Viburnum - useful properties and contraindications

Red viburnum is also called ordinary. The berry grows on a medium-sized shrub and is related to the Adoksy family. It is characterized by its sour taste with a light bitterness, which does not interfere with consuming viburnum for food. A bush grows in the wild and in suburban areas, has a number of healing properties and a certain list of contraindications.

Useful properties and contraindications for viburnum

The composition of viburnum

All elements in viburnum are optimally balanced, and therefore benefit a person. One compound complements the action of another, this is the main healing power of the fruit. In order to have a clear idea of ​​the effects on the human body, you need to familiarize yourself with the components available.

So, ascorbic acid, which is called vitamin C, occupies a special place. This substance is necessary to increase defenses, remove toxins and carcinogens, and prevent serious pathological changes in blood vessels.

There is retinol in the composition, it is responsible for the skin condition. There is also tocopherol in viburnum, it is a natural antioxidant. Not without tannins, pectins, volatile, dietary fiber.

It is worth highlighting minerals that include manganese, iodine, phosphorus, copper, potassium, and iron. Viburnum leaves contain oleic, valerianic, acetic acid, so teas, decoctions and tinctures are prepared on their basis.

Experts attribute to Kalina a number of valuable qualities, among which are astringent, bactericidal, analgesic, sedative, expectorant, diuretic and laxative.

Shrub bark accumulates a valuable substance called viburnin. It is necessary for the treatment of diseases of the female genital environment.

The benefits of viburnum

  1. It is prescribed for admission to categories of people who suffer from diseases associated with a lowered immune system. Quickly increases defenses, cures SARS.
  2. Relieves fever, because it accelerates sweating. To bring down the temperature, you need to drink tea prepared on viburnum leaves and fruits. He will saturate you with a decent portion of vitamin C.
  3. Due to its calming properties, viburnum should be used for sleep problems, nightmares, constant nervous strain, chronic fatigue, causeless depression, rapid fatigue of the physical or mental plane.
  4. Due to the fact that the fruits clear the airways of mucus, they should be consumed by patients with bronchitis, pneumonia, and wet cough. The berry will quickly remove phlegm and contribute to a speedy recovery.
  5. With a sore throat of a purulent type, decoction on viburnum leaves, bark or berries needs to be gargled. The same tool is used to treat the oral cavity from bleeding gums and with brittle teeth.
  6. If there are diseases that are caused by low acidity of the stomach, for example, gastritis, viburnum must be entered into the daily menu at least in small quantities. It normalizes acidity and enhances digestive processes.
  7. In addition, the composition perfectly removes excess fluid from the body. Due to this, not only the water-alkaline balance is normalized, but the swelling of the tissues of the internal organs and limbs also disappears.
  8. Red viburnum is an effective tool for cleansing the internal organs. It neutralizes the effects of carcinogens, toxins, radionuclides, poisons of a different nature. Then it removes them from the body. Also, with a systematic intake of fruits, the intestines are cleansed of severe stagnation (constipation).
  9. Use the fruits in case of urolithiasis or gallstone disease. For the purpose of treatment, special folk remedies are prepared, which are taken for a long time. They facilitate the course of the disease and after a while dissolve the formation.
  10. With skin lesions make lotions, compresses, ointments based on viburnum. In the cosmetic field, masks with berries are in demand because they tighten the skin and highlight the oval of the face.

Viburnum for the liver

Viburnum for the liver

  1. After an idle feast or an improper way of eating, it makes sense to cleanse the liver. Of course, you can make tubage mineral water and heating pad, but this is not always convenient.
  2. It’s easier to prepare a remedy with honey and the presented berry. Rinse in a colander of 0.5 kg. viburnum, remove all damaged and rotten specimens. Mix with 100 ml. water, boil until soft. Wipe the viburnum with a strainer, combine with 0.25 kg. honey. Consume 2 weeks 2 times a day in an amount of 50 g.
  3. If it is necessary to clean the blood, improve the outflow of bile and slightly relieve the liver, as well as restore its structure, another remedy is being prepared. Grind 0.3 kg. rose hips, mix with 1.4 liters. boiling water, pour a handful of celandine and 2 handfuls of sage. Insist in a thermos or pan for 9 hours. In this infusion, enter 160 gr. pureed viburnum and 60 gr. Sahara. Consume 120 ml for 3 weeks.
  4. To get rid of neoplasms in the form of stones or sand in the liver or gall bladder, you need to swallow the viburnum bones. A day you need to take about 10 pieces, but not immediately, but after a certain period of time.
  5. In order to prepare a choleretic infusion, combine the birch buds, mint, viburnum fruits in equal proportions. These components in the amount of 40 gr. 300 ml are poured. water, insist and filter. Consume 25 ml. every day before a meal.

Guelder-rose for a gastrointestinal tract

  1. Not only the fruits of the bush are used, but also the seeds. All these parts eliminate painful symptoms in the stomach, fight intestinal parasites, cope with gastritis, peptic ulcer, digestion problems, diarrhea and, conversely, constipation.
  2. If there are diseases associated with low acidity, it makes sense to prepare an effective remedy. Mix 300 ml. boiling water with 70 gr. viburnum, let stand for about 3 hours. Take 80 ml. 5 times a day 20 minutes before the meal.
  3. If you encounter indigestion, you need to prepare the product on the seeds of the bush. Mix a tablespoon of raw materials with 250 ml. boiling water, boil for 30 minutes, cool and filter. Eat 2 tablespoons of raw material after an morning meal and before dinner for an hour.
  4. Patients with identified peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach will benefit from taking berries. Mix a handful of fruit with a glass of water at room temperature. Let the composition brew for 10 hours, filter. You need to consume 30 ml. every time 50 minutes before the meal.
  5. If you are tired of struggling with such a delicate problem as constipation, take the habit of eating 45 berries of viburnum in the morning, wiped with honey through a strainer. You can do otherwise: chop a teaspoon of viburnum seeds, mix with 245 ml. hot water. After cooling, the composition should be taken twice a day for half a glass.
  6. Coping with diarrhea helps tincture on viburnum. Wash 60 gr. berries, chop in any way possible. Mix with 120 gr. honey. Cook in a water bath for 10 minutes, remove, take a teaspoon a couple of times a day.

Viburnum for the nervous system

  1. Systematic eating of fruits will help say goodbye to constant nervous tension and a state of anxiety. Raw materials gently affect the psycho-emotional background of a person, relaxing the nervous system.
  2. To normalize the condition and get rid of psychological problems in the form of overstrain, depression and irritability, it is worth preparing a fairly simple remedy. Combine in a total capacity of 300 ml. boiling water 50 gr. crushed bark of viburnum and 10 gr. dry collection of lemon balm.
  3. Stew components in a steam bath for half an hour. After this, insist on about 1 hour. Strain the drink and take 30 ml an hour before the meal. The wellness course lasts for 1 week.If necessary, take a 10-day break and repeat the therapy.
  4. You can use an alternative recipe to deal with chronic fatigue and overwork. Take in equal parts the collection of pharmacy chamomile and chopped bark. Send 20 gr. the resulting mixture in 250 g. boiling water. Stew components in a steam bath for about a third of an hour. After this, strain the finished product. Take 50 ml at bedtime.

Kalina in cosmetology

Kalina in cosmetology
Oily skin
To cope with increased oily skin, you should combine a chicken egg and 60 gr. shredded fruits of viburnum. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Spread the product in a thin layer over a clean face. Wait about 17-20 minutes. Wash yourself in the usual way with room temperature water. For greater effectiveness, you can add citrus zest.

To get rid of age-related changes and premature wrinkles, you need to prepare an effective remedy. Mix in a deep container egg yolk, 12 g. honey honey, 10 ml. olive oil and 30 gr. ground berries of the presented plant.

Use a blender for easy mixing. Spread the finished product on the steamed face. Wait half an hour. After the allotted time, remove the mask in the usual way. A noticeable result will be visible after several procedures. The skin takes on a fresh and toned look with a smooth structure.

Dry skin
In order to fully moisturize and saturate the skin with valuable trace elements, it is recommended to use a directional mask. Rub in a cup of 65 gr. fruits of viburnum and add 30 ml to the slurry. extra virgin olive oil, 2 gr. rice flour, 10 ml. glycerin.

Stir the ingredients thoroughly to form a mass with a uniform structure. Spread the mask over the face with a cosmetic spatula and wait a third of an hour. Wash yourself in the usual way. The procedure is recommended twice a week. Simple manipulations will protect the skin from premature aging.

Acne, blackheads
Not everyone knows the beneficial qualities of viburnum in the fight against black spots and inflammatory processes in the form of acne. It is enough to turn a small number of fruits into a homogeneous mass. Spread the composition over your face for 20 minutes. Wash yourself.

Use this tool three times a week. After several procedures, the result will be obvious. The face is noticeably cleansed of acne, inflammatory processes disappear. Soon you will simply forget about acne.

Lack of basic care
For everyday care of the epidermis of any type, it is recommended to prepare a fairly simple lotion with a tonic effect. Mix in a cup 20 gr. honey bee, 100 ml. viburnum fresh, 2 egg yolks, 30 ml. vodka and 25 ml. olive oil.

Stir components thoroughly and transfer to a convenient container. Place the container in the refrigerator for a while. Wipe your face with a ready-made product daily. After the composition has dried, it is recommended to wash it with water at room temperature.

Viburnum tincture on vodka

  1. The finished product has a lot of healing properties. Proper use of the composition will help to cope with quite serious diseases. Sort and rinse 500 gr. fresh fruits of viburnum. Remove trash and damaged items.
  2. Rinse the berries again with running water and drop them into a colander. Wait for the fluid to drain completely. After that, lay the raw materials on parchment paper. Wait for the viburnum to dry. To store the finished tincture, prepare a glass clean container with a volume of 2 liters.
  3. Do not use cookware made of plastic. Wash and dry the glass container well in advance. It will not be superfluous to sterilize it. After this, pour the prepared fruits into the container, they do not need to be rammed. Pour vodka until it fills the vessel.
  4. Close the container tightly with a suitable cork. Insist a remedy of the order of 25-30 hours. Then add alcohol if necessary. After that, close the vessel tightly again and send it to a dark, cool room for insisting.
  5. The composition should be infused from 15 days to 1 month. Depending on the duration of the procedure, the quality of the final product is improved. After this, strain the tincture well so that no sediment remains. Pour the composition into smaller containers.
  6. Thus, the tincture will be easier to store and take. The healing composition effectively copes with hypertension, nervous disorders and respiratory diseases. The daily rate of tincture should not exceed 60 ml.

Harvesting viburnum for the winter with sugar

  1. Such a delicacy has a lot of useful properties, and the composition does not need to be boiled. The procedure will take about 40-45 minutes. To make the raw materials as useful as possible, collect the fruits after the first frost. This will require 1 kg. viburnum.
  2. Rinse the raw materials and prepare properly, getting rid of all the excess. Pure dried fruit in a suitable container. In parallel, sterilize the cans and lids. Pour about 800 grams to the berries. Sahara.
  3. Stir the components without damaging the integrity of viburnum. After that, distribute the finished mass to the prepared jars. From the edges of the container, the fruits should recede about 3 cm. On top of each filled container, pour a small amount of sugar.
  4. Cork jars, you can use nylon caps. Store the treat in the refrigerator or in a suitable room. The healing product can be consumed after 20-25 days. Maintain immunity with loved ones and relatives during the period of colds.

Contraindications viburnum

Contraindications viburnum

  1. If you suffer from hypotension, then consuming fruit on the contrary will significantly aggravate the situation. Guelder-rose lowers arterial pressure, especially in combination with flower honey.
  2. Also, do not take raw materials in any form if you have an increased acidity of the stomach. It is not recommended to resort to the help of folk remedies when diagnosing high blood coagulability and a tendency to thrombosis.
  3. It is forbidden to use the medicinal properties of the product if you suffer from arthritis, gout, kidney pathologies and urolithiasis. During pregnancy, special care should also be taken.

Almost everyone knows that viburnum from ancient times has a healing effect. Fruits could cure many ailments. Currently, medicine has stepped far forward, so do not treat serious diseases with folk recipes. With the help of viburnum, you can improve your health and get rid of some minor problems.

Video: the benefits of viburnum for human health

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