Mountain wagtail - description, habitat, interesting facts

Man is surrounded by amazing nature, in particular, many beautiful and not always memorable birds. Today we will consider a representative of a feathered tribe, which is distinguished by its migratory way of stay and white-gray color. We will talk about a wagtail, a cute and tiny bird with a lot of good habits. There are about four varieties of these individuals, but the most popular is white.

Mountain wagtail


  1. The feathered creature is easy to distinguish among birds of a similar variety. A distinctive feature is considered to be a pigmented black and narrowed beak, the same shade of the chest and a kind of "hat" on the head. At the top, the feathers are pigmented in gray, which may intersect with white.
  2. The lower section of the body is whitish. As for the wings, in these areas the colors combine and form a certain contrast of brown, gray, white shades. The wings are pointed and elongated at the ends, pressed against the tail. Paws are long, thin, but strong. Thanks to this, the bird rises above the grass and sees everything.
  3. The eyes are pigmented in black, around them there are fringes of a white hue resembling a mask. By their overall characteristics, these feathered creatures are no more than sparrows. They are 20 cm long along the length of the body, and the mass is only 30 g.
  4. The presented birds are painted mainly in gray, black and whitish shades. The family got its name due to rhythmic tail movements. Even when the bird is completely calm, its tail continues to move.


  1. This species of feathered representatives is considered the most valuable of the similar ones. Birds destroy an uncountable number of insects and flies in particular, which poison human life. To catch prey, the bird goes hunting in the sky.
  2. Summer residents who have their own garden love these birds. They help to destroy pests, because they are in the beds. Birds are mobile and nimble; they fall into a calm state only when they sing.
  3. These individuals are gullible creatures that allow even strangers to approach them. When the summer time draws near to an end, the whole flock gathers together, starlings and swallows join it. Then feathered friends settle in the reeds.
  4. Before going to warm places for wintering, birds behave aggressively and incredulously towards others. During sleep, individuals talk in order not to lose each other. The flight is carried out in the fall, it takes several months.


Mountain Wagtail Habitat

  1. The considered individuals in most cases prefer to live in a warm and temperate climate. It is in these conditions that the birds feel as comfortable as possible. Often birds are found in Asia, Europe and Africa.
  2. In warm regions, these individuals lead a sedentary lifestyle. In the same regions with a favorable climate, wagtails migrate from cold areas. It is worth noting that the habitats are the same for white and yellow wagtails. Such relatives have slightly different behavior and lifestyle.
  3. Yellow wagtails arrive in warm habitats much later than relatives. Upon arrival, individuals almost immediately try to engage in the construction of housing. Depending on the subspecies, bird nests may vary slightly. In addition, the individuals in question experience a much lesser fear for people, in contrast to relatives.
  4. Represented birds are engaged in the construction of their nests in the grass, on hummocks and on the ground. The remaining individuals of the presented subspecies try to lead a more secretive lifestyle.They build their nests in secluded and practically impregnable places. Wagtail males always carefully guard their family and home.
  5. As soon as the female makes masonry, the parents become even more vigilant. If individuals notice a potential danger of either a predator on time, they begin to scream strongly. Thus, the feathered birds warn all of their brethren about the threat. Birds try to rally and scream together. So they will drive away the enemy.
  6. If the individuals in question need to protect their nest and offspring, surprisingly they show extraordinary courage. Thanks to unshakable courage, these birds without any fear can attack even a bird of prey. The considered individuals fly to the territory of the Russian Federation before everyone else. That is why they are considered the harbingers of spring.

In today's material, another representative of the family was studied, which is distinguished by beautiful singing and a constantly moving tail. By nature, these feathered creatures are very gullible, but they can be wary before preparing for migration. Birds are considered the saviors of gardens.

Video: Mountain Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea)

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