How to wean a cat or cat from dry food: useful tips

The modern rhythm of life leaves its mark on society. People who have pets are forced to feed their four-legged friends with dry food. Such food saves time, because you do not need to stand for hours at the stove. However, not everyone knows that dry food is dangerous to the health of cats. They are addictive, poorly absorbed and do not saturate the skin with the elements necessary for the full growth of the coat. Hence, there is a need to transfer the animal from finished feed to natural food.

How to wean a cat or cat from dry food

How to wean a cat from dry food

Option number 1. You can’t abruptly transfer the animal to natural food, you must follow some sequence. Alternate the prepared food with ordinary food, with the first to be given in the morning, when digestion has just started. Be sure to watch the cat drinker, it should always be clean water. The grains of dry food swell in the stomach, absorbing fluid, from here there is a constant thirst. Meals should be made strictly according to the schedule, the frequency of the feeding procedure is 3 times a day. Devote your morning meal to dry food (you can soak it with water), serve natural food for lunch and dinner.

Option number 2. There is another scheme for transferring a cat from dry food to natural food. It consists in mixing two types of food in certain proportions. On the first and second day you need to steam dry the food with water, knead it with a fork and mix with ordinary food in a ratio of 5: 1 (5 parts of dry food, 1 part of natural food). In this case, actions need to be performed 3 times a day (each meal). From the third to the fifth day, increase the amount of natural food to two parts, that is, mix it with dry food in a ratio of 5: 2. Every few days add one piece of natural food.

Useful Tips

  1. It is extremely difficult to wean a cat from dry food, they are very accustomed to taste and odor enhancers, preservatives and artificial additives. Of course, this is exactly what manufacturers are counting on. Observe proportions, take your time, mix one part every few days, or leave morning time for feeding with a ready-made composition. It is important to understand that the transition should be smooth, invisible to the pet itself.
  2. Too many cats refuse to eat any food other than dry food. The owners, in turn, begin to starve them, mistakenly believing that the animal will eat everything when it is hungry. No need to do this, be trickier. Arouse interest in natural food with the help of treats, each time give the cat something tasty. He must remember the smell, the consistency. Try treating your pet to chicken fillet or pork pulp, banana, potatoes or sausage. It is important to start, and then things will go naturally.

How to wean a cat from dry food

How to wean a cat from dry food

  1. The first thing you need to do is feed your cat a soaked feed for two weeks. In this case, food should be poured with water, insisted, and then drained all salts and impurities. Do not let the animal drink the liquid that remains in the end.
  2. Next, transfer the cat to the finished feed, but in the form of canned food. Give preference to one manufacturer. Feed your pet a similar treat for a week, then proceed to the next step.
  3. At this stage, it is necessary to mix natural food with canned food. On 100 gr. factory products accounted for 20 grams. ordinary food. Feed your pet in this rhythm for 7-10 days.
  4. After the time, increase the amount to 40 gr. on 100 gr. canned food. In this mode, keep the cat for about 5 days, then start mixing 60 g.natural food per 100 gr. canned food.
  5. When you reach this mark, wait 3 days and try to treat the cat with completely natural food. If she refuses to eat, add 10 gr. finished product and try again.
  6. If the pet refuses again, wait a while to make her hungry, but do not pull. Do not allow hunger that lasts more than a day.
  7. In cases where the cat flatly does not want to eat, increase the proportion to 70 gr. natural food per 100 gr. canned food, then every day again mix regular food, but not sharply, add 5 g.

Important aspects

  1. The marketing of dry food manufacturers is of the same type: they present it as a universal product that can replace natural food. At the same time, manufacturers claim that it is in the finished feed that the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber is contained. They argue this with the percentage of vitamins and elements necessary for the full development of the cat and its future offspring (if the cat is pregnant). Of course, expensive feed can boast of this, but not the economy segment.
  2. An important feature of feeding cats is that they are not enough meat. The animal needs cereals, dairy products and vegetables, which are responsible for vision, digestion and strengthening bone tissue. Therefore, when switching from dry food to natural food, you need to give your cat vitamins containing calcium, iron and magnesium. Cook without seasoning, sprinkle salt rarely, if possible, cook without it.
  3. Unlike cats, cats are forbidden to give sausages and canned food in oil, onions, garlic, herbs (dill, parsley) are also contraindicated for them. Experienced veterinarians unanimously argue that cats can not be fed raw fish, even if they eat it with pleasure. As for chicken and quail eggs, you can sometimes pamper your pet with the last option in the absence of allergies. Raw meat, namely pork and beef, can cause stool and stomach upset, so they should be fed with care.

It is easier to wean cats from dry food than cats. Act gradually, do not try to force the animal to eat natural food, let him come to this himself. In cases with cats, add vitamins and minerals to your food, take the course once every six months.

Video: how to feed cats

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