How to use burdock root for hair

Often the fair sex resort to folk remedies to restore hair. Not every girl can afford a professional line of cosmetic products. For this reason, it makes sense to consider the use of burdock root for hair.

How to use burdock root for hair

Burdock Root: Chemical Composition and Properties

  1. Burdock root contains tannins, fatty acids, protein, calcium, saccharides, magnesium, inulin, potassium, sodium, starch, pectin, vitamins B, C, D, E, and essential oils.
  2. Fatty acids help moisturize and protect the strands from external factors. They suppress the aggressive effect of ultraviolet rays. A protective shell forms on the hair.
  3. Pectin components help the epidermis cope with various inflammations and excessive secretion of sebum. The enzyme also acts as a disinfectant.
  4. The ester content soothes and awakens dormant hair follicles. As a result of regular use, itching and dandruff on the scalp disappears. Fatty acids nourish damaged curls.
  5. Thanks to inulin, hair gains noticeable shine. The vitamin complex nourishes the bulbs and prevents massive hair loss. The remaining trace elements activate and renew cells.

Rules for the collection of burdock root

  1. If you do not want to engage in the independent collection and processing of burdock root, the composition can be purchased at any pharmacy or shop selling herbal infusions.
  2. Keep in mind that with the independent collection and preparation of raw materials, the product is more effective for hair. The plant can easily be found among the growing grass.
  3. It is also worth knowing that it is better to collect a healthy plant outside the city, away from highways and factories. Grow burdock yourself in a small area.
  4. It is recommended to dig up the plant with the root in late autumn or early spring. Such a move is due to the fact that at this time the burdock contains the maximum number of useful trace elements.

Preparation of burdock root for hair

Preparation of burdock root for hair

  1. Wash the root thoroughly with a brush or kitchen sponge. Lay out on paper, if possible leave on a ventilated balcony, wait a day. After that, the burdock root can be chopped in any way possible.
  2. Put the prepared product again on paper or gauze, send it to dry in the sun for 1 day. It is recommended to spread the root in a thin layer, so that in the allotted time it will completely dry out.
  3. After all the manipulations carried out, the crushed and dried composition must be moved to a box or a glass container. Shelf life of the product in a dry place is about 11-13 months.

Means of burdock root for hair

Most often, burdock extract is used to restore and nourish hair. Also, the product prevents loss. Often, for infusions and decoctions, a fresh burdock root is used, it is enough to wash it and chop it into small pieces.

Burdock infusion

  1. The technology for preparing such a tool is quite simple. To do this, you need to take 70 gr. crushed product (dry or fresh, there is not much difference).
  2. Place the burdock root in a heat-resistant container, pour 1 liter. boiling water. Wait half an hour, the composition should be fully infused. Strain, use as directed.

Burdock root broth

  1. Use a small saucepan. Add 80 g to the container.chopped root, pour in about 1 liter. purified water. Send the container to medium heat.
  2. Bring to a boil, turn off the burner. Leave the broth for a quarter of an hour. After a while, strain the liquid in a convenient way.
  3. If necessary, add a small amount of boiled water to the prepared broth. Use after as a rinse after shampoo. At the same time, you do not need to wash off the broth.

Burdock root juice

  1. Getting juice from the root is considered a rather time-consuming process. If you really try to liquid you can still get. The product is used as a component mask for hair.
  2. For the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash the root and chop into pieces. Next, the product must be passed through a meat grinder or juicer. In the first case, squeeze the gruel through gauze.
  3. Also, the juice from the root of burdock is diluted and applied to the roots of the curls with massaging movements. As a result, hair follicles are stimulated, and strand growth is accelerated. Do not apply the product in its pure form.

Burdock root for hair: subtleties of use

Burdock root for hair

  1. Ready broth and infusion of burdock root is recommended to be used last as a rinse. Wash your hair in the usual way using shampoo. Herbal broth does not need to be washed off with water.
  2. As a result, after several procedures you will receive shine and radiance of curls, a strengthened hair structure. The broth is recommended to be used 4 times a week. As soon as the problems disappear, switch to a single use in 6-8 days.
  3. Masks based on burdock extract are recommended to be distributed before visiting the bathroom. The approximate exposure time is 40-60 minutes. A full course is recommended for a month.
  4. The agent is applied every other day. After this, it is necessary to take a 25-35 day break, repeat the manipulations if necessary. As a result, you can revive damaged hair. The hair will cease to be tough, dull and brittle.

Use cases for burdock root for hair

With peach oil

  1. Plant juice is allowed to be used exclusively in diluted form, the liquid is highly concentrated and can damage the hair structure.
  2. To prepare a nutrient, mix burdock juice and peach oil (1: 1 ratio). Next, the prepared product is distributed over the head with massage movements.
  3. Wrap yourself with polyethylene and a terry towel, wait 35 minutes. The tool must be removed with shampoo, after which the curls are rinsed with a decoction of burdock. As a result, the hair will no longer fall out, the growth will noticeably increase.

With sea buckthorn oil

  1. Peel the root of fresh burdock in the usual way, chop into pieces. Send 100 gr. product in a meat grinder, scroll. Put the resulting gruel in a saucepan. Pour in 330 ml. filtered water, wait for boiling.
  2. With the appearance of the first bubbles, the composition needs to be beaten for about a quarter of an hour. Turn off the hotplate and let the mixture cool. Strain the broth in a convenient way. Add 150 ml to the liquid. sea ​​buckthorn oil. Beat the composition thoroughly with a whisk.
  3. If you have dry hair in the bulk, it is recommended to mix 40 gr. butter. Rub the creamy mixture into the roots of the strands. Build a familiar cap of film and fabric. Wait 20-25 minutes. Remove with non-hot water and shampoo.

It makes no sense to overpay for a brand if you can achieve a good result with medicinal herbs. Burdock root has a beneficial effect on the hair structure due to its rich chemical composition. Systematically apply natural remedies, the result will not be long in coming.

Video: burdock root for hair

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