How to use milk serum for hair

Sour-milk products are valued for their beneficial qualities and rich chemical composition. Serum contains a lot of antioxidants, dietary fiber and vitamins of various groups. Due to the low pricing policy and the ability to prepare the product yourself, many girls use sour milk for cosmetic purposes. It relieves strands of dryness, normalizes the release of subcutaneous fat, and fights against dandruff and split ends.

Whey for hair

Chemical composition and benefits

  1. Sour-milk products contain more than two hundred useful elements that eliminate all problems with regards to hair. The protein forms the structure of the strands and fixes the follicles in their bed.
  2. Vitamin B group is responsible for the fight against brittleness, dull shade, cross-section. Vitamins E, A, P nourish the strands from the inside, making them stronger.
  3. Vitamins N and C normalize blood circulation in the scalp, restore alkaline and water-salt balances. Due to this, the head becomes elastic and shiny along the entire length.
  4. Lactose smoothes flakes and flushes out harmful microparticles. Fatty acids coat each hair with an invisible film that reflects ultraviolet light.
  5. Whey is rich in phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium. Mineral elements prevent hair loss, accelerate all metabolic processes in the scalp.

The listed chemical list is far from a complete list of useful enzymes that are found in whey. However, one can already understand from this composition that the product is extremely useful for hair. You can use sour milk not only for medicinal, but also for preventive purposes.

How to make milk serum for hair

  • black bread - 25 gr.
  • milk fat content from 3% - 550 ml.
  1. You can use 2.5% milk. Pour it into a glass jar, add bread slices. Put the composition for a couple of days in the heat, after this period you will get yogurt.
  2. Pour the sour milk into a cooking pot, send to a fire and heat to 80–85 degrees.
  3. After that, pour the hot solution into a fine-grained sieve or use gauze to trace the whey from the curd flakes. You will get a yellowish liquid.
  4. Pour the prepared whey into a glass or plastic container for storage, cool and clean in the cold. Use as directed, keep in the refrigerator for no longer than 5 days.

Options for the use of whey for hair

Dairy products are often used in pure form. There are three main methods of its application.

  1. Washing head. You can use whey as a 100% natural shampoo. Thus, all contaminants are easily removed, the curls become soft and pliable to styling. Combing is also facilitated, the production of fat of the scalp is normalized. To use the serum, apply a little warm composition to the scalp and massage. Rinse, repeat the action, stretching the mass over the entire length. Wait 5 minutes, rinse, then use balm.
  2. Rinse hair. After rinsing the hair with whey, an unpleasant odor remains. If such an outcome is not an obstacle for you, feel free to use the composition as an air conditioner.After scheduled shampooing, apply serum over its entire length, then let it dry without a hair dryer. This procedure will allow the mop to always remain moist and soft.
  3. Using a mask. Often, pure serum is used as an independent mask for lifeless strands. To proceed with application, warm the fermented milk product to a temperature of 35-40 degrees. In a warm state, distribute from the roots to the ends, rub into the root section. Warm yourself with a plastic bag, spin a turban from a towel. Wait 2 hours, rinse off.

Milk hair dandruff hair serum

  1. Cut 3-4 stems of aloe vera and place them in the refrigerator for 20 hours. After this time, squeeze the juice from the plants, mix 30 ml. warm castor oil.
  2. Now heat 50–70 ml. whey to a comfortable temperature. Combine it with the previous ingredients, apply to dirty scalp.
  3. Do not wind the turban, leave the mask to act for 35 minutes. After this time, rinse the products, finally rinse the mop with serum in its pure form.

Whey for moisturizing hair

  1. The tool perfectly restores hair, overdried by thermal devices, perm, paint and weather conditions.
  2. To prepare it, combine 245 ml. warm whey with rye bran rye. Add 35 ml. hot castor oil or burdock oil. When the mask has cooled, apply it, keep it for 30-60 minutes.

Whey to accelerate hair growth

  1. The mask is designed to improve blood microcirculation in the root area. Due to this, dormant follicles awaken, the hair becomes thick and begins to grow faster.
  2. Steam over 40 ml. castor oil, add 270 ml to it. whey. Stir the mixture until smooth. Now roll 1 onion into the pulp.
  3. Mix all the ingredients, then apply to the scalp before washing. Rub so that the composition penetrates deeper. Hold under cellophane film for half an hour.
  4. To avoid the unpleasant odor of onions, which can be transmitted to the hair, prepare a solution. Mix 1.8 liters. softened water with 120 ml. lemon juice. Rinse them with strands.

Volumizing milk whey

Volumizing milk whey

  1. If you have “liquid” strands or if there is not enough volume in the basal part, use the recipe for a milk mask. Mix 40 gr. dry sifted yeast with warm milk, leave to swell.
  2. After 45 minutes, add 90 ml to the mixture. serum, 5 drops of rosemary ether. Enter 3 raw chicken yolks, break the mass with a whisk or mixer.
  3. Apply to the entire length of clean hair, pay special attention to the root zone. Rub in circular motions for 7 minutes, then wait another half hour.

Whey for colored hair

  1. To preserve the pigment in the structure of colored curls and restore shine to the hair, prepare a composition of 10 gr. lemon juice, 50 ml. serum, 20 ml. burdock oil.
  2. Heat the mixture over a bowl of steam or use a steam bath. Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner. Apply the cooked product to the full length of the dried shocks.
  3. Girls with oily hair do not need to wrap the film around their heads. It is desirable to create a greenhouse effect for everyone else. Keep the mask for at least 35 minutes.

Serum for hair shine

  1. Hair becomes dull due to various factors. This may include poor ecology, unbalanced nutrition, insufficient use of caring sprays.
  2. To correct the situation, mix 70 gr. liquid honey with four chicken yolks (raw, chilled). Add 300 ml. whey, whisk with a blender.
  3. Apply the resulting mass to dry, unwashed hair, rub. Do not twist locks so as not to damage them. After distribution, leave the product to act for 45 minutes.

Milk serum to combat oily hair

  1. Get 1 ampoule of pyridoxine from the pharmacy. Mix the contents with 50 ml. whey and 20 gr. wheat bran. If the mixture is thick, add a couple of yolks.
  2. Break the lumps, then add 30 gr. regular hair balm. Distribute the mass over the root area and rub until warm. Then wait another third of an hour, rinse.

Hard Hair Whey

  1. Count 5-6 units of pressed brewer's yeast. Crumble the product into powder, then mix with three egg yolks and 60 g. whey.
  2. Preheat the mass to 35 degrees, apply to cleansed hair along the entire length. You can massage to speed up blood flow. Screw polyethylene and a scarf around your head. Wait half an hour.

Practical recommendations

  1. If you use the whey left over from the production of whole milk, you will achieve the effect many times faster. Never treat hair with a powder composition that must be diluted.
  2. Before using in pure form or in the composition of masks, it is advisable to warm dairy products to an acceptable temperature (35–40 degrees).
  3. To remove the mass from the hair better, wash your hair first with balm and then with shampoo (not vice versa, as many are used to). Finally, rinse the curls with lemon water.
  4. If you have oily hair, do not insulate your head with plastic wrap and a bath towel after applying the product. So you create a clogging of pores and exacerbate the problem.
  5. Hair restoration therapy can last from 2 months to six months. It all depends on the state of the hair. Try to use serum at least 3 times a week or more often.
  6. Achieving the result and fixing it in the future is quite simple. Take the habit of drinking multivitamins once every 6 months. Drugs are sold at the pharmacy, look for the mark "For hair."

Whey has a wide focus. It is most often used to accelerate hair growth, to combat peeling of the scalp, fat and other problems. Consider the main use cases. Make masks that are designed for specific purposes.

Video: beneficial properties of whey

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