How to give your child medicine: tips for parents

Modern children get sick more often - all doctors without exception say this. Either ecology makes itself felt, or children become more vulnerable, or maybe a mutation in viruses makes us sick several times a year. And each, even the most insignificant disease, is accompanied by the intake of medicines. Often children refuse to drink pills and syrups. Parents have to use many tricks to make the child drink the coveted liquid.

How to give your child medicine

Preparation for taking medication

Before giving a child a medicine, you need to know a few nuances.

  1. To get started, ask your doctor about the real need to take this or that medication. But the child should not hear this so that he is not overwhelmed by doubts - in this case he will completely refuse to take the medicine. At the reception, ask about analogues of the drug in case you can not find the drug in the pharmacy.
  2. Having bought the right medicine, bring it home, and carefully study the instructions for use. Familiarize yourself with the dosage of the drug, possible adverse reactions.
  3. Depending on the action, some drugs can be taken before meals (probiotics), others during meals (enzymes), and others only after meals (antibiotics). Try to comply with these rules - the safety of taking the drug, as well as its effectiveness, depends on it.
  4. Do not forget to pay attention to the storage conditions of the drug. Some medicines (for example, the same probiotics) can only be stored in the refrigerator, live bacteria die when warm, and the medicine becomes useless.
  5. Distribute your medication so that they have the same time between them. This is especially true for antibiotics and hormonal drugs. This provides an average therapeutic dose of the drug throughout the day. If you were prescribed to drink the drug three times a day, it is better to drink it at 6 am, at 2 pm and 10 pm, that is, every 8 hours.
  6. If a child needs to take several medicines, one does not need to give them one after another. Between taking one and the second medicine you need to maintain a gap of at least half an hour.
  7. It is better to drink medicines with plain water. Juice, tea, compote can affect the composition of the drug and worsen the quality of its absorption in the walls of the stomach. In addition, this can cause an allergic reaction.

These simple rules will help you to be fully prepared before taking medication.

How to give your child medicine

In taking medication, the dosage form is very important. Pharmacological companies make sure that the baby is simple and easy to take this or that drug, so most medicines for babies are in the form of syrup. Often it has a pleasant taste, color and smell, which attracts the child and makes him drink the contents of the spoon without any vagaries.

If the prescribed medicine is in the form of a tablet or capsule, you need to look at the age of the child. Usually children who are more than 4-5 years old can swallow tablets. Kids need to grind a tablet. It is very easy to do. The desired dose (a whole tablet, a half or a quarter) is placed in a teaspoon, and the convex part of the second spoon is carefully ground. After that, you can add a little water to the powder and stir, right there in a spoon. Then let the baby drink this composition and be sure to offer to drink it with water. This will help get rid of an unpleasant bitter taste.

The capsule must be opened, the contents divided into the desired number of parts and also dissolved in water.The drug can be dissolved in a small amount of milk or mixture. However, remember that you need to dissolve the medicine in a small amount of liquid so that the baby will surely drink everything.

If the child is very small and cannot take the medicine from a spoon, draw the right amount of the drug into the syringe without a needle. Carefully, without sudden pressure, enter the medicine into the mouth, from the cheek. It is very convenient to use special dosing nipples, the child will suck the right amount of the drug without special manipulations.

What to do if the child does not want to drink medicine

It is much easier to give medicine to the baby, because the little baby does not resist. But after a year the baby understands everything, it is difficult to get him to do what he does not want.

What to do if the child does not want to drink medicine

To give your baby medicine, put him on your lap. Hold it by the chest with one hand, and offer the spoon with the right medication with the other. If the baby refuses to open his mouth, gently press on his chin or gently squeeze the wings of his nose.

Do not give the medicine to the child by force - he may spit it out or it can vomit. Try to present the process in a playful way. Give the medicine first to the dolls, bears and bunnies, and only then to your baby. You can tell the baby about the evil germs that make his throat hurt. Do not forget to mention the good wizard Syrup, who will cope with evil germs and the neck will no longer hurt. Turn on fantasy - only you can find an approach to your own child.

What to do if a child vomits

Vomiting is a common occurrence for a child who does not want to drink medicine. If the baby vomited in the first 10 minutes after taking the drug, almost certainly the medicine did not enter the body, so you need to repeat the dose. But not only if you give heart medicine or hormones - their overdose is very dangerous. Vomiting half an hour after taking the medicine is not terrible - during this time the drug is completely absorbed. If vomiting is constantly repeated after taking the medication, pay attention to your doctor. Perhaps this is a side effect of taking the medicine itself.

How to insert candles for a child

The rectal route of administration of drugs is very popular among children in their first year of life. The fact is that the rectum contains a huge number of blood vessels and lymph nodes. A rectally administered drug begins to act much faster. In addition, it does not harm the gastric mucosa.

To put a candle for the child, the baby must be put on the back and raise his legs. For children over two years of age, the candle is administered in the supine position on the left side. First remove the candle from the refrigerator and let it warm at room temperature. Open the package of the candle and grease it with a little Vaseline. Spread your baby’s buttocks and carefully insert a candle into the anus. Squeeze the buttocks so that the baby does not push out the candle. The medicine will begin to act in 10-15 minutes. Do not use adult candles to treat children - their size is much larger. If there are no children's candles at hand, divide the suppository into several parts along the length.

Taking medications is a common procedure, but not for children. Unpleasant taste, unusual shape and color, mother's anxiety - all this can alert the child, and he easily refuses to drink the medicine. Find an approach to your child, because only you know in which case the baby will certainly open his mouth and will definitely drink the coveted syrup.

Video: how to give medicine to children

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