How to do a scalp massage for hair growth

Long hair will always be in fashion. They attract the views of others and give the image a touch of sexuality. However, growing a shock of impressive length is quite difficult. Many girls clutch their heads, not knowing what to do. New-fashioned cosmetics are powerless, while head massage for hair growth can easily be done at home. Consider important aspects, give practical advice.

How to do head massage for hair growth

Recommendations for accelerating hair growth

  1. Long hair needs constant hydration, but treatment must begin from the inside. Drink at least 2.7 liters. filtered water per day, lean on fresh juices and green tea.
  2. Do not comb the hair with a comb with iron teeth, such tools contribute to the cross-section. Also discard plastic devices, because of them the hair is electrified.
  3. Get a wide scallop made from tortoise shell. It does not break the hair structure, the tool can be used even on wet locks. An alternative is a massage brush with natural bristles.
  4. It is important to remember forever that 2-in-1 cosmetic products slow down hair growth by 1.5 times. At the same time, the strands become dry and brittle, since such products belong to express cosmetics. Choose quality products based on biotin, ceramides, silk proteins, keratin.
  5. Try to find a way out of any negative situation. During stress, hair begins to fall out, its growth slows down. The same applies to those who drink alcohol and smoke, get rid of addictions.
  6. To restore blood circulation and, as a result, to awaken the hair follicles, a head massage is not enough. Start playing sports, physical activity saturates the cells with oxygen.
  7. Drink a course of multivitamins designed specifically for hair growth. Such drugs can be purchased at a pharmacy or a specialized cosmetic store. It is also necessary to consume ascorbic acid, sulfur yeast, badger and fish oils.
  8. Pay attention to your daily diet. Make it so that the menu includes vitamins of all groups (from A to PP). Also, products should contain zinc, magnesium, potassium, copper, iron, calcium. Focus on protein foods, vegetables, fruits. Give up fast food completely.
  9. Not many people know, but you can accelerate hair growth if you regularly use flaxseed or oatmeal porridge (it is better to combine them). At the same time, legumes, whole grain bread, sea cocktail and lean meat are of importance.
  10. Use professional products marked "to accelerate hair growth." Prefer shampoos, masks, balms, sprays and serums. Give up daily shampooing.
  11. If you are a lover of visiting fresh and salty springs, baths and saunas, wear an appropriate hat. In this case, after each bath, rinse the mop with running water and a decoction of medicinal herbs.

How to do head massage with coconut oil

Coconut oil is considered the most effective drug to accelerate hair growth.

How to do head massage with coconut oil

  1. Get an unrefined composition in a pharmacy or cosmetic store, scoop 125 g. funds and place it in a deep ceramic or glass bowl.
  2. Put the container in the microwave for 20 seconds, melt. If desired, you can melt the product between warmed hands or use a water bath.
  3. After the composition is ready, distribute it at your fingertips. Comb your hair with a comb, divide into several partings.
  4. Run your fingers through your hair, massage your skin a little in random order. Then gently pour coconut oil on the crown, rub into the root zone. Go to the back of the head, massaging your skin with your fingertips.
  5. Next, dampen the brush for coloring in the composition, treat the hair line at the forehead, whiskey and the area behind the ears. Start rubbing the mixture in a circular motion until the oil is absorbed almost completely.
  6. Moisten your fingers in the product, walk around the entire perimeter of the head. It is important that the skin is completely covered. If there are dry patches, correct this mistake.
  7. The duration of the massage of the crown is 5 minutes, the temples - 3 minutes, the back of the head, the hairline on the forehead and neck - 7 minutes. Moreover, if the skin does not absorb oil well, time must be increased.
  8. After all the manipulations, wrap the head with cling film, leave for 3 hours. The composition is washed off with warm water and balm, after which the head is washed with shampoo. To enhance the effect and nutrition of the hair, you can distribute coconut oil along the entire length of the hair.

How to do head massage with nicotinic acid

  1. Thanks to the vitamin PP, nicotinomide and niacin contained in the composition, the acid is a complete stimulator of hair growth. Vitamin PP fights increased sebum, niacin saturates cells with oxygen, and nicotinomide awakens hair follicles.
  2. Niacin is sold at the pharmacy. The composition is available in the form of ampoules, which is an indisputable advantage. The mixture is completely harmless. To use nicotinic acid correctly, comb the strands, lift them at the roots.
  3. Scoop the composition into a syringe without a needle, distribute it with a point motion over the entire surface of the head. The distance between the drops should be about 1 cm. To facilitate the procedure, it is better to apply the product along partings.
  4. During massage it is important to follow the sequence. First processed whiskey and hairline at the neck, then - the back of the head, crown. At the same time, massage of a separate zone should take at least 10 minutes.
  5. The tool is rubbed in a circular motion. To enhance the effect, nicotinic acid can also be applied to the fingertips. The procedure must be performed at least 2 times a day, the course is 3 months.

How to do head massage with burdock oil

Unlike coconut oil and nicotinic acid, burdock is not aimed at accelerating growth, but at strengthening the bulbs. However, many girls prefer to massage their heads using this product.

How to do head massage with burdock oil

  1. Acquire burdock oil (pure) at the pharmacy, pour 100 ml. funds in an enameled pan and heat. The mixture should be warm, not hot.
  2. Comb the strands, moisten the brush in the product and go through the entire root zone. Your movements should resemble the staining process, it is important to saturate with the composition of every centimeter.
  3. After the oil is applied, wrap the head with cling film, wrap yourself in a towel. Turn on the hair dryer, warm your head for 7 minutes from a distance of 35 cm.
  4. Remove the towel and film, massage the crown with both hands for 10 minutes. Next, go to the back of the head for about 5 minutes, then go down to the hairline at the neck (5 minutes). Complete the procedure with a massage of the temples (10 minutes) and forehead (3 minutes).

Do not blow-dry your hair, do not use a curling iron, hair curlers, or iron to straighten hair. Refuse staining and perm, do massage using burdock or coconut oil, nicotinic acid.

Video: how to accelerate hair growth

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