How to discolor hair on hands at home

Hand hair is a variant of unwanted vegetation on a woman’s body. Here on my head I want to have a thick head of hair, and in other places make the hairs less noticeable. There are many ways to lighten the vegetation on the hands. Some of them have side effects and, together with less noticeable hairs, cause irritation. Therefore, before the clarification procedure, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons of each method.

How to lighten hair on hands

What methods can lighten hair

Many people remove the hair on their hands with a razor or epilator, but this leads to the fact that with each new mechanical removal, the hairs become stiffer and longer. That is, you will have to shave your hands as often as your legs. That is why more and more girls are resorting to lightening unwanted vegetation.

To do this, use several methods:

  • chemical clarification;
  • by natural means;
  • recipes with chemical and natural ingredients.

Each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages. And it is possible that you will have to try more than one way for successful clarification. Often the natural shade of the hair affects the effectiveness of the procedure, the darker it is, the more difficult it is to get the desired result. Sometimes you just need to repeat the manipulations.

Chemical clarification

The most popular recipe for clarifier for hair based on hydrogen peroxide, which is a strong oxidizing agent. Before using such a tool, it is better to conduct a sensitivity test to avoid possible allergic reactions. You need to drip a little of the finished mixture on the bend of the elbow and wait 15 minutes. If a negative reaction has not occurred during this time, then you can begin to lighten.

Hydrogen Peroxide to Lighten Hair

To prepare the product, you need to take concentrated hydrogen peroxide (30%) and dilute with the same amount of water. Then add half a teaspoon of soda dissolved in two ampoules of ammonia. Apply the mixture with a cotton pad or swab on the hairs, trying to less touch the skin. Leave for about an hour and then rinse. Do not hold longer to enhance the effect, as there is a chance of getting unpleasant burns.

If the result of the procedure is not satisfied, you can repeat it in a few days. It must be remembered that the degree of damage to the skin with such a composition is very high. It is recommended that you do not wash your hands above your wrist for two days before lightening. This will create a natural oily layer that protects the skin.

To mitigate the aggressive effect of hydrogen peroxide, it is diluted with soap. Grate a bar of ordinary children's soap and pour into a saucepan, melt it, and then pour into non-metal dishes. Concentrated hydrogen peroxide is gradually poured into the still hot soap and mixed vigorously. The finished warm mixture is applied to the hands for about an hour, and then washed off with warm water.

Also, to brighten the hair on the hands, you can use a ready-made oxidizer, which is sold together with hair dye. Typically, such products are milder in their action, as they contain various additives so as not to damage the hair. But they do their job well.

Many more girls use a mask of hydrogen peroxide mixed with whitening toothpaste. The finished mixture is applied to the hairs for no more than 15 minutes and washed off with warm water. The advantages of this recipe are the quick result and the availability of components.

Natural brighteners

Women have been struggling with dark and hard hair in their arms for more than a century.Such vegetation has always been considered unattractive. Therefore, home cosmetology has accumulated quite a few recipes for masks and creams with a brightening effect.

Honey lemon mask for lightening hair

If the hair on the hands is not too dark, you can use natural honey. On clean skin, apply a thin layer of honey and leave for several hours. Then wash off the honey mask and apply lemon juice to the hairs. It’s better not to wrap your hands, so the reaction will go faster.

The advantages of this recipe are the use of natural lighting properties of natural products. The skin from the honey mask will become softer and more tender. To the honey mask, you can add ground cinnamon at the rate of 2 tablespoons per half a glass of honey. This aromatic powder slightly enhances the brightening properties of honey.

Apple cider vinegar in combination with lemon juice also makes hair lighter. To prepare such a remedy, one part of vinegar is taken and mixed with two parts of juice. The finished solution is applied to the hairs and does not wash off for several hours. It is worth remembering that along with unwanted vegetation, the skin will lighten on the hands.

For those who are prone to allergic reactions, clarification with the help of chamomile flowers is well suited. Half a pack of dried chamomile is poured into a glass of water and placed in a water bath. You need to boil for about five minutes, and then leave for about half an hour to insist. A water bath can be replaced by heating in the microwave. The cooled chamomile slurry covers the hands and wraps them with a film and a towel. Hold the compress on your hands for about two hours.

Recipes with chemical and natural ingredients

Lightening hair masks and creams that contain chemical oxidizing agents and natural brighteners are also very popular. Compared to pure chemistry, such products are safer. But at the same time, they are more effective than exclusively natural recipes.

Cream with clay has whitening properties and is able to make hairs on the hands less noticeable. To prepare it, mix a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide (20%) with two of the same clay spoons. After you need to add 5-7 drops of ammonia. The resulting mixture is applied to the hairs and left for 10 minutes (until it dries), then you need to wash off the mask well with warm water.

To make unwanted vegetation on the body less noticeable without negative consequences, if you use natural means. Chemical brighteners give a faster effect. But you can always find the right tool, you just need not stop after one unsuccessful attempt.

Video: how to lighten hair on hands and body

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