Coconut water - useful properties and contraindications

For centuries, residents of tropical continents have used the powerful power of coconut water, and, in fact, the juice of this fruit on the body. In Thailand, it is called the "Juice of Life." They get it from unripe coconuts and rightly consider it much more useful than mineral water. The amount of water in the nut may vary depending on size, and can reach up to 1 liter.

Useful properties and contraindications of coconut water

Coconut liquid has found its niche in sports nutrition - it is a natural cocktail that is beneficial. Replenishing cells with water is an important point in the training process, and one cup of coconut drink can supply the body with 10% of the body's daily need for potassium electrolytes. Excessive loads cause increased sweating, and then the body loses K and Na. Coconut water is able to return 30 mg of sodium to the body.

Of course, the use of such a cocktail is not narrowly specialized, and everyone can use it, even those who have nothing to do with sports. Such a drink is able to refresh and invigorate.

What is the difference between coconut water and milk of the same name?

Coconut milk is a product obtained from processing the pulp of a fetus. It differs from water in taste, beneficial composition and properties. Coconut milk contains sugar and fats, it is more high-calorie (552 kcal) and wins in the composition of the vitamin-mineral complex, but water is rather a dietary product (only 46 kcal). Fats and sugar are completely absent.


The composition of coconut water is rich and diverse. It includes:

  • Squirrels.
  • Sodium.
  • Alimentary fiber.
  • Minerals (potassium, Ca, copper, Zn, iron, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus).
  • Vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B9).
  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Tocopherol.
  • Niacin.

What are the beneficial effects of coconut water on the body

It is a low calorie diet drink rich in antioxidants, amino acids, enzymes, minerals and vitamins. This composition strengthens the immune system. Hormones of natural origin are able to cope with thrombosis and tumors, as well as inhibit the aging process in the body.

To restore water balance
Coconut drink is a great way to get rid of thirst on a hot day. This is facilitated by the electrolytic composition, which makes water unique. It restores strength after dehydration caused by diarrhea, vomiting, fever, excessive physical exertion, accompanied by increased sweating.

Coconut water can be compared with high-quality sports drinks - this is a conclusion made after studies in 2012 and noted in the journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. The carbohydrate content in the composition raises the energy level of the body.

To lower blood pressure
An effective tool that can normalize high blood pressure without resorting to the use of medications. A true salvation for hypertensive patients. The high content of vitamin C and magnesium in coconut water, as well as potassium, can neutralize the effects of excess salt in the body. In 2005, the medical journal West India Medical Journal confirmed the healing effects of a cup of coconut juice drunk once a day.

Benefits for the heart muscle
Able such a drink to correct the functional state of the myocardium. Regular intake of coconut liquid lowers bad cholesterol and boosts good.As a result, a positive effect on cardiovascular activity and a decrease in the risk of diseases of the system were noted. The Journal of Medicinal Food Products in 2012 confirms this claim with its publication.

Coconut juice is a natural antioxidant and valuable property to relieve inflammation, stimulate blood circulation. It is able to prevent blood clots and reduces the risk of a heart attack or stroke.

With a hangover syndrome
Alcohol dehydrates the body. This leads to unpleasant consequences and malfunctions in the body. Coconut water can make up for the lost balance, smooth out the symptoms of a hangover, avoid oxidative stress, and absorb toxins. The drink is able to restore acidity in the stomach.

To put the body in order after excessive drinking, take the following cocktail: coconut water (400 g), mango (1-2 slices), lemon juice (2-3 tbsp.), Mint leaves (2 pcs.), Ice ( half a glass). All ingredients are mixed and consumed in small sips.

To get rid of extra pounds
Due to the small number of calories, coconut water is used in dietetics, and also it does not have a negative effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive system. The drink is light, refreshing, and biologically active enzymes in the composition. They accelerate the digestion of food and lipid breakdown. The high potassium content helps to remove excess water from the body, and also gently removes toxins. All this helps to lose weight.

Choosing an acceptable diet for yourself, it is allowed to include in the weekly diet up to 4 glasses of such water, since there are still calories in it, which can make dietary nutrition ineffective.

For healing headaches
With migraines and headaches resulting from dehydration, coconut water can correct the situation, and it can also make up for the lack of magnesium, which can also cause poor health. It has a preventive effect, and with periodic use, the drink is able to reduce the number of seizures.

To normalize Ph level
Improper nutrition, fast foods, stress and environmental impact, contribute to the "acidification" of the body. This leads to a decrease in energy ability and poor absorption of beneficial components, minerals and vitamins. The acidic environment is detrimental to the liver and its work, favors the development of arthritis of a rheumatoid nature. It is also fraught with increased blood glucose, destruction of bone tissue, hypertension and a weakened immune system.

Coconut drink has an alkaline effect, it suppresses the acidic environment and normalizes the level of Ph. With heartburn and gastroenteritis, this property is a real salvation.

With diabetes
Water extracted from walnuts is rich in amino acids, it also contains dietary fiber that can normalize blood sugar levels. A valuable property is the ability to make cells more susceptible to insulin.

For diabetics, the ability to drink water for weight control is an important factor. This is an easy way to get rid of extra pounds and establish blood circulation. The effectiveness of the action on the symptoms was noticed: numbness of the legs, the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the vascular walls.

In 2012, the American scientists scientifically proved the effect of a coconut drink on lowering blood sugar levels and on the degree of oxidative stress.

With edema
Thanks to the natural diuretic components in the composition, walnut water is able to prevent swelling, and has an antibacterial effect in case of urinary tract infection, and it also removes accumulations of toxins outside. Potassium is contained in it in such quantities that it is able to dissolve and remove stones from the kidneys outside the body.To enhance urinary properties, a pinch of sea salt is added to coconut water. In order to prevent it, it is used 2 times a day.

To normalize the work of the stomach
The composition of water contains lauric acid, which has a detrimental effect on intestinal infection and stimulates the activity of the stomach.

In violation of the detox function
Coconut drink removes heavy metals from the body that enter the body with food and water. Mercury negatively affects the color of the dermis. Dysfunction of the detox leads to a gray face.

With cosmetic effects on the skin
The composition of water includes cytokinins, they have anti-aging effects, reduce the likelihood of degenerative changes in people in old age. The cosmetic industry has taken this as a basis and uses it to create creams, masks, lotions and other products for the care, nutrition and hydration of the dermis. The use of cosmetics with coconut water in the composition makes the skin soft and gives elasticity. Keeps youth longer. Using this fluid, you can avoid the appearance of acne, age spots, cellulite and wrinkles, eczema and stretch marks. Helps to cure acne.

Anti-aging mask: Coconut water (small volume), sandalwood powder (2 tsp), mixed until a thick paste forms. Evenly distributed over the surface of the skin of the face. Wait to dry. Wash off.

To whom coconut water is contraindicated

The use of coconut water has its contraindications. It can not be used by people with:

To whom coconut water is contraindicated

  • Allergic manifestations on coconut nut.
  • Digestive system pathologies (bloating, diarrhea).
  • Impaired renal function.
  • With an excess of potassium in the body.

It should be excluded from the diet shortly before surgery. With regular use, this is done 14 days before hospitalization, otherwise there may be pressure problems during the operation.

Interesting Facts

  1. Coconut water has an equivalent electrolytic balance with blood plasma. During the war between America and Vietnam, young coconut was used for transfusion. A needle was simply inserted into it and used as a donor for transfusion. The liquid inside the nut is sterile, which excludes the fact of infection.
  2. Proteins and saline make it indispensable for cholera epidemics.
  3. With AIDS therapy, water helps the drug absorb more quickly.
  4. Coconut water can be used in the diet of infants with digestive problems. It is also a growth stimulator, since the composition contains natural growth hormones. It is effective to use for prickly heat and for the expulsion of parasites.

In our regions, it’s practically impossible to get unripe coconut; they are delivered to Russia with ripe, and unsuitable water. An alternative is a canned coconut drink. It is also not common in free sale, but you can find it on the Internet, if you wish. Such water will differ from that which is extracted immediately from the fetus and, most likely, will be saturated with preservatives.

Important! After printing a nut, the liquid quickly deteriorates. In order to avoid souring, it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator.

Video: Coconut and Coconut Milk Benefits

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