Dates - useful properties and contraindications

Dates are considered an oriental sweetness with which we have been familiar for quite some time. Currently, dried fruit can be easily purchased in markets and in stores. The fruits are concentrated quite an interesting and valuable composition. Dates are appreciated in a healthy diet, as they can completely replace sweets.

Useful properties and contraindications of dates

Composition and properties of dates

Naturally, this category of dried fruits has a lot of protein, carbohydrates, fatty acids. The composition contains a lot of ascorbic acid, a group of vitamins B, vitamin A.

Sweet fruits are endowed with iron, potassium, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, cobalt.

All lovers of the raw materials presented know how caloric dates are. In a portion weighing 100 g. more than 280 kcal. Therefore, people who have diabetes are advised to give up dried fruits.

Perhaps the most significant elements from the chemical list of substances are amino acids. There are more than twenty of them. This amount is not endowed with any vegetables, seasonal fruits or berries.

Due to the fact that there is a lot of vitamin B3 and sulfur in the composition of oriental sweets, the condition of the skin and hair of a person improves, the work of the liver with the kidneys and the bladder is improved.

A treat in the amount of one thing is endowed with 30% of the daily norm in carotenoids. These elements are necessary to improve eye health. But most of all in dates of silicon, the daily norm is exceeded as much as 6 times (when calculating per serving of treats 100 grams).

Dried fruits have a lot of iron, which prevents iron deficiency anemia. All useful enzymes act simultaneously as preservatives. Thanks to them, oriental treats are stored for a long time and do not lose their main characteristics.

Dried fruits of this type are rarely exposed to the use of sulfuric acid in the drying process. This can not be said about the "brothers" (dried apricots, raisins, etc.). Therefore, the utility indicator rises, to put it mildly, to unprecedented heights.

It is worth examining in more detail the accumulation of vitamins and their effect on humans. For example, retinol is considered a vitamin of beauty, it is important for hair, epidermis, nails. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is needed to increase immunity.

Thiamine with vitamin B12 improves brain activity, relieves irritability and makes a person stress resistant. Vitamin B5 is responsible for hematopoietic processes, riboflavin stimulates the production of energy, and pyridoxine strengthens the psyche and fights insomnia.

The benefits of dates

The benefits of dates

  1. If you often include the product in your daily diet, a unique composition will allow the body to resist the development of pathogenic and harmful microbes. It was also revealed that the fruits have good antioxidant properties. Dates oppose the development of cancer.
  2. In order to prevent the formation of any pathologies, it is recommended to take several fruits on an empty stomach. Valuable enzymes quickly restore the body after hard mental and physical activity. Just a few eaten fruits before work will increase brain activity by 15-20%.
  3. Dates are rich in magnesium and potassium. Together, such minerals remove all excess fluid from the body. Fruits are also prescribed for the general strengthening and healing of the body. For a short period of time, the protective functions of the body increase. A person becomes more stress-resistant and not prone to depression.
  4. The product is recommended to eat when heartburn occurs. Special enzymes regulate the acidity of the stomach.Also, the fruits normalize the level of cholesterol in the blood, removing harmful decay products. In ancient times, healers claimed that dates contribute to longevity and are a panacea for almost all ailments.
  5. Unfortunately, in the modern world, fruits are not very popular. But this does not mean at all that the product does not have the same healing qualities as before. Systematic eating of raw materials will allow you to deal with various pathologies that are associated with the respiratory tract. The circulatory system is also strengthened.
  6. Experts recommend regularly eating dates to maintain gum health at the proper level. Teeth are also strengthened. The fruits contain a lot of fluoride, such a substance just strengthens the tooth enamel. Keep in mind that dried fruit has a large amount of natural sugars, so you need to rinse your mouth every time.
  7. Raw materials are rich in fiber, which has a positive effect on digestive processes. Also, the fruits are actively used to combat excess weight, with the right intake, you can achieve good results. To do this, you need to eat 11 copies every day.
  8. If you include raw materials in your daily diet, you will maintain heart muscle health for years to come. This effect is achieved by the previously mentioned magnesium and potassium. Dates increase blood formation and the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.
  9. In addition to pleasant taste and medicinal qualities, dried fruit helps to restore the quality of sleep, you will no longer suffer from insomnia. Fruit seeds also have beneficial qualities. Decoctions are prepared from them. This tool normalizes the activity of the bladder and kidneys. The composition helps to remove stones.
  10. Dried fruit is allowed to give to children from 2 years old. Limited intake of fruits will only benefit the growing organism. Dates are safe for children. Introduce a new product into the diet gradually, the child's body must get used to it.

Disease Recipes

It is easy to understand that the most valuable oriental treats are also excellent healers. There are a decent number of recipes that relieve ailments. Here is some of them.

  1. If you often experience bloating, severe flatulence and general stool disorder, do so. Grind the fruits, eliminating the seeds. Combine the flesh with freshly ground black pepper and consume.
  2. In cases where the child refuses food and noticeably loses body weight, you need to make a decoction. Mix rice with dates, taking each component in the same amount. Pour in water, cook. Strain and treat the child.
  3. With extreme fatigue, moral exhaustion, depression and sleep disorders, you should use porridge dates with walnuts and honey.
  4. If you need to get rid of nervous strain, about 40 minutes before bedtime, consume a glass of hot milk with dates.
  5. Because oriental refreshment is a natural aphrodisiac, it is eaten to increase sexual desire. Combine mashed dates with hot milk and cinnamon. Insist 2 hours, take.

Dates contraindications

Dates contraindications

  1. There is a lot of sugar in the composition of sweets, this can negatively affect the health status of categories of people with diagnosed diabetes mellitus. If you consider yourself in this category, it is better to refrain from oriental sweetness, so as not to harm. Or reduce the amount of dates used to two pieces per day.
  2. Doctors strongly advise against eating fruits for those who often suffer from an allergic reaction, neoplasms in the kidneys and bladder, asthma, and digestive organs problems.
  3. Nevertheless, you should know that date copies are high-calorie. They do not need to be consumed immediately before bedtime, because heavy food will begin to ferment in the intestines, causing uncomfortable sensations.
  4. Be sure to observe the dosage, do not absorb dates in large portions. Otherwise, it can lead to headaches, sleep disturbances.

Date Choice

  1. So that the health from taking the fruits of the sun palm only strengthened, they must be correctly selected. For example, quality specimens are dried in moderation, have a dark brown color, dull, dry surface, wrinkled.
  2. If you see that the product is too light, this indicates its potential immaturity. The surface of good fruits is free of mold and granulated sugar.
  3. If the product is of high quality, its peel will not be damaged. Suitable specimens are not sticky; they are dry and uniform. Values ​​have dates, inside which there are seeds.
  4. Fair manufacturers dry raw materials in direct sunlight. But other, dishonest firms are replacing natural processes with chemistry. If so, the fruits will shine very much. It should be understood that this kind of raw material does not carry positive qualities to a person.
  5. Dried dates, especially processed with sugar, attract a large amount of dust and extraneous garbage. In addition, insects are attracted during packaging. Be sure to wash the treat before eating it.
  6. Particular attention is paid to storage, you can keep the product in sealed containers for no longer than 60 days. Dates absorb odors in a short time, so put strong-smelling dishes aside.
  7. If you prefer to take dried stock, it is kept at a temperature equal to room temperature and relative darkness. Sometimes fresh treats are on sale; they can be frozen and kept for up to 2 years.

Eastern sweetness has won our hearts for a long time. Dried fruit has not only a pleasant taste, but also a number of healing properties. Regular eating of the product will allow you not to get sick with various ailments. Dates are considered an excellent preventive and firming agent.

Video: the benefits and harms of dates for the body

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