Pistachios - useful properties and contraindications

Many people liked pistachios for their special taste, the ability to take their hands when quitting smoking, and, of course, excellent healing properties. All nuts are reflected in a favorable way on human health, but pistachios will “surpass” their counterparts. Let's look at what underlies all this.

Useful properties and contraindications for pistachios

Pistachios composition

Nuts of this type are high-fat products. But besides this, they are endowed with proteins, water, ash, natural type saccharides, plant fiber, and carbohydrates.

Pistachios accumulate many vitamins, all of them positively affect the work of important systems and organs. Their vitamins are given a special place in group B. Nuts are not deprived of pantothenic acid, riboflavin, pyridoxine, thiamine, choline, niacin. It also makes sense to mention retinol, biotin, tocopherol, ascorbic acid.

Microelements occupy an honorable place in the chemical list of substances. It is difficult to list what is really not in pistachios. Here tin, strontium, iodine, cobalt, zinc, manganese, titanium, zirconium, aluminum, selenium, vanadium. It is also worth mentioning about copper, nickel, boron, iron, molybdenum.

There are fewer macronutrients, but potassium, sodium, calcium, chlorine, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium and silicon are present among them.

With all this diversity, the calorie content of pistachios is quite small - only 557 units per 100 g portion. Such calorie values ​​in milk chocolate. Pistachio oil matters more - 900 kcal.

Useful properties of pistachios

  1. Muscle building. The composition of nuts contains proteins in large quantities. Pistachios must be consumed by athletes for speedy muscle building and bone compaction. They will bring invaluable benefits when losing weight.
  2. Vascular cleansing. Phytosterols in combination with mineral compounds provide a comprehensive cleansing of the blood channels of cholesterol and compaction of the walls of blood vessels. All this leads to the prevention of thrombosis, atherosclerosis, varicose veins.
  3. Extension of youth. Incoming tocopherol, which is also called vitamin E, acts as a natural antioxidant. The compound removes salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, toxins from the body, and also cleanses the intestinal cavity from congestion.
  4. Prevention of anemia. Only 10 nuts per day will fill the daily need for iron. This mineral compound is necessary to prevent anemia, improve blood composition and enhance all metabolic processes.
  5. Increased immunity. Thanks to the accumulation of ascorbic acid, seasonal epidemics of influenza and SARS are prevented. Pistachios increase the protective functions of the body during the off-season. They need to be eaten by people with a low immune system by nature. Also, nuts are used to cleanse the intestines from parasitic worms as an anthelmintic.
  6. Potency improvement. Special substances from the composition of the product increase blood flow to the groin area, against this background, potency improves in men. Pistachios also increase sperm count and make them motile. All this favorably affects reproduction. Nuts must be entered into the menu of those who plan to conceive a child.
  7. Treatment of dermatological problems. On the basis of pistachio nuts, butter is prepared, which is widely used in the fields of cosmetology. They treat dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, cuts and abrasions, lichen. Oil is used to improve the condition of the skin and give it elasticity.
  8. Stomatitis treatment. Based on pistachios, decoctions are prepared, which are subsequently used to rinse the oral cavity. Such actions can prevent stomatitis, caries, bleeding gums. Walnut gruel is effective in treating dermatological problems.
  9. Relief of the liver. Pistachios accelerate the withdrawal of bile, against the background of which there is an improvement in the work of the liver and gall bladder. To do this, it is enough to consume 15 nuts per day. Enzymes included in the product have an auxiliary effect in hepatic colic.
  10. Fatigue relief. There are B vitamins in pistachios; they are responsible for the correct functioning of the central nervous system. With frequent use, the psycho-emotional environment is normalized. Nuts must be eaten with chronic fatigue, exposure to stressful situations and insomnia.
  11. Dehydration control. The modern pace of life leaves its mark on a person. Bad habits, lack of sleep, stress, poor nutrition - all this leads to dehydration. Pistachios maintain a water-alkaline balance, preventing metabolic processes from slowing down.
  12. Normalization of the stool. With stool disorders, diarrhea and other ailments of such a plan, useful substances are washed out of the body. Pistachios have astringent properties. Their intake eliminates diarrhea, and also removes salts of heavy metals and radioactive substances. All this leads to a stable digestive system.
  13. Vision improvement. Carotenoids, which are part of nuts, have a positive effect on eye health. They strengthen muscles, lubricate the eye socket, promote the production of tears and remove dryness. Pistachios should be eaten by categories of people with low vision and those who work a lot for a PC or drive a car.
  14. The fight against constipation. The composition contains dietary fiber that prevents bowel obstruction and constipation. With the systematic intake of nuts, the fermentation of food in the intestine is prevented, the assimilation of food is normalized, the body receives all the valuable substances.

The use of pistachio oil

The use of pistachio oil

  1. Before cleaning, fresh oil is a dense substance of a pronounced green color. After the refining process, the composition acquires a yellowish color. This procedure saturates the oil with polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and oleic).
  2. Pistachio oil is more in demand in the world of cosmetology. Well-known manufacturers are actively adding raw materials to professional products. The advantage of the oil is that it fully preserves the beneficial composition inherent in the kernels. Active ingredients are essential for skin care.
  3. Most often, oil is part of common cosmetics. These include creams to protect against the harmful effects of direct sunlight. Preparations are excellent in combating skin pigmentation.
  4. Directional cosmetic creams eliminate inflammatory processes on the skin. The composition fully nourishes the cells, prevents dryness and peeling.
  5. In the cold season, products to protect the skin from chapping and frostbite are very popular. The cream perfectly moisturizes the cover, prevents the formation of cracks and similar damage.
  6. Pistachio oil in combination with therapeutic esters improves blood circulation in tissues by an order of magnitude. As a result, you will avoid premature aging and aging of the skin. Wrinkles begin to appear much later.
  7. Pistachio oil proved to be excellent when caring for hair and nail plate. The tool strengthens the structure and prevents tissue damage.
  8. High quality pistachio oil is appreciated by culinary experts all over the world. The composition has a delicate aroma and exquisite taste. The product is often used as dressing for various salads and sauces. The taste of dishes changes dramatically.
  9. It’s good to eat butter for breakfast, just distribute a small amount of fresh bread. A simple sandwich gains a unique taste and aroma. But do not resort to frying foods in such oil.
  10. In the process of heat treatment, raw materials lose all value. Therefore, the oil must be consumed exclusively fresh. If you take only 10 ml. composition per day, then you will avoid problems with the cardiovascular system.

Pistachio contraindications

Pistachio contraindications

  1. If you are prone to an allergic reaction to nuts, then do not include pistachios in your diet. You can also consult with a specialist. An allergist will accurately determine if you can eat a product and how much.
  2. During the period of gestation, you should refrain from eating pistachios. Nuts can provoke the development of an allergic reaction in the baby. The same category includes girls during breastfeeding.
  3. It is forbidden to crack nuts if you have prosthetic teeth. But do not completely abandon the goodies, use another way to extract the nucleoli. Nuts can be crushed using household appliances.
  4. Pistachios are one of the low-calorie types of nuts. However, it is not worth abusing raw materials. Otherwise, you may encounter obesity or weight gain. Always observe the daily rate of the product.
  5. Do not lean on salted pistachios, such nuts only harm the human body. Only the product that was exposed to drying in the sun will bring benefit. Such pistachios are natural and free from impurities.

Pistachios are one of the few nuts that have minimal contraindications and invaluable benefits for the human body. Nuts and extracts from them have a wide range of applications. The oil is actively used in cooking and cosmetology. With the help of cores, you can significantly improve health and get rid of a number of ailments.

Video: what are pistachios good for

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