How to transfer a cat from dry food to natural food

How to transfer a cat from dry food to natural food if he does not want to? The question is relevant for those owners who for some reason can not or do not want to give crackers anymore. It is worth noting right away that this is a very complicated matter, but it is doable. You just need to know a few nuances.


Gingerbread method

Sometimes a cat quite easily refuses dry food. He eats natural food with pleasure, almost from the first day of changing the diet. But there are whims. If your pet is calm about changing the menu, then transferring it completely to natural food will be easy.

Your actions:

  • Measure out the amount of dry food that the cat eats per day.
  • Divide into 3-4 parts.
  • On the first day, replace one part of the feed with natural food.
  • On the second day, replace 2 parts.

If you did everything right, then for 4 days in your pet’s bowl there should be only natural food and no hint of dry food.

Tip. Most veterinarians agree that such a mixture of natural and dry food adversely affects the health of the cat. No doubt, such nutrition is very harmful to the cat's body. But, only if you feed the animal in this way for a long time. And for 4 days of the transition, something terrible is unlikely to happen.

Whip method

However, very often the cat categorically refuses to eat natural food. The owners should be prepared for the fact that the animal will:

  • starve
  • yell in a bad voice (maybe slogans)
  • walk around the house with banners
  • in every possible way to festival

Here, the owners will have to show firmness, and sometimes rigidity. With such a cat, a gradual substitution will not work. Veterinarians are strongly advised to transfer the cat to natural food immediately, simultaneously. The pet will refuse food, lose weight significantly. You can not show pity. It is only once necessary to show slack (feed by drying) and that's all, the second time you can not even try.

The cat realized that sooner or later he would still receive the cherished pillows. Therefore, he will never be natural.

Tip. Some owners take pity on the pet and follow the insidious purrs. This trend is especially noticeable after 3-5 days of hunger strike. It is worth remembering that the instinct of self-preservation is strongly developed in animals. Therefore, in a warm apartment, on a personal lounger or master's couch, with a full bowl of food, not a single cat has died of hunger.

By the way, without much harm to health, a cat can do without food for about 10 days. Therefore, it is not necessary to give the animal dry food if, on the 2nd day of a hunger strike, it depicts a strong Buchenwald and fainting.

Mythical method

Some woe-catchers offer to scold or even slap a cat in the ass. Say, he will be scared and will quickly run to eat.

What kind of nonsense? Has anyone, after swearing or slapping, ran to a plate? Type stress seize. But he is not a man, he has a different psychology. If the owner begins to swear or execute a furry ass, then most likely the cat:

  • will not understand why it is so
  • harboring grudge
  • will refuse food even longer
  • executes household shoes or clothes in response
  • write to the animal rights court

You can not scold a pet for him to eat. He can only be persuaded, cuddled or seduced. You can even begin to feed a straight from the hand. After all, surely many pets climb to their knees or sit side by side during lunch? So you need to use this moment. Suddenly the purr does not want to eat from a bowl? Suddenly he likes it from his master's palm?

It is very important to clearly define the boundaries of what is permitted. Otherwise, then you have to wean the animal to climb the tables.

Useful Tips

Do not be lazy to cook your cat natural food. Even the most super premium feeds are more than half composed of plant-based ingredients. Can a herbivorous diet be called balanced or beneficial for cats? They are predators!

Cat eats fish

Do not try to transfer the cat from dry food to soups or broths. Even if they are specially prepared for the pet. It will be much easier to seduce a tailed piece of boiled chicken, fish, raw beef. After all, he used to gnaw and chew, and not lap.

We must not forget the main rule of transfer from drying to natural: always clean the bowl with food after 20 minutes. The cat ate or continues to go on strike - it doesn’t matter. Clean and point. Firstly, the animal will quickly understand that he will still have to eat such food, otherwise they will remove it. And secondly, this way bacteria, mold and other bones will not develop in the bowl. A cup with clean drinking water should always be!

Do not try to feed an adult cat milk. He and so the body is rebuilt on the allocation of other enzymes in connection with a change in diet. And then there's milk. It is fraught with severe intestinal upset.

If you really want to pamper your pet, then it is better to use dairy products. It can be kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk. But not sour cream or cream. Too greasy food can give the owners a lot of “fun” cleaning hours for the cat. Good if in the tray. But the pet may not run. You can try adding bifidobacteria to your food. This will help the cat's body to quickly tune in the right way.

Choosing a whip method, a prerequisite - there should not be dry food in the house. From the word at all. The sense of smell of animals is much stronger than human. The cat will definitely know that there is his adorable food “drugs” nearby. And the owners will be tempted to treat the screaming pet with at least one small pillow.

Be sure to give the cat vitamins. Only after consultation with a veterinarian. He will appreciate the natural diet that is selected for the animal, and will recommend the most suitable for the condition, age and weight of the pet.

How to transfer a cat from dry food to natural food? The methods described by us will surely seem too cruel to the owners. Well, little squirrel is starving! Remember: either you or you. No other is given. So arm yourself with patience, iron nerves, and firm determination. And forward to delicious, healthy and natural feeding.

Video: is it possible to feed a cat with dry food and regular food

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