How to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture: 6 ways

Cats by nature are fans of honing claws on various surfaces. Most newly-minted owners clutch their heads when they once again watch their pet scratch a new sofa or wallpaper. In such situations, it becomes necessary to train the pet to the equipment specially designated for these purposes - the claw point. The device is made for wayward and characteristic animals that do not recognize other methods of carrot and stick.

How to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture

Why do cats scratch furniture and wallpapers?

  1. The underlying cause of wayward behavior is the struggle for territory. Sweat glands are located on the paw pads, which leave a characteristic smell of the animal on the furniture.
  2. Cats love their owners, they are faithful and loyal. The animal is trying with all its might to show that you are "your" comrade. In a similar way, pets express emotions.
  3. In most cases, cats sharpen their claws for physiological reasons. Their pads begin to itch, burrs appear on their claws, and the muscles of their paws weaken. An animal on a subconscious level keeps itself "in good shape".

It is important to understand that it is difficult to deal with natural necessity, so it makes no sense to use only a whip. Perhaps your pet is quite resourceful, you just need to push it a little in the right direction.

Practical recommendations

5 ways to wean a cat to tear wallpaper and furniture

  1. Citrus fruit. Cats do not tolerate the smell of citrus, use this feature for their own purposes. Get in a cosmetic store a body spray without oils with the scent of lemon (grapefruit, orange). Sprinkle all the favorite surfaces that the cat wants to scratch. You can also sew cotton bags and then place dried zest in them. In addition to citrus fruits, obstinate animals can be weaned from bad habits using spices. It is enough to pour ground chili pepper, coriander, hops-suneli or other strongly smelling condiments into the bag, and then hang the bags near the crime zone.
  2. Spray bottle with water. It's no secret that cats don’t like to swim, it’s worth taking advantage of. Draw water into a container with a dispenser, each time spray the composition to the pet in the face as soon as it is about to sharpen its claws. It is important to understand that the punishment must be followed before the crime, or within 5 seconds after it. Otherwise, the cat will not understand why she is being punished and will continue to scratch the interior items.
  3. Beanbag. A great way to educate a pet from addictions is considered to be objects that cause loud noise. Buy a rattle in a children's store or build it yourself. Put some coins in a tin can, cork it and keep it near you. When the cat is about to make a fool again, take the can in your hand and begin to rattle it hard. The darling instantly runs out of the room, because cats do not like such loud sounds. Perform simple manipulations every time so that the animal learns the rules of the owner.
  4. Team voice. Similar to a rattle method. Cats respond well to training if done correctly. Control the intonation, as soon as the animal is about to sharpen its claws on the forbidden surfaces, loudly and whenever possible shout loudly: “It is impossible!”, “Shhh!”, “Spray!”. Repeat this until the animal deviates from its intended goals.
  5. Balloon. The most effective way to raise a cat, however, is the most uncomfortable from the point of view of the owner.Inflate several balloons, tie them tightly and attach them near the crime scene. It is necessary to make a trap so that the cat bursts the ball during the next manicure session. The sound of the explosion will scare away the pet, as a result of which he will be afraid the next time to sharpen his claws on the sofa.

Do not scold the animal 10/15/30 minutes after committing a bad deed. Do everything on time, you need to make an association between punishment and the claw point in the wrong place. Otherwise, the cat will not understand why it is scolded, and will continue to satisfy needs.

How to wean a cat from scratching furniture with a scratching post

The most effective way out of all the above, a claw-tip helps to wean a cat from scratching wallpaper and furniture without harming the pet's psyche. The device is available in various variations with regards to the material used and possible sizes. Covering for claws: sisal, wood, upholstery, cardboard, carpet fiber, synthetic threads.

How to wean a cat from scratching furniture with a scratching post

As for the shape, the claws are vertical (standing), horizontal (in the form of a carpet) and inclined at a certain angle. It is impossible to say exactly what kind of pet your pet will like. It is necessary to proceed from financial opportunities and the premises in which the equipment will be installed.

After you find out what your pet is most located for, get 2-3 claws and set them in your favorite places. The main condition for installation is reliable fasteners, the equipment should not fall, otherwise the cat will be scared and will no longer approach it. As practice shows, cats tear wallpaper and tall furniture because they like to stretch to their full height.

Important points

  1. Basically, cats sharpen their claws after they wake up, so it is recommended to install equipment next to the bed / lodge.
  2. To attract the animal to the claw, sprinkle the stand with catnip or other means that provoke interest. Also place hanging toys with feathers on the shelves.
  3. The first time after installing the device, monitor the cat. Once she has her claws in the right place, give me a treat. Over time, the animal will understand that all effort is rewarded.
  4. When you once again catch a cat on a hot cat for damage to interior items or wallpaper, carefully grab it in your hands and transfer it to the claw point. Do not punish the animal physically, otherwise the pet will start to be afraid of you.
  5. Get a nail clipper for cats at the pet store, use it for its intended purpose according to the instructions. Press on the pillow, after the nail comes out, cut off the bright part. Do not touch the blood vessel, otherwise the animal will no longer let you to its paws.
  6. There are frequent cases when, in the presence of claws, cats continue to spoil wallpaper and furniture. There is only one way out in this situation - to slightly scare the animal. When you catch a pet for a harmful occupation, clap your hands or sprinkle it with water from a spray bottle.
  7. After you have acquired a scratching post, you need to cover with a cloth all the items that are usually treated with sharp claws. If possible, unscrew the furniture to the wall, blocking access. Place double-sided tape, rustling foil, or sandpaper near the crime scene.


Do not punish the cat with physical labor, do not try to force the animal to scratch the scratching post. Use citrus-based cosmetics, spray your pet with water, and be patient.

Video: how to wean a cat to sharpen claws on furniture

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