How to lighten hair with honey at home

Honey is considered to be a miracle cure, it eliminates many diseases and is widely used for cosmetic purposes. The use of the product as a means of lightening hair has gained wide popularity among girls and women. According to numerous reviews, we can conclude that the composition nourishes and strengthens hair follicles, gives shine and smoothness to hair. Representatives of the beautiful half also note that regular use of masks based on honey significantly accelerates hair growth.

How to lighten hair with honey

The benefits of honey for hair

It is known that honey is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It includes fructose, ascorbic acid, vitamins of almost all groups, carotene, folic acid, glucose. Of particular benefit to the hair are natural resinous substances and minerals that act on the core from the inside, nourishing and saturating the hair.

If we talk about the specific benefits of honey for hair, the product makes the strands silky, shiny and smooth, fights against dandruff and seborrhea, restores the entire structure of the hair, and saturates the bulbs with oxygen.

In addition, honey prevents mass loss (in particular after childbirth), gives a visual volume, raising strands at the roots. It also cleans the sinuses of the bulbs, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands (especially true for girls with oily hair).

Features of lightening hair with honey

You must admit that the above-mentioned positive features already encourage the use of masks based on honey. Since we are interested in clarification, let us dwell on this point in more detail.

Not many people know, but honey contains hydrogen peroxide, which has whitening properties. Peroxide is obtained due to the oxidation by iron of free oxygen radicals.

Since there is a sufficient amount of glucose in honey, the component acts as a catalyst. Due to the chemical reaction, the peroxide is released and the clarification process begins.

However, for the technology to go fully, honey must be of high quality and fresh. Since it is such a product that contains large amounts of peroxide, and, as you know, it sets the tone for the whole process.

Despite the fact that honey has been used as a brightening agent for a long time, the final result depends on the initial color of the hair and its structure. It is enough for some girls to carry out 5-6 procedures, others cannot achieve the desired effect even after the tenth session.

The result depends on a number of factors that must be taken into account without fail. This includes the composition of honey, its quality and freshness, the structure of the hair and its “absorption”, the initial tone of hair.

Indications for use

Honey is indicated for girls and women whose hair is prone to hair loss, split, broken. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, who have blonde hair, will achieve the result many times faster. The best option for the procedure are brown hair.

This does not mean that brunettes cannot use honey to lighten curls by 1-2 tones, but more sessions are required. In addition, after the procedure, the hair will acquire a reddish (in some cases yellowish) tint. Brunettes are advised to choose acacia honey.

In some cases, honey is used to remove yellowness, which usually appears after staining.The recommendation is especially relevant for blondes who prefer to correct the oversight with gentle, rather than ammoniacal means.


Lightening hair with honey is not the best option for girls who want to get everything at once. It is important to prepare yourself in advance for the fact that the procedure will take more than one day or even a week, clarification can last a month or longer.

Many believe that they can turn from a medium blond beauty into a platinum blonde, but this error is erroneous.

Honey does not dye hair, but only makes its shade lighter. In this case, the result itself is achieved gradually, it is quite possible that you will not notice changes after the first procedure.

People who are prone to an allergic reaction should be extremely careful. Honey is a high-grade allergen, so it often causes itching, burning, rash, swelling (in some cases), redness.

Before the procedure, it is recommended to test: apply a small amount of the composition to a separate strand, leave for 40 minutes, rinse and evaluate the result. If there was no negative reaction, feel free to proceed with honey clarification.

Honey brightening technology

If you decide to lighten hair with honey, read the algorithm of actions, and then proceed to the procedure. Experienced housewives have developed an effective technology, thanks to which the result will turn out many times faster.

Honey brightening technology

If we conditionally divide the technique into points, then we can distinguish 5 important aspects: preparing the hair for clarification, preparing the composition, applying, holding the mixture on curls and washing off. Consider the steps step by step.

Stage number 1. Hair preparation for lightening
Any dyeing and lightening begins with the preparation of the hair for the procedure. Wash your hair with shampoo several times, cover it with balm, soak the composition for about a quarter of an hour, rinse. Most importantly, do not use preparations containing silicone and sulfates.

To cleanse your hair effectively, complete the rinse with rinse soda. To cook it, dilute 50 gr. drinking soda in 2 liters. warm water, mix, wait for the crystals to dissolve. After that, rinse the strands again with running water, and dry naturally.

Comb the curls with a wide comb with rare teeth, in no case use iron or plastic brushes. If desired, you can sprinkle strands with special serum to facilitate combing, it will greatly simplify the procedure for applying honey.

Stage number 2. Cooking composition
Experienced housewives have developed many ways to prepare honey for clarification. To make it convenient to apply the composition, pour the necessary amount of honey into a deep ceramic bowl, taking into account your hair length. Put the container in the microwave on the edge of the rotating plate, set the timer for 1 minute.

You can use the steam or water bath. The main thing is that in the end the honey turns out to be warm (almost hot) and liquid. If the honey is too thick and you think that applying it will be problematic, dilute the composition with hot water.

Stage number 3. Applying honey to hair

Once again, carefully comb your hair with a flat comb with large and sparse teeth. Divide the hair into thin curls so that it is convenient to apply honey. Put on gloves, place one strand on your palm, scoop some honey with a brush or kitchen sponge.

Thoroughly soak the strand from all sides, honey should literally drain from the hair. Wrap the curl with cling film to avoid staining your clothes and shoulders. Repeat the previous manipulations with each strand, sequentially wrapping them in polyethylene.

If you doubt that the composition is evenly distributed, after applying, comb the hair again with a comb. The remaining funds that remained on the comb, apply to the strands again.Remember to cover your scalp with honey to arouse hair follicles.

Stage number 4. Exposure and washing off the mask
After applying the mixture, wrap the head well with cling film so that the composition does not drain onto the forehead, temples, neck and shoulders. Wrap your head in a thick terry towel, warm the composition with a hairdryer for 7 minutes.

The duration of exposure to honey on the hair should not be less than 6 hours, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain. If possible, keep the mask all night (about 8-10 hours), as long as possible. After the specified period, rinse the honey with warm water, rinse your hair with chamomile broth.

It is difficult enough to lighten hair with honey, but the procedure is quite real. The main thing is to be patient, repeat the manipulations until you achieve the desired effect. Use step-by-step instructions, be sure to heat the honey, because the composition must be applied only in a warm form.

Video: lightening hair with honey and cinnamon

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