How to get rid of Fingal at home

Everyone has a chance to earn a Fingal. It can be obtained from a strong collision of the eye with a mechanical object, an unsuccessful fall, a blow to the nose of the face, surgery, head injury, an insect bite, or an allergy. This unsightly bruise is formed from multiple ruptures of thin capillaries, as a result of this, subcutaneous hemorrhage and clot formation occur.

How to get rid of Fingal

How long does a bruise go

You can completely get rid of the hematoma in 3-12 days. Such a big difference implies how strong and deep the bruise is, as well as its size. In addition, the number of days to recover depends on how quickly measures were taken to treat the injury. An important role is played by the ability to restore the capillaries of an individual. Bruising, before completely resolving, goes through several stages, changing its color:

  1. Crimson Red. It appears on a fresh bruise when a little time has passed after the injury. Then the pain is at its peak, swelling appears;
  2. Blue violet - Visible one day after the acquisition of an injury. The resorption process has not yet begun, the pain manifests itself in tactile intervention, a seal under the skin is felt;
  3. Yellow green color appears at about 6 days. The pain accompanying with swelling passes, the seal may still remain;
  4. Yellow bruise - good sign. The bruise is already passing, however, its color will remain for about a week, sometimes even more. With severe damage to the capillaries and deep trauma, a small nodule can be felt under the skin.

To quickly start the process of resorption of the hematoma, you must immediately rub the damaged area with the fingertips. In the first hours, the bruise should be affected by cold, and after a day - by heat.

How to get rid of a bruise at home

  1. An excellent way to get rid of the hematoma is the leaves of plantain, they can be applied whole or crushed;
  2. Chilled cottage cheese is wrapped in a bandage and a compress is applied. If you do such a procedure in time, the bruise will not darken, the swelling will be relieved;
  3. 30 grams of honey, flour, 1 yolk, sunflower oil. All products are mixed to a thick slurry, then a compress is applied for a day;
  4. Peel the green onion from the protective film and apply the green part of the green on the bruise, cover with a cotton pad or gauze, fix it with a band-aid. When the dressing has dried, it must be changed. You can also make onion gruel, but you should carefully cover the bandage so that the mixture does not irritate the eyes;
  5. Raw potatoes, milk and flour. Grate the vegetable and add the remaining ingredients, then put the resulting mixture on an injured place, keep a maximum of 20 minutes;
  6. Parsley will help get rid of swelling. Chop it almost to slurry and distribute it to the bruise, covering it with a cotton pad or wrap it in a bandage;
  7. Rub a leaf of fresh cabbage until the juice is allocated, remove large veins, cover a bruise. It is better to do this immediately;
  8. Apply the inside of the banana peel for exactly half an hour and repeat the treatment procedure daily;
  9. Boil white beans, crush into gruel, put under the injured eye, cover with a napkin, so lie down for half an hour;
  10. Grind flax seeds, put it in a bag of cloth, dip it in boiling water, then cool. Apply several times to the bruise every day for 15 minutes;
  11. Dilute about 60 grams of sea water powder with a tablespoon of boiled water to a thick consistency.Gently apply the finished mixture under the damaged eye and keep the medicine dry. After the procedure, rinse with enough water, make such masks at least 5 times a day. It is important to protect the eyes from accidental ingestion of the body artifact, otherwise there is a risk of an inflammatory process;
  12. Use a slice of fresh pineapple for a compress;
  13. Crush a teaspoon of salt in 100 grams of boiled water. Dampen the sponge well with this product and gently apply to the bruise. This method perfectly removes puffiness;
  14. With severe hematoma, apple cider vinegar diluted with water is useful. They are impregnated with a sponge or cotton swab and gently applied to the bruise. Perform the procedure for about 20 minutes, the more often, the better;
  15. Chopped garlic, drenched in table vinegar for a day, insist and make a compress and lotion out of it;
  16. Mix 30 grams of chopped aloe, 3 teaspoons of celandine, 1 grated beetroot. After isolating the juice, the remaining mass is squeezed out and a compress is made from the resulting liquid. Apply a bandage to the bruise at night;
  17. It is the plucked wormwood grass that is taken and pounded with a mortar until the juice is secreted. The compress is thoroughly soaked with the resulting liquid and placed on the fingal. The dressing should be periodically dipped in wormwood juice;
  18. Coltsfoot with ledum. Ten grams of each ingredient is mixed with cold water, then put to bask on the stove for about 5 minutes, then set aside the container for half an hour. From the resulting solution, compresses are applied to the injured place every 2 hours;
  19. Viburnum bark (dried linden leaves may come in place), 2 teaspoons of celandine and 30 grams of aloe gruel. Mix everything in boiling water and let stand for half an hour. Apply the filtered mixture to the bruise for 20 minutes, then rinse the damaged area with warm water. Such herbs help to enable the process of rapid healing of the bruise due to the narrowing of the vascular capillaries.

Fingal cold compresses

To quickly start the process of resorption of the bruise and relieve pain, you must immediately make cool compresses, for example, wet the bruise with cold water, apply ice, snow, chilled metal to it. If you comply with these recommendations, then the last 2 stages of the transformation of hemoglobin into various colors will be subtle. There are also a couple of proven methods:

Fingal cold compresses

  1. Imposition of ice cubes, consisting of vodka and water, mixed equally on a bruise. Wrap it in a towel and apply for 15 minutes, but no more, otherwise tissue damage may occur;
  2. A decoction of calendula. 60 grams of a dry plant is taken and mixed with hot water (1 cup). A similar broth is steamed for 5 minutes, then insisted for half an hour. Next, make cold applications on the damaged area.

Warming up from bruises

They need to be done when more than a day has passed since the bruise, they contribute to the rapid passage of the hematoma, due to the dilution of the blood clot, the main thing is to use dry application. Also, the effect of heat improves the regenerative properties of the tissue, which allows the speedy healing of a bruise.

To warm the damaged area, you need a heated bag of sand or salt. It is carefully applied to the bruise for 15 minutes for several days in a row.

A good remedy is to use a heating pad, a hot towel, and applying a plastic bottle with warm water.

Masking a bruise with makeup

To hide unsightly bruising marks will help the color concealer (corrector). The hue is selected depending on the type of bruise. To hide the blue fingal, the yellow color of the foundation is suitable, for violet - orange, greenish-yellow will mask the lilac or violet tone.

Another choice of corrector, or rather, its concentration, depends on the size of the bruising. A large bruise will hide the concealer stick, a small one in the form of a cream.

In addition to getting rid of Fingal, you need to pay attention to your well-being. If the bruise does not disappear for a long time, impaired limb function is manifested, the temperature is disturbing, consult a doctor immediately, because a hematoma can cause various consequences.

For the general prevention of vascular disease, and so that the bruises go away the next time faster, you need to strengthen your capillaries. This will help the regular use of vitamins C, K, PP, a healthy diet, timely rest, light sports, smoking cessation, try not to overwork and avoid stress.

Video: how to quickly remove a bruise from an impact

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