How to get rid of wrinkles on the stomach at home

Folds on the stomach can be an unpleasant surprise after pregnancy, childbirth, as well as in an inactive lifestyle or hormonal disorders. This problem is especially worrying for women, as figure flaws prevent you from wearing beautiful tight-fitting clothing. But you can cope with such a problem, however, it will take time and effort.

How to get rid of creases on the stomach

How to get rid of creases on the stomach: exercises

If the folds on the stomach are a big problem, then you should pay attention to your physical activity. The ideal way to lose weight is to head to the sports center, which is full of different groups. By signing up, you can safely practice under the guidance of a coach. But what if, for some reason, playing sports in the gym is impossible? There are a few simple exercises that can quickly get your abdominal muscles into shape. Enough of patience and improvised means.

To achieve maximum effect, you need to do all the exercises in a complex. For a small warm-up, simple inclinations and circular body movements are suitable. In the beginning, it is enough to do 20-30 slopes. Further, this amount should be increased at its discretion. Also, as a warm-up, you can use jogging for 5-10 minutes. For this, it is not necessary to have a treadmill, comfortable enough shoes. Skipping rope helps to warm up well.

After warming up, you need to do the abdominal muscles. To strengthen them, you can use one of several exercises, or you can do them all. Tip: in order for fat to start being burned, you need to do it very intensively.

  1. You need to lie on the floor and fix your legs on the gymnastic wall. If not, a sofa or chair is suitable. The main thing is that the legs are fixed. Then you need to raise the body 100-120 times.
  2. This method allows you to strengthen the oblique muscles of the abdomen and pump up the buttocks. It should lie on its side, and then raise the leg, pressing it to the body as much as possible. For each leg, 150 lifts must be done. It will be difficult at first, so you can start with 50 times.
  3. Exercise allows you to strengthen the lower press. It is done, like the first, but the legs do not need to be fixed. On the contrary, hands should be placed under the head, and legs raised. For an excellent result, you need to do at least 150 times.

To "make a waist", a regular gymnastic hoop is perfect. Classes with him do not require much effort, and the effect is very good. To get rid of the fat layer as quickly as possible, you need to twist it for at least half an hour. Exercise with a hoop, you can finish charging.

Proper nutrition from creases on the stomach

Not everyone can diet, constantly maintaining food restrictions. But if the decision to lose weight is made, you must begin to adhere to certain rules. Be sure to abandon products such as sausage and other smoked meats, carbonated drinks and sweets.

Proper nutrition from creases on the stomach

Starving is also not recommended, as it is very harmful. New eating habits will help get rid of the hated folds on the stomach. For example, if there is no way to stop eating meat, then let it not be fried. Steamed or hot grilled meat contains much less fat than the same from a skillet.

For some time, you will have to abandon bread and other flour products. And especially from pastries and cakes. You can replace all this with special diet bread, etc. In extreme cases, nutritionists advise eating one slice of black bread per day. But this is best done in the morning. The habit of having dinner at night will also have to be forgotten.Ideally, the last meal will be at 6-7 pm.

Nutritionists recommend increasing the amount of foods such as vegetables, fruits, herbs, red fish, wheat sprouts and seaweed in your diet. They are non-nutritious, but saturate with all the necessary substances. You can take various multivitamins to prevent any disturbances in the body.

Home treatments for creases on the stomach

It is also possible to tone the abdominal muscles with the help of various masks and peeling. There are a lot of such recipes, but the following are considered the most effective:

  1. This peeling preparation is very simple. You need to take a tablespoon of coffee and mix with a teaspoon of olive oil or sour cream. This mixture can not only make peeling of the abdomen, but also of the whole body.
  2. The same peeling, only from honey, normalizes metabolism and blood circulation. For a good result, honey should be rubbed into the skin with a special massage mitten.

In order to have a slender waist, you will have to make some efforts. Often the fat on the stomach remains, and no sporting achievements or diets can not remove it. In this case, experts recommend going to the doctors and undergo an examination. It can be a hormonal imbalance, which means that overweight is only a symptom.

Video: we remove the folds on the stomach and make the waist graceful

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