Himalayan cat - breed description and cat character

Crossing the Persian breed with the Siamese was a brilliant idea. The result was magnificent to the delight of cat fans: a new breed emerged, called the "Himalayan" - with a complaisant character, fluffy tender hair, but a strong body like that of the Persians, and with expressive blue pensive eyes and an unusual color, which gave the Siamese breed initiators.

Himalayan cat

Long breed path to official recognition

Thought to cross a Siamese cat with a black Persian in the 30s of the twentieth century, Dr. K. Keller and V. Cobb. They were interested in checking which genes would be the strongest and could be passed on to future generations. The first litter gave black kittens with short hair. It seemed that the genes responsible for colorpoint and long hair would be recessive.

But the American breeder decided to continue the idea. M. Gofort ensured that the Persian was born with long hair, but with a Siamese colorpoint. This significant date dates back to the 50th year of the twentieth century. Future parents with the most expressive Siamese color and the thickest wool were selected for crossbreeding. 7 years passed, and the breed was officially recognized as Himalayan due to its special color.

In the UK, they were also engaged in breeding such a breed, and in 1955 a long-haired colorpoint appeared there, which was distinguished by the fact that it had a muzzle not so flattened, and its color was more intense.

It is not easy to breed a new worthy breed. But many difficulties must be overcome in order for it to be recognized by serious world associations and included in catalogs along with other breeds. In the 60s, the Himalayan cat was officially recognized as a pedigree by such well-known organizations as CFA and ACFA. However, the CFA community in 1984 decided to combine both the Persian and the Himalayan breeds into one group. Outraged by this decision, the breeders created their own organization - NCFA. Of course, in their documents these two breeds are on different lists.

How to recognize the Himalayan breed

For lovers of Himalayas, labor does not amount to highlight these handsome men among others. But there are, as for other breeds, certain strict standards.

Most of the felinological organizations believe that there is a single standard for breeds such as Himalayan, Persian and exotic shorthair. There are only small differences that are in the coat - the length and color.

The Himalayan breed can be described as follows:

  1. Weight. If the animal is medium or large, it will weigh from 4 to 6 kg. But there are cats and larger ones.
  2. Head. The shape resembles a smooth dome, round and wide. The sizes are large or medium, but the proportion with respect to the body is respected. Cheeks pronounced, full. The jaws are quite wide and powerful. The bite is good. The chin is powerful. In general, the muzzle is short, but wide, markedly flattened. There may be a slightly noticeable or pronounced stop, that is, the muzzle resembles a toy. If the stop has a pronounced manifestation, the nose is too depressed and almost imperceptible. It is imperative that the so-called dark mask be marked on the face, and it should not go beyond the neck and chest.
  3. The ears are small, the tips are rounded, set wide.
  4. The nose should be equal both in length and in width, snub-nosed. In profile, must be in line with the chin and forehead. The nostrils are open.
  5. The eyes are slightly convex, large and round. Set widely.Color plays a significant role in determining the standard - all shades of blue may occur, no other colors are allowed.
  6. The body is classified as a “kobby”. It is strong, with a noticeably rounded tummy, and can also be large. The chest is low, the neck is very short, but thick and muscular.
  7. Paws are short and straight. But longer legs are allowed, which inherited such a length from Siamese ancestors. The bone is large, the muscles are strong and well developed. The paw pads are round and large enough.
  8. The tail must be straight and proportionate to the length of the body.

The color of the coat is of great importance!

Wool and color should be given special attention.

The color of the coat of the Himalayan cat

The Himalayan breed, due to its thick undercoat and long fluffy hair, looks voluminous throughout the body. There is a very magnificent collar. The main difference between the breed is the color point color, which means: the head, paws and tail are painted much darker than the rest of the body. The necessary color is not formed immediately in kittens, but only when they begin to grow up. Only by the age of two, three is it manifested in all its splendor.

Basically, this breed is distinguished by a white or cream-colored coat. Points are shades of purple, red, brown. Chocolate and lilac are most valued, as they are quite rare, and in order to get such colors, parents must be of the same color.

Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish this breed from the Persian, but you should look at the blue eyes of the Himalayan cat and color, seeing the black contrast between color and background - these are the factors that determine the breed first of all.

The most famous colors are:

  1. Standard blue, blunt point.
  2. Seal Point is distinguished by dark brown points, and the paw pads should be dark brown.
  3. Purple is a blurry blue, and body color is noticeably brighter and whiter.
  4. Chocolate has dark brown points, the body color is brighter and lighter, unlike a silpoint. Pads must be pink.
  5. Red - has the same points.
  6. Cream - differs from red with a paler shade.

There are Himalayas with drawings of "tabby", "cake".

Cat character

Himalayan cat character
Breeders and owners of this breed are satisfied with the nature of cat pets, as they are distinguished by a soft, calm and balanced disposition. Cats are very loyal to the owner, they love to be constantly next to him, especially on their knees, requiring affection and attention. But they can be jealous of the owner, not allowing people and other pets to him. Although they get along with other animals quite peacefully, loneliness is very poorly tolerated. Acutely feel the mood of the household, trying to adapt to it. These cats can be safely left with children, they will take an active part in games with the child, but because of the short legs and stocky body, jumping is not easy for them, and they won’t be able to jump high. Kittens can play fun even with a regular piece of paper. From an early age, these pets are obedient and undemanding.

It must be remembered that in small enclosed spaces Himalayan cats are very stressed. Like many animals, they like to bask in the sun.

Essential care

  1. A Himalayan pet requires daily grooming. If it is not combed out, then the delicate hairs will begin to become tangled, and you will have to remove the formed tassels. For this procedure, you need a special comb, a natural bristle brush and a comb, with small and thick teeth, which are sold in any pet store.
  2. Due to the flatness of the muzzle of the animal, the pathology of the lacrimal canal can manifest itself, so you need to periodically wipe his eyes. If the stop is pronounced, then the nasal canal may be poorly formed, most often in this case, defects of the nasal septum appear.
  3. This breed is very fond of water procedures, and this is good news for their owners, since the animal's coat is distinguished by active sebaceous secretions.

Frequent diseases

Their grandchildren inherited from their Persian ancestors such a disease as polycystic kidney disease. And because of the flatness of the muzzle, colds more often occur, breathing is difficult. Often also skin, eye and liver related diseases occur.

Feeding recommendations

Many diseases can be avoided by taking a responsible approach to the feeding process. The bowl should contain food, both dry and wet, rich in vitamins and minerals. Natural feeding will not be enough. Therefore, you definitely need to buy special cat food from trusted sellers.

The Himalayan breed is not distinguished by a long life expectancy. On average, they live no more than 12 years.

Video: Himalayan cat

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