How to understand that a cat has a fever?

The temperature norm in cats is 38-39 degrees. This is somewhat more than human. You can measure it to the animal through the ear canal or rectally. Only in this way will it be possible to say for sure that the temperature in the animal has increased. Sometimes it rises only for a while. For example, when a cat overeats or overheats. If after some time the indicators returned to normal, then the probability of pathology is absent.

How to understand that a cat has a fever

Possible reasons

If the temperature of the cat does not drop, this signals a pathological process in the body. When the figure has reached 39.5 C, it is necessary to show the animal to a specialist. He will determine the cause.

Why can a cat have a fever?

  1. The most common cause is the development of viruses and bacteria. Sometimes this can happen due to helminthic invasion.
  2. Intoxication of the cat's body.
  3. Necrotic processes.
  4. Pressure increase. This can happen in pregnant cats or as a result of physical overload.
  5. Sometimes this symptom arises simply because of stress. If you take the cat to the vet, and she is afraid of him, her temperature may rise sharply.

Signs of fever

A healthy cat looks like this: she has a clear look, her nose is cold and wet. She eats in the usual way for herself and her intestines work normally. But, if characteristic signs are observed, it should cause concern in owners.

  1. Dry nose. As already mentioned, the nose of a healthy cat will be cool and moist. It is warm and dry for only a few minutes after waking the animal from sleep.
  2. Lethargy and loss of interest in food. When the temperature rises, the cat begins to eat poorly, lies a lot. Her hair begins to puff. In addition, in a sick animal, the pupils dilate and there may be discharge from the eyes and ears.
  3. Indigestion. The animal's digestion is impaired, as a result of which its stool undergoes changes. Urination also happens differently. It becomes less frequent, and urine more concentrated.
  4. Respiratory failure. Since the body will try to lower the temperature, the cat's pulse and breathing will become more frequent.
  5. Avoidance of people. If the animal, which was usually always affectionate and sociable, began to hide from you, it is worth observing the change in its state.

If you observe several of the above symptoms, it is best to show the cat to the veterinarian. Before that, you can measure her temperature.

Temperature measurement: recommendations

Not always an increase in temperature in a cat indicates a disease. But, if her condition caused you doubts, you can measure the temperature in several ways. For this, a universal or rectal electronic thermometer is suitable. But it is quite possible to use ordinary mercury.

Cat temperature measurement

  1. Mercury thermometers are now being used less and less. This device is not very suitable for an animal, because in order for it to show an accurate result, the cat must remain motionless at all times. This causes anxiety in the animal, it can break out or bite. Also, this device is dangerous in that it may break.
  2. A rectal thermometer is most commonly used by veterinarians. It is electronic, and will show the exact temperature in a minute. Such a thermometer will not break, and it is safer than a mercury.
  3. Universal electronic, which has a small screen and a sensor, can be used not only rectally. It is suitable for measurement in the ear canal or in the animal’s mouth. Since the tip of this device is plastic, care must be taken.He will show the result in about three minutes.

Rectal method
If you use a mercury thermometer when measuring body temperature, then you need to lubricate it, for example, with liquid paraffin, so as not to harm the animal. Also, shake it before use. Lubrication is necessary not only for a mercury thermometer, but also for an electronic universal. This will prevent possible injury during administration.

Take the cat under the arm and position it so that its paws rest on something solid. It’s best to do it with someone’s help. The thermometer must be entered carefully. The maximum depth is 2.5 cm. It should be located parallel to the rectum. Otherwise, it can hurt the animal.

If you use a mercury thermometer to measure the temperature of a cat in a rectal way, it is important that the procedure lasts at least 6 minutes. If you use an electronic device, the measurement process will be faster. This will reduce the risk of stress in the cat.

If the thermometer showed the results 38-39, then there is no reason for concern. If the cat’s temperature is elevated, it’s best to show it to a specialist.

Another way is in the ear canal
If the cat is aggressive or very obstinate, then it will be difficult to measure the temperature in the first way. In this case, you can try another method in which a thermometer is introduced into the ear canal of the animal.

It is important to note that rectal measurement will give more accurate results. To carry out the procedure correctly, you must enter the tip of the thermometer into the ear canal. At the same time, you should hold your head well so that the animal does not break out. After the signal, the thermometer is pulled out. At the end of the procedure, its tip must be thoroughly rinsed or disinfected.

Temperature change after sterilization surgery

This point should be considered in more detail. After such an operation, the temperature may drop by several degrees. Why is this happening?

Temperature change in a cat after sterilization surgery

  • Experienced stress.
  • Reaction to the use of anesthesia.
  • Decrease in pressure as a result of medication.
  • Change in metabolic processes.

After such stress, it is very important to take care of the cat so that she survives it as best as possible. In order to minimize the consequences after such an operation in an animal, it is necessary to wrap it with a warm blanket. It is advisable to put a heating pad next to it. It is important to monitor temperature changes periodically after surgery. Sometimes a symptom such as high fever can signal internal bleeding.

Observe the changes for three days. If the temperature drops by one or more marks, and then returns to normal, this is normal. If there is a slight increase that does not go away for several days, then show the cat to a specialist. Such a pathology may indicate that an infection develops in the cat's body.

First Aid Pet

Veterinarians do not recommend trying to lower the temperature of the cat at home. In no case do not try to save the situation by giving the cat pills that you take yourself to reduce the heat. This can severely harm the animal.

Before you go to the veterinarian, you can do the following.

  1. Calm the animal, do a massage.
  2. Drink clean water.
  3. Ventilate the room where the cat is constantly located. A rush of air will help to slightly improve the condition.

It is important to remember that an increase in temperature in an animal does not always signal any serious problems. Indicators can normalize. If this does not happen, contact your veterinarian. He will determine the cause and tell you how to cure your pet. You will be sure that treat the animal correctly, as the specialist will conduct a comprehensive examination. Since inflammation is often the cause, veterinarians prescribe antibiotic therapy. If it does not give results, another treatment is prescribed.

It is important to remember that not only a slight increase in temperature, but also a decrease in temperature can be a sign of a cat's health problems. It can occur due to such a serious process as blood loss. Often the temperature in cats decreases due to hypothermia. Sometimes this symptom occurs as a result of kidney disease or a malfunction of the glands.

In any case, if you want to maintain the health of your pet, monitor his condition and mood. Do not try to cure it yourself if you notice a change in behavior, a decrease in cat activity - it is better to take the animal to a doctor.

Video: how to understand that your cat is sick?

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