How to wean cats to crap in the porch

Cats, although they are considered to be clean animals, you can often encounter difficulties that are associated with accustoming them to the toilet. This is due to the characteristics of the species, as well as the peculiar nature of cats.

How to wean cats to crap in the porch

Sometimes a domestic cat does not go to a tray, but, for example, to a flower pot, owners' shoes or things in a closet. The reasons for this may be different. Also, problems arise not only in the apartment, but also in the entrance. And this is a habit of animals. This behavior of the pet causes indignation of the neighbors. After all, this is both an unpleasant smell and unsanitary conditions. If you cannot wean a cat from this unpleasant habit yourself, read the information in this article. She will help to cope with both alien cats, and with her own.

Why do pets have such a habit

To wean a cat to cope with the need for an entrance is not a very simple task, but it can be done. Difficulties will be associated with obstinacy and character traits of these animals. If going to one place or another became a habit for him, he would repeat this systematically. Patience is important here. In addition, the main task is to establish the reason why the cat so likes this place as a toilet.

If this is a cat from the street, then the solution is quite simple. This is an intercom. This happens when a cat lives in the house, to which cats come. They mark territory.

Also in the house can live an animal lover who lets them warm up and eat. After this, cats consider the porch their home, and, of course, go to the toilet here.

But not in all cases cats from the street are to blame. Often it can be pets that live in one of the apartments and go for a walk.

Why are cats starting to do this?

  1. Bad manners of the animal. To avoid this, each owner must raise an animal as a kitten. After all, problems arise not only in the entrance, but also in the apartment.
  2. Unsuitable filler or wet tray. It needs to be changed as it becomes dirty. If the filler in the tray is already wet, the cat will look for another place.
  3. Diseases associated with urination. Watch your cat. Maybe she just doesn’t reach the tray.
  4. Emotional experiences. It can be moving or other stresses. In this case, the problem will go away by itself.

In addition, the reason may simply be a desire to designate a territory.

If the cause is a disease, then in no case should the animal be punished. Most likely, the cat knows that her toilet is not here, but simply does not have time to get to it. In this case, you should help him, take him to the veterinarian.

How to fight

First you need to do the cleaning at the entrance and put the intercom. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to fight street cats. They will smell in the same place. Corners must be treated with chemicals or vinegar. A citric acid solution is also suitable.

Cats do not like pungent odors, so the smell of vinegar or household chemicals will discourage them. In addition, with the help of vinegar it will be possible to eliminate the smell of urine. To fix the result, do the processing several times.

There are special sprays that help ward off cats. They can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. For example, Antigadin, "Odor-Secret" and others. These funds must be sprayed every day until the cats stop shitting.

If these methods do not work, you must find a cat who continues to crap. To do this, you need to install a camera to watch what is happening. If it turns out to be domestic cats, then you need to talk with their owners. But this does not always work.Some simply do not believe that their pet is to blame, or do not want to reeducate him. In this case, the record will serve as evidence. You can even scare that you will call a district policeman.

Other methods

  1. Also, other folk methods have accumulated in people that help to wean a cat from this habit. It is known that cats do not like coniferous smell and citrus. In the corners of the entrance you can spread the peels of these fruits and fir branches. They must be changed periodically.
  2. In addition, esters with the smell of spruce, pine, orange and others are suitable for these purposes. The oil must be diluted in a bucket of water, and then wash it with the entire staircase.
  3. If cats have chosen your rug under the door, it is better to completely remove it, as it is saturated with a smell. A new one is better not to lay. If they chose your door as a toilet, then it must be treated with lemon juice or Antigadin spray. Turpentine will also be an effective tool.
  4. Another way to push the cat off the mat is double-sided tape. The animal’s paws will stick to it, and it will stop walking on it.

It is better to wash the staircase as soon as you find that cats were shitting on it. The smell has the ability to absorb, it will be much harder to deal with it if you postpone cleaning. In order for cats to break the habit and forget about your entrance for a long time, it is necessary to wipe it and process it for a long time. And then periodically, for prevention.

What can not be done

  1. It is not recommended to use bleach. Although this is a very popular and familiar tool, it is not suitable for venturing cats out of the porch. Studies have shown that sometimes cats can even attract this smell, which will lead to the opposite effect. This can be an attractive factor for cats, and there will be even more.
  2. It is also contraindicated to use perfumes and colognes, which have a very pungent odor. They contain ammonia. A cat can poison them, his sense of smell will worsen. This can harm other cats that are not to blame for the contamination of the porch. In addition, perfumes are ineffective for these purposes. And if this smell is combined with cat urine, it will become just awful. So you will only make it worse.
  3. Another trick that can help is food bowls. If you put them in those places where cats make a toilet, then they will start to eat there. And since they are clean enough, they will not go to the toilet there anymore. If you want to constantly feed animals, then it is better to do this in the future on the street. Otherwise, it will lead to great indignation of the neighbors.
  4. If your cat goes outside for a walk, but you do not plan for offspring for him, it is best to carry out a sterilization operation. Perhaps the cat goes to the toilet not only in the entrance, but also at home. You may not find these places right away.
  5. If your cat is crap in the stairwell, do not physically punish her. Shouting and poking a muzzle in the puddles will not help. This may even make the situation worse. This is due to the fact that the animal can harbor resentment and revenge. This is typical for cats.

You need to educate consistently and strictly. The tone should be persistent. Each time you notice that the cat is going to perch in the wrong place, you need to make it clear that this can not be done. The main thing is that your education is systematic. Then the animal will develop an understanding. To prevent such unpleasant situations, raise your pet as a kitten. This will help to avoid problems in the future.

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