How to teach a toy terrier to the tray: useful tips

When a new pet appears in the house, and especially the baby of a toy terrier, life is filled with truly puppy joys. But along with tenderness and delight comes the understanding that the dog needs to be accustomed to the tray. This will allow you to facilitate the care of animals. The ability to go to the toilet is especially true when the dog is at home for a long day. So, how to teach a toy terrier to the tray quickly and efficiently?

How to teach a toy terrier to the tray

If an adult, accustomed to a tray, that other people had before, got into your house, this does not mean at all that the animal will gladly begin to walk into your tray. Moving and changing the host itself is a big stress for the animal. In this case, the dog just needs to be left for a while, until it gets used to the new environment. Subsequently, you only have time to show your new pet where he needs to celebrate.

The task of accustoming to the tray is facilitated if the puppy saw his mother go into the tray and adopted this experience. In any case, it is better to teach the animal new skills at an early age, when he is 1-2 months old. Once the toy terrier is in your house, set new rules for him.

Getting ready to learn

So, a toy terrier puppy has appeared in your house. First you need to select one room where the baby will be the first time. It can be a separate room or a kitchen. This is done so that the animal does not spoil the entire apartment.

Remove all carpets and rugs from the floor - puppies like to urinate on the soft. Remove all wires and dangerous objects from the floor that the puppy may bite. After that, determine how and where the baby will need to relieve itself.

The dog can write in special diapers - soft on the one hand and oilcloth on the other. The second option is a special tray, like for cats. But the tray should be mesh, and not the one for the filler. Such a capacity has very high sides; a toy terrier puppy simply cannot get into the tray itself. At first (when the dog will not go to the tray yet) you will need dry and wet wipes to clean up the animal. In addition, the process of education does not pass without a tasty treat, which should always be at your fingertips.

How to teach a toy terrier to the toilet

Here are simple steps to help you train your dog in a specific place.

  1. If you accustom a dog to a diaper, you need to line this diaper with the entire floor in the room. The puppy will go to the toilet on a soft diaper. Then, over time, the number of diapers can be reduced, leaving only a few. Since the dog’s alternative is simple - walking on a soft diaper or on a cold floor, she will certainly choose the first option every time.
  2. If you accustom to the tray, it is better to find 3-4 trays and close them to each other. Leave the trays near the puppy bed - where the dog is sleeping.
  3. During the training of the animal, it is important to know some of its physiological characteristics. A little puppy is written very often, especially after sleep. And after eating, he usually relieves the need in large quantities. This we will use in the process of his training.
  4. After the puppy wakes up, he must be carefully raised and put on the tray. Most likely, the dog will try to run away, but you do not need to keep it forcibly. When the toychik leaves the territory of the trays, pick it up again and put it back. Sooner or later, physiology will take its toll, and the baby will do its job. At this time, it is important to praise the pet, treat it to a treat, gently pat it on the ears.
  5. When putting the dog in the tray, it is very important to repeat the same command, for example, “Write” or “Toilet”.Subsequently, you can provoke the process on command.

Toy terriers are pretty smart dogs that respond well to training. Usually it takes 4-6 attempts and explanations to master the skill. After that, the dog begins to understand what you want from her. However, incidents can happen later, simply because the puppy is still a child. He may tune up or not have time to run to the tray. Do not scold your pet and in no case do not poke his face in the bowel movement. This will not add to the dog’s understanding, but your relationship with a new friend may well go bad.

Features of training a toy terrier

When you accustom a small toy to the tray, it is important to note some features of this process.

Features of teaching a toy terrier to the tray

  1. Feed your dog on a schedule - morning and evening. So you can at least a little control the process of coping.
  2. If the dog relieves the need for the wrong place, immediately express her dissatisfaction with it. However, you do not need to do this if you later notice a bunch or puddle. For example, a dog peeed on the floor, and you found evidence only after an hour. Do not scold the dog in this case, that one might think that you scold him for finding this puddle. Subsequently, he can begin to write in secluded places. You need to scold him immediately after committing a crime, and then carry the animal to the tray.
  3. If your puppy is a boy, do not forget to make sure that he has a special tray with a column.
  4. Very often, the puppy shows that he is going to go to the toilet. He becomes restless, sniffs corners, orientates in search of something soft. If you notice this behavior in your pet, immediately bring the dog to the tray. So he quickly learns to use the toilet.
  5. When the dog is inside the tray, do not scold her in any case.
  6. If the animal relieves the need for a specific place, put the tray there. If urine or stool gets on soft surfaces (for example, a carpet), these areas should be thoroughly powder coated so that the smell of the toilet no longer attracts the animal.

Be kind and patient with your new friend. Aggression and assault will not lead to anything good. The toy terrier is a very smart dog, but in order to get the right actions from it, you need to convey to the dog what you want from it. Perhaps patience and boundless love will help you understand each other without words.

Video: how to train a dog on a tray

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