How to keep a newborn baby

Seeing the long-awaited two strips, mom begins to prepare for a meeting with a tiny little man. He attends courses, watches instructional videos, reads literature. She is sure that she can cope with any difficulties. But touching a fragile hands, a woman forgets everything. And only one question bothers her at this moment: how to lull and keep a miniature and defenseless baby?

How to keep a newborn baby

Gentle hug

Adults who have decided to grab a crumb sharply will have to reassure children's tantrum for a long time. With babies you need to say hello, tell them a fairy tale or something interesting. You can sing quietly. Kids lying on soft mattresses focus on the ceiling or bright toys, so adults are advised to turn children's attention to themselves. Bend over, pat on the cheek, cover the tummy with a palm. Wait until the baby looks at mom or dad, and then get him out of the cozy crib.

We must not forget that up to three or even four months the neck of the child does not function. Instead of weak muscles, the parent's fingers should support the head. They are in contact with the back of the head and shoulders, lower back and buttocks. The legs of the baby are located on my father's forearm or mother's.

Did the baby roll over on his tummy? Fingers should clasp a chin. To make it easier to fix the head, mom is advised to use the large and medium or index. The second palm is under the chest, supports the lower body. The forearm is substituted under the legs.

Parent rocked the baby for a long time and now does not know how to return the fragile man to the crib and not wake him up? The main thing is not to tear the child away from the body. The adult bends to the mattress itself, pressing the snuffing treasure to his chest, and then smoothly lays it on a horizontal surface. Hands remain under the baby’s body for several seconds. After making sure that the baby is not going to wake up, the adult carefully takes out his palms and covers the baby. Now you can move away from the cradle and begin to breathe.

Newbie Option

The cradle is an ideal position for parents who do not have enough strength for a long motion sickness and feeding. Thanks to this option, hands get tired more slowly, and the baby feels comfortable and cozy:

  1. Lay the miniature head on a bent elbow, moving the fragile body to the shoulders.
  2. Press the forearm of the newborn's body against the stomach or mammary glands. The belly of the newborn is in contact with the mother's body. The back rests on the parent's hand, the palm squeezes the upper part of the legs.
  3. Insert the second limb under the fifth point and lower back.

The child is constantly turned from the right side to the left side and vice versa so that he does not earn a curvature of the cervical vertebrae. Mom is advised to regularly change hands so that they get less tired. In women who load one side more than the other, the back bends.

The lower and upper limbs of the child are pressed to the body so that they do not hang in the air. If mother needs to release one hand to give the baby a breast, she sits down and puts her knees and hips under his heels.

Pose of colic and indigestion

A newborn who has just had lunch is turned upright. First, the mother grabs the nape and chin of the baby with her fingers to fix the head, then lifts it, putting its palms under the handles.

Pose of colic and indigestion

Put the forehead and cheeks of the baby on the shoulder, press the body to the chest. Move one palm to the back of the head.Fingers gently hold the head in an upright position, gently hugging and not allowing to tilt back. With the second palm, gently squeeze the back. The spine rests on the mother's forearm, the priest lies on a bent elbow. The legs hang down, in this position they do not need to be pressed.

The child looks either forward, over the mother’s shoulder, resting his chin on it, or to the side. The newborn is worn around the room, swaying slightly. In an upright position, the baby is from 5 to 15 minutes, not longer.

Thanks to the “Column” pose, excess air comes out of the baby’s stomach, and intestinal colic disturbs the newborn less often. In this position, the baby learns to independently hold the head. But the fragile muscles of the spine cannot be overloaded, therefore, after burping and washing the baby immediately put into the crib.

Gas assistance

Grudnichkov, who is more than two weeks old, is allowed to turn his stomach down. How to take the baby in order to evenly distribute the load?

  1. Fingers of one hand grab the chest. Point the forefinger and large one under the chin so that the child can raise its head, but it does not fall too low.
  2. Insert the second palm between the legs, placing it under the tummy. The upper and lower limbs of the baby hang freely.
  3. The child is turned to face the outside world, and his legs to his mother’s stomach.

The newborn is shaken and carried around the room to look around. The pose is recommended for severe colic, if the baby does not calm down for a long time. Mom’s hand gently presses on the tummy, stimulating the release of gases, and the child’s attention switches to surrounding objects, so some babies quickly calm down and calm down.

Joint Dysplasia Prevention

After feeding, the baby is turned upright so that it burps. If mom’s hands are tired, they recommend trying the “Frog” pose. The back of the newborn is leaning against the chest of an adult, the head lies on his shoulder. One palm hugs the baby’s tummy, the second is located below, under the buttocks. Toes keep feet folded together. The child’s knees should stick out in opposite directions, like a meditating yogi.

Despite the strange appearance, the newborn feels comfortable. It was in this position that he slept in his mother’s tummy. In a pose of a meditating yoga child is seated 2-4 times a day. For the prevention of dysplasia and normal joint development, 5-15 minutes are enough, then it is returned to the crib.

How to keep a grown baby

Need to quickly transfer the baby from the cradle to the parents bed or move from the bedroom to the living room? Tiny babies are transferred in a classic horizontal position, gently supporting the head. Adult babies, from 2–2.5 months old, can be taken by the chest.

Armpits of a newborn rest against mother's palms. Her thumbs are wrapped around the baby's chest, and the rest are wrapped around his back. An adult puts the head of a newborn on his shoulder, and presses a small body to the body. With your forearm or elbow, press the legs of the baby to the stomach.

The pose is safe and comfortable, but if the child sits upright for too long, his spine gets tired. Moving the child "column", you need to monitor the muscles of the neck and securely fix the head so that it does not tilt.

Raising and transporting four-month-old babies is easier. In children of this age, the neck muscles become stronger, and they can independently hold their head. You can rock a crying baby who does not want to part with his mother with one hand, while the other will rest.

The child sits on the waist of the parent, clasping her legs. The booty is pressed to the body, and the rib cage and the head of the baby are tilted back at an angle of 30–35 degrees. An adult grabs the baby’s buttocks with his palm, and holds his lower back with his forearm.In order for the child to sit comfortably, he must bend his knees, like a frog, and with heels rest against the stomach of mom or dad.

Baby hands do not need to hold. He can put them on the chest of an adult or squeeze something with small hands.

Bathing pose

A child taking a bath is supported with his left hand. The second, right, newborn is soaped and watered from a bucket. Hand and fingers hug the chest of the baby. His head rests on his forearm. The thumb is placed under the scapula or slightly higher.

Bathing pose

They wash the babies with warm water, moving from the genitals to the buttocks so that the stool does not fall on the ureter and genitals. The child turns his stomach up. His back rests on his mother's or father's forearm. Fingers grab one hip, the second hangs down. In this position, the legs of the baby are wide apart and do not interfere with the adult to carry out hygiene procedures.

Important: The wet baby should be immediately transferred to a towel and squeezed tightly, taking it out of the bath. The delicate skin of the child is very slippery, and young parents can drop it.

How not to do

  1. Babies who do not have an umbilical wound heal are not turned over on their stomachs. They sleep and rest on their backs. Some babies roll on their side in a dream.
  2. Grudnichkov is forbidden to grab by the wrists or lift, squeezing the forearm. You can dislocate your hand, injure your arm muscles or fragile children's bones.
  3. Newborns up to 1–2 months of age should not be seated with buttocks on a hard surface or knees. If the legs hang from the mother's forearm for too long, the likelihood of bending the bones increases.
  4. Do not forget about the head of the newborn. It is gently supported with your fingers or palm, not allowing you to tilt back. With a sharp fall in the head, muscles and nerve endings are injured.
  5. If a child lying in a classic position has lower and upper limbs hanging down, an additional load is created on the back muscles. Vertebrae may become deformed.

It is recommended that a baby who waves his arms or legs too actively, frightening young parents, be wrapped in a diaper, and then removed from the crib. Infants should not be hugged or pressed too tightly to the chest so as not to damage the fragile bones.

Newborns need both mother's and father's arms, because in parental hands it is warm and safe. Learning to lift and rock the baby is easy. Just a few practical exercises will turn the young fighter into a real professional who knows how to support the baby’s head and back with one hand, and prepare the mixture and get the diaper with the other.

Video: how to take and hold a child

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