inside, in the form of a cylinder, thickens to the base, it can be bent. It is located both in the middle of the cap and in any shape. Sometimes fused with the legs of neighboring mushrooms. The color is similar to the color of the hat.

The ovoid spores of this fungus are colorless.

Useful medical properties

This mushroom, of course, is not a medicinal plant, but the body also brings some benefit.

Useful medical properties of yellow hedgehog

  1. The contained substances have a clear antibacterial effect: inhibit the development of bacteria, especially staphylococcal and streptococcal. If, picking mushrooms, cut his hand, then the applied blackberry juice will slow down the infection and the further development of the infection.
  2. Enhances the production of hormones. Recommended for people involved in sports.
  3. They have a stimulating effect on the immune system.
  4. They have a good sleeping pill and are suitable for those with problems falling asleep.
  5. Helps hematopoiesis by stimulating the body to produce red blood cells. By regularly eating dishes from these mushrooms, you can improve the composition of the blood.
  6. It positively affects the work of the lungs, the action of the nervous system, digestive organs, cleanses the body of unnecessary waste.
  7. To restore working capacity, it is enough to use cooked blackberries twice a week. In any form.
  8. Contribute to an increase in body tone. So, in China, the tincture of blackberries is popular, doctors recommend taking it for prolonged depression.
  9. It acts well on the skin, improves the condition of the skin. On the basis of blackberries make ointments used for preventive and therapeutic purposes.Also, these ointments go to the manufacture of therapeutic, nourishing and tonic masks.

Cooking & Cooking

Blackberry, despite its unpopularity, is a tasty and satisfying mushroom. It can be fried, boiled, stewed, salted, pickled. Zealous housewives dry garlands of blackberries for the winter. Everything is done, as with other mushrooms - forest debris is removed, the mushrooms are washed and prepared, only there are a couple of nuances:

How to cook yellow blackberries

  1. It is imperative to remove the small spikes under the hat.
  2. It’s better to boil old mushrooms for about 20 minutes - then the bitterness contained in them disappears, and they themselves become softer.

Fact! At any temperature treatment, the mushrooms retain their size without decreasing.


There are contraindications that prevent the use of blackberries.

Blackberries should not be eaten with:

  1. Pancreatitis and violation of bile secretion.
  2. If gastritis and gastric acidity is increased.
  3. When the liver is sick - cirrhosis, liver failure.

Hedgehogs easily absorb harmful substances, so it is better to collect them where there is confidence in environmental cleanliness.

Video: yellow hedgehog (Hydnum repandum)

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