Dogwood - useful properties and contraindications

Dogwood used to grow exclusively in warm regions. But thanks to breeders today, a useful berry can be found in the northern parts with regards to territorial affiliation. The plant has long been used in the fields of folk healing for therapeutic and preventive purposes. It is also used in cosmetology and, of course, cooking. But reception and treatment should be carried out correctly. Therefore, we consider valuable qualities and potential contraindications.

Useful properties and contraindications for dogwood

Dogwood benefit

The berry has a positive effect on all systems and organs of a person. Consider the useful properties in detail:

  • kills bacteria, relieves heat, has anti-inflammatory effects;
  • used for diarrhea, as it has astringent properties;
  • increases blood pressure, therefore, is a real salvation for hypotonics;
  • enhances all metabolic processes, due to which natural weight loss occurs;
  • reduces intracranial pressure, fighting headaches and frequent migraines;
  • It is used to treat varicose veins;
  • removes excess fluid, struggling with heavy legs syndrome and swelling;
  • tones up, gives strength, eliminates chronic fatigue;
  • positively affects the psycho-emotional environment, suppresses insomnia;
  • normalizes the pancreas due to increased activity of enzymes;
  • increases metabolism, speeds up the absorption of food, reduces the risk of fermentation in the digestive system;
  • increases cravings for food, therefore it is often used in the nutrition of people after illness or surgery;
  • accumulates only natural saccharides presented in the form of fructose and glucose;
  • raises hemoglobin due to increased iron, improves blood composition;
  • used in the treatment of gout, hemorrhoids;
  • reduces the intoxication of the body with food or toxic substances;
  • cleanses the esophagus from stagnation;
  • used by external methods to eliminate eczema, psoriasis, depriving;
  • used as a sedative for the treatment of nervousness;
  • cleanses the stomach (only overripe dogwood);
  • responsible for the transformation of carbohydrates into energy reserves;
  • eliminates heartburn and pain in the stomach;
  • boosts the immune system between seasons, does not give you sick with the spread of influenza.

Dogwood treatment

  1. Diarrhea in children. The child should not be given medications for diarrhea, it is better to cook jelly based on cornel. To do this, several fruit jelly, fresh or dry, must be sent to a stewpan with 0.6 l. water and boil until thickened. Berries should be completely boiled. This composition is taken in 40 ml. three times a day for a third of the hour before the main meal. In a similar way, vitamin deficiency and other diseases caused by low immunity are treated.
  2. Swelling. The syndrome of heavy legs appears for one of the reasons, which lies in the accumulation of fluid in the tissues. Since cornel has diuretic properties, it is often used to remove water from the body. To prepare the product, it is necessary to take dried raw materials (foliage or branches), pour 50 g. 350 ml. boiling water and insist an hour. After this time, the composition is re-boiled in a water bath, cooled, taken three times a day, 50 ml each.
  3. Anemia, slow metabolism. In violation of metabolism, poor digestibility of food, as well as a lack of iron in the blood, a decoction of dogwood will come to the rescue. Measure out a teaspoon of dry branches and the same amount of bark, brew raw materials 280-300 ml. boiling water. Insist under the lid for about an hour, filter.Take 60 ml. three times a day before the meal or half an hour after it.
  4. Diarrhea in adults. Everyone knows such a delicate and unpleasant phenomenon as diarrhea. But few people know that with a disorder of the stool, the body loses most of the nutrients. If you do not prevent diarrhea on time, the condition of all internal organs worsens. Since cornel has an astringent effect, it is useful to use it in the form of a decoction. The product is prepared from fresh or dried fruits with the addition of twigs and bark (optional). At 0.5 liters. hot water is required to measure 1 handful of berries and half a crust of bark. Boil the contents in a saucepan for about 35 minutes, then insist all night. Take after filtering half a glass 2-3 times a day.
  5. Rheumatism. Such a disease is treated with a decoction based on dogwood roots. Grind 30 gr., Brew in half a liter of boiling water and leave for a third of an hour. Then boil the contents for another 15 minutes, turn off the stove, wait 2 hours. After filtering, this tool is taken in 30 ml. three times a day. Root collection is best done in the cool season or at the beginning of spring. To give the broth additional vitamins, you can pour half of the berry press before cooking.
  6. Vitamin deficiency, fatigue. With chronic fatigue, insomnia, vitamin deficiency in the offseason, low immunity, general depression, you need to take the drug according to the recipe. Mix 0.5 liters. hot water with a handful of dogwood, cook for half an hour at low power. Then cool, filter, add a little water that has evaporated. Use a fortified cocktail 3 times a day for 75-80 ml.

Dogwood for diabetics

Dogwood for diabetics

  1. Earlier it was mentioned that only natural saccharides, which are represented by fructose and glucose, accumulate in the berries. Dogwood is good for people with diabetes.
  2. The value lies in improving digestion processes, enhancing the absorption of nutrients by the walls of the esophagus, accelerating all metabolic processes.
  3. Dogwood increases motility and improves intestinal microflora, promotes enhanced production of pancreatic enzymes, and cleanses internal organs of toxic substances.
  4. Against the background of the listed beneficial qualities, excess sugar is removed from the blood, glucose indicators are reduced. The body begins to produce its own insulin and is more susceptible to it, so the general course of the disease is facilitated.
  5. For diabetics, it is most useful to consume freshly squeezed juice from cornel fruit. Such a drink is consumed three times a day before meals in a whole glass (200-250 ml.). But you should not drink such an amount right away, start with 60 ml., Gradually increasing the dosage.
  6. Treatment of diabetes with a folk remedy lasts for 10 days. After the allotted time, a break of the same duration will be required. If the disease worsens again, you can repeat the therapy.

Dogwood with weight loss

  1. The fruits are used for weight loss. On 100 gr. raw materials account for about 40 Kcal. There is no clear diet, but do not consume more than 200 grams. berries daily. Again, it is worth considering the individual characteristics of the body. The daily rate can be set independently.
  2. To lose weight, you need to eat fresh berries, it is in them that the minimum calorie content is concentrated. Excess weight goes away through the interaction of active components and human tissues. Metabolism and other metabolic processes improve.
  3. Special enzymes activate the secretory functions of the pancreas. In the body, an accelerated exchange of fats occurs. They simply do not have time to put off.
  4. Frequent intake of fruits is accompanied by high blood pressure and narrowing of blood vessels. Dieters suffer from hypotension. Do not forget that dogwood provokes a feeling of hunger.
  5. At any time, you can break down and eat unhealthy high-calorie foods.Consuming cornel is recommended in the morning.

Dogwood for pregnant women

  1. There are quite a lot of opinions about whether it is worth eating dogwood while bearing a fetus. From some sources, we can conclude that berries provoke increased excitability. This increases the tone of the uterus.
  2. If you drip deeper, you can see that the plant has a tonic effect. If you eat fruit immensely, then the chances of a miscarriage are significantly increased. In other cases, moderate eating will be beneficial.
  3. Regular consumption of berries improves the condition of the mother and child. Dogwood has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs. The abundance of ascorbic acid enhances protective functions. The risk of developing colds and infectious diseases is reduced.
  4. Dogwood contains a high concentration of potassium. The enzyme is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle. Therefore, the mineral cannot negatively affect the development of the fetus. In addition, potassium prevents edema, removing excess moisture.
  5. The fruits are rich in tocopherol and iron. Together, the components will not allow you to gain excess weight. Enzymes increase metabolism and break down fatty tissue. Tocopherol destroys fats and increases hemoglobin levels.
  6. A sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals allows the fetus and placenta to develop normally. Special enzymes stabilize tissue respiration. Dogwood consumption normalizes blood pressure. Blood vessels become stronger and more elastic.

Dogwood for hemorrhoids

Dogwood for hemorrhoids

  1. If you eat enough berries every day to diagnose hemorrhoids, special enzymes will prevent bleeding. Active substances relieve pain, reduce hemorrhoids, in some cases, the sacs are completely absorbed.
  2. Long-term intake of the product eliminates even large nodes, there is a noticeable strengthening of blood vessels. To cope with an unpleasant ailment, you need to regularly eat the prescribed amount of fresh berries. Take 6 fruits with the bone 45 minutes before the meal 4 times a day.
  3. The tool helps especially well during an exacerbation of the disease. Keep in mind that the bones do not need to chew, they will dissolve in the stomach on their own. An important feature is that the nucleus, in contrast to the pulp, has a sedative effect.
  4. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase fresh berries during the period of exacerbation, do otherwise. You can suppress the activity of the disease through dried fruits and seeds. The kernels can even come from boiled dogwood.
  5. To carry out the procedure through the seeds, 400 gr is required. raw materials. Distribute the product into 6 receptions, 3 times a day, for 2 days. Bones must be swallowed whole and washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid. It’s not necessary to eat a lot of raw materials at a time.
  6. You can take one bone, but for the reception you need to swallow the set one-time norm. If it is difficult for you to cope with the task, the course is allowed to stretch to 3 days. In traditional medicine, this method is considered very effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  7. If you decide to eat dried fruits, you have to take them in the same analogy. It is enough to eat about 7 fruits 40 minutes before a meal. The procedure is carried out three times a day. To achieve maximum results, you need to follow a diet.
  8. Without fail, exclude meat, alcohol and spicy dishes from the usual diet. During the treatment period, you can help the patient with herbal anti-inflammatory enemas. Best suited infusions of chamomile or St. John's wort.

Dogwood contraindications

  1. Dogwood is contraindicated in case of increased acidity in the stomach.
  2. It is not recommended to eat fruits with a tendency to constipation and in the evening. Berries can interfere with sleep.
  3. Overripe fruits in large quantities provoke fermentation in the intestines. Such a reaction can lead to diarrhea.

Dogwood boasts other useful properties, but it all depends on the state of health of a particular person. Even if you have no problems, you should introduce the berry into the daily diet as a preventative measure against many ills.

Video: the benefits of dogwood in clinical nutrition

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