Dwarf Pinscher - breed description and dog character

The breed of dogs is a miniature pinscher or, as it is even more often called, a dwarf pinscher, was bred by German breeders. This animal is very small, as it has a small weight that does not exceed six kilograms, and growth reaches a mark of only thirty centimeters. But at the same time, this type of pet lives for a long time, usually at least fifteen years.

Dwarf pincher

Experienced dog breeders and just lovers of these animals note in Pinchers their peculiar character and "dancing gait." He looks like a gracefully moving toy dog ​​that walks with pride because it is a representative of the miniature pinscher breed.

But, despite their growth, these animals are classified as official by classification. They are considered the smallest breed of service dogs, in many ways similar to supernauzers. The body of these pets is quite strong, which makes it possible to use them in many types of training of a sporty kind, which include agility with freestyle, as well as other varieties.

Fact! At the very beginning, when the breed was just bred, they stopped a tail with ears. But today this procedure is carried out much less often.

History of breed origin

The exact date of occurrence of this type of dog is still unknown, but what can be said for sure is that Germany became their homeland. Experts say that the first mention of these small animals dates back to the 15th century. Therefore, it is considered the century of their origin.

The Miniature Pinschers quickly became people's favorites, and the reason for this lies in their behavior. The Württemberg area is considered the first where these dogs appeared. There, they mainly lived at the stables, doing their duty in the form of protecting property and catching rats. Therefore, it is not surprising that they can still be called “stable griffins”.

A little later, these glorious and bold dogs were used as carriage escorts. Running alongside them, they barked loudly and fervently throughout the trip. This was necessary not only to drive passersby out of the way, but also to scare away ill-wishers. But besides this, the Pinschers were also taken for hunting. Despite its small size, this pet coped with the task of a hunter.

Dwarf Pincher Standards

Many note some similarities between dogs of this breed and a representative of the Doberman breed. But, in truth, there are no any family ties between these species. The connection between them is only in the fact that a certain person with the surname Doberman was very amazed and delighted in the appearance of cute dwarf pinschers, which was engaged in the breeding of similar dogs, but large in size.Therefore, those who see the similarity between Dobermans and Zwergpinschers are not mistaken at all, because these small representatives really became prototypes of modern Dobermans. Although the real pincher does not exceed 30 centimeters in height, and the average weight indicator reaches only 5 kilograms.

  1. A dog of this breed has well-developed muscles. Its paws are quite high, but steady. It is worth noting that the hind limbs are slightly longer.
  2. The head of the dog is not very big, but not small, it looks proportional to the body. This part has a rather expressive transition from the forehead to the muzzle.
  3. The neck is a little long but not thick.
  4. Pincher's eyes are oval, and their color is mostly quite dark.
  5. The coat covering the body is short, but shiny and silky. Ideally, representatives of this species are trimmed with tails and ears. But today, breeders refuse these rules for the reason that this does not interfere with the normal life of the dog, and the procedure itself brings him pain.

The generally accepted standards of dwarf pinschers were adopted back in the 1880s, and after some time, namely 15 years later, the first club of fans of this breed was opened in the homeland of these animals. And after this event, many people learned about this breed, and Pinschers began to appear at most exhibitions and competitions, even outside of Germany. In Europe, this breed spread after the next exhibition was held in France, where modern miniature pinschers were introduced as smooth-haired terriers from the stable.

After this event, these dogs gained great popularity, but, unfortunately, the wars that occurred in the 20th century led to the fact that there were almost no representatives of this breed. And only thanks to the efforts of dog lovers it was possible to ensure that the breed regained its popularity.

The color of animals can be quite different. Plain brown-red representatives are considered a common option. In second place are two-color dogs, which are more often black and tan. This tan can cover the area above the eyes, as well as near the tail, on the chest. But these two types of color are popular today. Previously, only one color was approved in the code of standards - brown and tan. At this time, breeding of this species is only engaged in the United States.

Miniature Pinscher Character

These tiny dogs can be kept not only on the street, in their own house, but also in the apartment. However, in order not to cause any problems, it is recommended to start this species only for those who have experience with dogs. Because, if you give slack, Pinchers become quite pampered and stubborn.

Miniature Pinscher Character

These dogs by their nature can be quite gentle, as well as affectionate. But their main quality is energy. These representatives are good friends for children. But at the same time, it is worth explaining to children that, despite their small size, animals are not toys, and it is worth treating them with respect. Dogs need their own space and peace when they so desire.

If we talk about other pets in the house, then they cooperate quite well with them, and do not conflict at all. You can’t say about other people's dogs from the street, to which Pinchers can be aggressive. Building pinscher relationships with other people's dogs does not always work out, and they can be aggressive. They can have excellent relations only with those whom they know from a very young age.

The Miniature Pinschers are rather suspicious representatives, and for this reason they can constantly bark. This can be a problem for frequent guests. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the upbringing of the dog, so that he calmly takes strangers in the house. And if we talk about public places, then it’s worth keeping the dog on a leash, no matter how calm it looks.

If you look on the one hand, then these pets are quite cute, as well as cheerful and loyal animals, but they also have negative aspects that must be dealt with through educational work from an early age. Moreover, these dogs are very fond of learning, which facilitates the work. If the miniature pinscher loves and respects his master, then he will obey him implicitly.

This pet is ideal for living in a small apartment, because its small size allows the dog to accommodate almost everywhere. Its significant advantage is that it sheds quite rarely, and this process will not bring much trouble to the owner. The next advantage of this breed is that it is very easy to train.

But, despite this, do not overdo it and allow the animal a lot, because it is very easy to spoil it. And his stubbornness can play a cruel joke with the owner. However, if you do not neglect the educational work, then from this pet you will grow up a very faithful, sweet and gentle family friend.

As already noted, these doggies love children and other family members, only children need to learn that in front of them is a dog, not a toy.Zwergpinscher can easily get along with other pets, so do not worry about it. But, if the dog is already an adult, and the owners decide to have another cat or dog, then problems may arise. But all this is also quite individual.

Outsiders for the Miniature Pinscher are potential enemies, so they can bark at them or just be wary. Such a reaction is a consequence of their innate watchman instinct. When this dog encounters persons suspicious of him, his hair becomes on end, his eyes sparkle with anger, and he is ready to attack to protect his home or his own owners from potential danger.

Despite all its ambiguous character traits, this pet will become a great friend not only for the whole family, but also for people who live alone.


If we talk about the health of the pincher, it is worth noting that it is located to some serious diseases like diabetes with urolithiasis, cataracts with glaucoma, as well as these small pets are prone to epilepsy and deafness.

Maintenance and care of the dwarf pinscher

Caring for the pinchers is quite simple. They do not require everyday procedures. In order for the dog to feel good, you need to take care of its coat. To do this, comb it no more than two or three times, and also periodically remove the fallen off wool with a damp towel.

Maintenance and care of the dwarf pinscher

In feeding, this dog is not at all expensive, because it is small in size, and, accordingly, it needs little food. But it is worth paying special attention to the quality of food, because the level of animal activity and health depend on it.

Dwarf pinschers should not be left in the draft, and in the cold season, you need to take care of the availability of clothing for the dog. Cold means low air temperature outside, because in a mild frost this dog does not freeze due to its excess activity.Pet's paws can start to freeze only at -7 - 10 degrees Celsius. If winter is with severe frosts, then for walking it is worth purchasing a special jumpsuit, and also do not forget about boots.

But not only cold, but also heat can be dangerous for a pet. Because in hot weather the dog can get a sunstroke. If the walk takes place in the sun, then it is worth remembering that it is important to wet the coat periodically, especially if the color of the animal is black and tan.

Note! Representatives of this breed are prone to obesity, so you should monitor their condition. A great option for them will be active games like frisbee. If a dog lives in an apartment and goes to a tray at home, then it is all the more necessary to walk it, and at the same time at least two times / day, at least for 30 minutes.

Dogs of this breed should not be left alone at home for a long time, because due to boredom they can begin to do what they want, for example, to play with things that are not intended for this, and even prohibited.

Despite its character, this dog is intelligent by nature, so it is necessary to develop its abilities and teach something new. You can learn something new not only at a young age, but throughout life.

It is worth noting that dwarf pinschers are forbidden to pull or raise, holding on to their front paws, as well as on the scruff, because there is a risk that the dog’s tendon will be damaged. If you need to transfer a pet, it is best to hold it by the stomach. It must be remembered that the dog should not be let off the leash in a public place, because even such a small dog can harm other people that she does not like.

Bathing pinschers is generally not worth it, because they can easily get sick. You need to wash your pet only when there is an urgent need, for example, with severe pollution, but not more often.

Miniature pinschers should periodically trim their claws - these animals are small in weight, and when walking their claws do not quickly grind.And if you run them and not cut them off at all, then the pet may get a dislocation due to a clumsy gait.

As already noted, it is worth carefully monitoring the nutrition of the pinscher. Freshness and quality of food are the main criteria by which food should be evaluated. It is best if the pet eats natural foods. His diet should consist of lean meat like chicken or beef with horse meat.

The dog should take food exclusively according to the schedule, and portions should correspond to its age and weight. If the dog does not eat up what he was given, then the portion should be reduced. However, if he stands next to the plate and looks with sad eyes at the owner, then it is necessary to review his diet.

To prevent intestinal ailments in a dog, as well as get rid of worms, finely chopped garlic is added to a plate with food.

Price for a dwarf pinscher puppy

The cost for a puppy of a Miniature Pinscher breed dog varies depending on the presence or absence of a pedigree, as well as on many other factors. The average price that you need to pay for a baby pincher is 10-30 thousand Russian rubles. Pets that do not have a pedigree at all, or they do not meet the standards of the breed, basically cost no more than 10 thousand.Such a dog is suitable for those who are not going to carry the animal to exhibitions or competitions, because anyway he will not be able to pass by standards. For such a price you can buy a wonderful family friend and beloved pet.

Dog breed dwarf pincher

Also, the cost depends on where the animal is purchased. If this is a nursery, then its cost can range from 10-35 thousand. But in the kit, the potential owner will receive documents, and a puppy with a good pedigree line.

If a person plans to take part in contests and exhibitions, then for such a puppy a miniature pinscher will have to pay at least 20-35 thousand rubles. Such puppies should have titled parents, which makes it possible, in the future, to receive victories for participating in competitions among their own kind.

Where to buy a miniature pinscher puppy

It is worth cautioning those who want to buy a pet on the bird market or through the Internet, because here no one can guarantee that the purchased animal is a real representative of the breed of dwarf pinschers. The best option is to buy a pet in the kennel. The advantages of acquiring a pet are quite a lot, and, most importantly, the owner can be sure that in front of him is a real representative of the breed, who was properly looked after,and watched his health.

Video: dog breed dwarf pinscher (miniature pinscher)

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