Boiled honey - useful properties and contraindications

Honey is a beekeeping product, the most delicious and favorite treat. At its core, honey is the nectar of flowers, partially digested by a bee. In the world, there are dozens of types of honey: linden, chestnut, buckwheat, acacia, sea buckthorn, mortar, fireweed and many others. The latter will be discussed.

Useful properties and contraindications of honey of honey

Boiled honey is named after the fireweed plant, from the flowers of which nectar is collected by bees. Fireweed or Ivan-tea is a plant traditionally growing in our country. The most widespread this plant was in the southern Urals, Altai Territory, but is also found in other regions. Even before tea, familiar to us, was imported into the territory of our state, our ancestors prepared a tasty drink from Ivan tea. In addition, Ivan tea is famous for its medicinal properties, and was indispensable in the ancient medicine cabinet.

Let’s take a closer look at the beneficial properties of honey of honey, what are its features, how to determine the authenticity of a product from Ivan tea.

Characteristics of Cypriot Honey

  1. Colour. We are all used to seeing honey yellow, amber, golden or brownish. The color of the honey of honey is different in that after collection it has a light yellow color with a greenish tint. After a certain period of time, when the honey begins to sugar, the color changes to pale milk with a pinkish tinge. It is this unusual shade that discourages uninitiated buyers.
  2. Consistency. Liquid this amazing honey is a very short time. Soon after pumping, it crystallizes. First, lumps, roughness appear in its composition, then grains are clearly noticeable. After completion of the crystallization process, honey acquires the consistency of heavy cream.
  3. Taste. Boiled honey has a delicate sweet taste with a slight bitterness. This sweetness is associated with the special taste of cypriot nectar.
  4. The aroma. White honey has a pronounced floral smell. Feeling this unique aroma once, you will not confuse it with anything.

Useful properties of boiled honey

Boiled honey is very healthy. It includes such elements useful for the human body as glucose, fructose, ascorbic acid, tannins, tannins, flavonoids, antioxidants, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, PP, H , C, E.

White honey has a number of beneficial effects on the body:

  1. Bactericidal. It is a good medicine in the treatment of influenza, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis. Helps in the healing of boils, ulcers, wounds. This property is associated with the release of hydrogen peroxide in honey during fermentation.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. Under the influence of biologically active substances, inflammation is relieved, redness decreases.
  3. Pain medication. When taking honey, pain associated with male ailments is removed. For example, with a disease such as prostatitis.
  4. Wound healing. It helps both with food intake and with the help of compresses. After a few sessions, the effect on the face.
  5. Soothing. Tea with honey before bedtime or a teaspoon of sweet treats will relieve stress and help you fall asleep faster.
  6. Enveloping. Honey is useful for people with diseases of the stomach, duodenum and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. A delicate delicacy envelops the mucous membrane and promotes the healing of ulcers, gastritis and other ailments.In addition to the above, honey enzymes will contribute to better digestion of food, relieve problems with stool.
  7. Antioxidant. Honey removes free radicals from the body, with regular use it significantly reduces the risk of cancer.
  8. Immunoconductive. Regular intake of honey helps to strengthen the immune system, increases the body's resistance to the effects of adverse environmental factors.
  9. The minerals that make up honey strengthen the skeletal, muscle, cardiovascular and circulatory systems.
  10. The high iron content in the product contributes to hematopoiesis, hemoglobin elevation, and the fight against anemia.
  11. White honey replenishes the body with scarce trace elements, fights muscle cramps.
  12. Relieves headaches.
  13. Widely used in spa treatments and cosmetology.

Contraindications of the use of fireweed honey

Despite all its useful properties, not everyone is allowed to use white honey.

Contraindications of the use of fireweed honey

  1. The consumption of honey by children under 3 years of age is strictly prohibited due to the high allergenicity of the product.
  2. To all people suffering from allergic reactions, honey is also contraindicated.
  3. Caution should be taken in hypertensive cypress honey. The combination of this type of honey with certain medications (for example, Eleutherococcus) can lead to a rapid increase in blood pressure.
  4. In diabetes mellitus, the consumption of boiled honey can result in an increase in blood sugar. Eat honey only after consultation with your doctor.
  5. For obesity, you should be very careful about the amount of honey consumed. A high carbohydrate content can negatively affect your health and shape.
  6. Especially caution should be taken in asthma cypress honey. In some cases, it can cause asthma attacks in sick people.

How to choose Natural Cypriot Honey

When buying a delicious honey that will only benefit your body, it is worth taking the choice very carefully and seriously, connecting all your knowledge of cypress honey, so as not to be deceived by unscrupulous sellers.

Firstly, it is not worth buying brown honey in spring or early summer. Even if you see a natural product, and not a fake, this honey has been stored for a year, and has lost a number of its beneficial properties. Such honey is more suitable for cosmetic or wound healing procedures, but not for oral administration.

Secondly, non-candied cypriot honey should drain from the spoon in an even trickle.

Thirdly, you can easily distinguish natural honey from Ivan tea by its unique floral aroma and delicate taste.

You can check the purchased honey at home by recalling school chemistry lessons and conducting simple experiments. Mix honey and clean water in equal proportions. Add ammonia to a small amount of solution. Natural honey does not react in any way to the performed manipulations. And fake honey will change color or precipitate. When iodine drops are added to honey, it can be determined whether starch is contained in it. A healing treat containing a starch supplement will turn purple.

How can i use honey

With the intake of honey inside, everything is clear. This is an absolutely finished product created for us by nature. And how to use the honey of honey, for example, in such an area as cosmetology? At the moment, there are many recipes that allow using honey to remain young and beautiful for a long time.

  1. When rashes on the skin, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of white honey with 1 liter of water and 1 liter of chamomile broth. After a day, you can begin to use your own prepared lotion.
  2. For oily skin, a mixture prepared from 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 cup of calendula decoction is suitable. The resulting substance is applied to the face as a mask and incubated for 15-20 minutes.
  3. To cleanse the skin, a scrub made from cypress honey and ground coffee, mixed in equal proportions, is suitable.
    You can also please your skin with a honey wrap. After this procedure, the skin becomes velvety and tender.

Video: what will happen to your body if there is honey every day

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