Blueberries - useful properties and contraindications

The plant world around man presents him with his priceless gifts. A vivid example of this is the blueberry, surprising in many respects. This inhabitant of impassable forests and swamps has such a rich composition that it is able to compete with many exotic fruits, which are famous for their outstanding qualities. Indeed, many do not even suspect that this unremarkable-looking wild berry is able to make up for the daily requirement of the body for ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

Useful properties and contraindications of blueberries

But, besides this obvious advantage, blueberries are the champions in iron content. According to this indicator, wild berries even outdid apples. Therefore, it is no coincidence that this modest representative of the heather family is very popular, and is very much appreciated in traditional medicine and traditional healers.

Beneficial and nutritious ingredients

The composition of blueberries is surprising, first of all, with a harmonious selection of components. As if someone specially gathered together the most useful substances and placed them in the berry flesh of a forest dweller. But not only the bluish berries with a dull shade of color, but also the leaves of the plant and its shoots are endowed with magnificent properties.

If you schematically display the chemical composition of blueberries, it will look like this:

  • organic acids;
  • phenolic compounds (flavonoids, catechins);
  • mineral elements;
  • vitamin complex;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • polysaccharide;
  • active antioxidants;
  • tanning component;
  • essential oils;
  • pectins.

It will be worth mentioning here that in terms of pectin content, bog blueberry also takes the lead. It is known that it was pectin compounds that took on such an important mission as the removal of heavy radioactive isotopes (strontium, cesium, cobalt) from the body.

Good to know! Blueberries love to settle next to rosemary, which releases ether, which can cause severe headaches. Therefore, it used to be accused of worsening the condition of a person namely blueberries, and not her neighbor. In reality, blueberry has a very pleasant, original taste, it does absolutely no harm to human health.

Forest berry properties

First of all, it is worth noting the high nutritional qualities of blueberries. The combination of vitamins in combination with minerals makes berries a valuable product with a minimum energy capacity - it is only 61 kcal. But the forest dweller is appreciated not only for her bright taste, she is also able to have a beneficial effect on her work:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • digestive organs;
  • organs of internal secretion;
  • immune structures;
  • genitourinary system.

Blueberries have unique capabilities. For example, when it is used for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes:

  1. The outflow of bile increases.
  2. The concentration of cholesterol is reduced, which prevents the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
  3. The tone of the vascular walls improves, and this does not allow the development of sclerotic changes.
  4. Cleansing processes are activated, this property is especially useful against the background of taking potent antibiotics.
  5. It has a general strengthening effect on the body as a whole.
  6. Successfully cope with intestinal disorders due to the content of astringents.
  7. Relieves symptoms of fever.
  8. Regulates the processes of exchange.
  9. Eliminates inflammatory foci.

As part of cosmetic preparations, blueberries have a positive effect on skin structures, which is why it is often called the “berry of youth”.

In folk medicine, dried blueberries are often used to combat helminthic invasion. The berry also helps to normalize blood pressure, it is an effective diuretic.

Areas of use

Blueberry applications
Thanks to antioxidant abilities, blueberries have found large-scale application in the field of cosmetology products. Having a beneficial effect on the skin, moisturizing them well, skincare products based on a wonderful berry significantly improve the condition of the skin. With regular use of such cosmetics, the facial contour is tightened, the color improves. The face looks rejuvenated and fresh.

Blueberries are also useful for other organs and systems:

  1. It positively affects the work of the heart, strengthens blood vessels, increasing their elasticity.
  2. Exchange functions. Since the forest product is low in calories, it can be used to lose weight quickly. Blueberries literally burn fat, so weight is lost very quickly and without excruciating hungry diets. Special diets where blueberries are the central component, although restrained, but quite nutritious. Therefore, this method of losing weight is quite comfortably tolerated.
  3. The problems of the genitourinary system can also be solved with the help of fresh or dried berries. Complex polymeric compounds, presented as part of this natural component, excellently cope with jade, cystitis, treat urethritis and destroy kidney stones. If the berries are constantly present in the diet, then a natural protective mechanism is developed that prevents the recurrence of chronic processes.
  4. Vision can also be maintained for many years if you regularly eat forest berries. Specialists recommend using blueberries as blueberries as a prophylactic measure to prevent the development of cataracts, glaucoma and other pathologies of the organs of vision.
  5. Digestion returns to normal if there is this wild berry in the diet. Moreover, it can be used both fresh and cooked from it jelly and stewed fruit. Blueberries regulate bowel movements and easily eliminate constipation. With pathologies of the stomach, medicinal formulations with it relieve signs of inflammation.
  6. Blood. The high iron content makes blueberries indispensable in the treatment of even severe forms of anemia. In addition, it contributes to such an important physiological process as blood coagulation. This quality is especially useful for people who have undergone surgery, which was accompanied by significant blood loss.

It has already been noted that blueberries bring down temperatures well with colds and flu. But, struggling with this main symptom of respiratory infections, it simultaneously saturates the sick body with such vitamins necessary for it during this period.

It is believed that this berry is a good prophylactic against cancerous formations. By blocking the growth of foreign cells, it reduces the risk of developing tumors in healthy people and gives a chance to save patients.

An important point! Residents of areas where the background radiation is increased, doctors recommend consuming blueberries to reduce the concentration of harmful isotopes. This also applies to people working in hazardous facilities where there may be radiation.

Benefits without age restrictions

In general, any wild berry belongs to those products that adults and children love. They have a bright rich aroma, delicious taste. From forest gifts you can cook a lot of healthy dishes and even make blanks. In this regard, blueberries are also a clear leader.

Blueberries can be given even to babies. It strengthens tooth enamel, which is very important during the period of tooth growth. Blueberry also strengthens bones and positively affects the properties of blood. You just need to always remember that overeating berries can cause diarrhea and allergies in children.

The body of a woman during pregnancy is in great need of constant replenishment of vitamin reserves. And here, not a single product can cope with this task better than blueberries. Enriching the body of a future mother with ascorbic acid, blue berries increase its resistance to diseases and cheer up. In addition, in blueberries there is folic acid, which is very necessary for the female body in this crucial period.

Men should also pay attention to a modest forest berry. After all, with its help you can maintain a normal sexual form and prevent the development of such an unpleasant problem as prostatitis.


Of course, no matter how useful the berry is, negative manifestations after its use can be observed. Which, in principle, is characteristic of any product.

Blueberry contraindications

Usually side effects are associated with excessive consumption of delicious fruits. As a result, vomiting with nausea, increased gas formation (flatulence), and diarrhea may appear. Overeating berries can also increase blood pressure. It is possible that an allergic reaction develops in response to excessive portions of forest dessert.

Especially careful in this regard should be pregnant women and people with a tendency to intestinal disorders.

Useful recipes

Many lovers of natural products harvest wild berries for the winter, in order to prepare delicious drinks from them if necessary. For this, the berries are dried, dried or frozen. The last version of the workpiece is the most optimal in order to preserve all the useful ingredients. In this form, you can use the natural component in the winter of 300 g daily for diabetes, cholecystitis and digestive problems.

  1. A good universal recipe that will help support the body's strength during vitamin deficiency, after surgery and other pathological conditions. To do this, you need to prepare juice from fresh blueberries, and store it in a cool place until there is a need for a product. Such a drink can be made from frozen berries. With these disorders, it is recommended to drink 50-100 ml of juice three times a day. This medicine is good for diarrhea.
  2. Berry infusion from the fruits of blueberries will help relieve the symptoms of gastritis, inflammation in the kidneys, pancreas. The preparation is prepared according to the following scheme: dried berries (20 g) must first be doused with a glass of boiling water, then leave the solution to infuse for an hour. Drink with exacerbation of the disease in 50 ml every three hours.
  3. The remedy for constipation is prepared from the leaves of the plant. You can use dried material. For 50 g of dry weight, you need to take 200 ml of boiling water, pour raw materials with water, insist. This instant product can be drunk after half an hour, 1 liter. Art. up to 6 times if it is not possible to restore normal bowel function.
  4. The medicine for anemia has a slightly unusual composition, but the result of this treatment is impressive. To get a curative, you need to mix fresh blueberry juice (1/2 tbsp.) With sour cream or milk whey (3 l. Tbsp.). The mixture obtained in such a simple way has a very pleasant taste, so children are happy to take such a medicine. It is better to take it in the morning for two weeks.
  5. You can try to solve heart problems using a natural preparation prepared according to this recipe: take the berries and leaves of the plant (you can take dry material) in an amount of 50 g, combine the raw materials with a glass of water and put on fire. The mixture should boil for at least 10 minutes. After cooling, the composition must be filtered and taken up to 6 times a day. The recommended single dose is 1 tablespoon.

Young shoots are also often used as starting material. The drug is prepared in a similar way, and the plant elixir obtained as a result of simple manipulations helps:

  • reduce sugar in diabetics;
  • relieve swelling;
  • get rid of worms;
  • remove toxins and radionuclides;
  • deal with the manifestations of gout.

Elixir of Health
Preparing this infusion is simple: first, twigs of blueberries along with leaves are crushed, then only 1 liter is taken. Art. plant mass, stir in a suitable container, pour boiling water, boil for ten minutes. Insist the remedy for about an hour, and then you can drink all day in small sips.

Blueberries can be called a unique berry. And this will not be an exaggeration of its capabilities. After all, she, so modest in appearance, has a mass of really healthy properties. The main thing is to learn how to use it correctly.

Video: the benefits of blueberries for the body

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