Coriander honey - useful properties and contraindications

Coriander is an annual plant from the Umbrella family. Actively used in culinary and perfumery. Coriander seeds and leaves give a pleasant aroma to vegetables and meat dishes, as well as pastries. As part of soap and perfume, you can often find its essential oil.

Useful properties and contraindications of coriander honey

Fact! Mention of this amazing plant can be found even in ancient Egyptian papyrus. Its properties were known more than three thousand years ago.

There is also coriander honey, which has a huge number of beneficial properties. True, getting it is not so simple. The fact is that because of the intense and pungent odor, bee plants are not too willing to collect nectar from it.

Transparent dark color distinguishes freshly collected product. It may also have light brown and amber shades. Please note that coriander honey is prone to rapid crystallization due to its significant glucose content. Already a turn of 1-2 months, it acquires a uniform consistency and becomes coarse-grained. The color changes closer to the cream shade. If compared with light varieties of honey, then coriander, being dark, is much more healing.


Coriander honey contains biotin, folic acid and pyridoxine. Also in its composition there are a number of vitamins, such as B2, B1, PP, C. In addition, this sweet product is rich in amino acids and proteins. It included a place in a number of minerals, starting with copper and phosphorus, and ending with zinc and calcium.

Like any other apiary product, coriander honey is rich in carbohydrates, hence its high calorie content. If you follow the figure, you should remember that more than 300 calories are hidden in its 100 grams.

Coriander blooms in the first half of summer. The duration of this process depends on the weather. Coriander loves the sun. In conditions of intensive flowering, bee colonies can procure 100-120 kilograms of nectar. If the climate is warm in a particular area, then these numbers can be much higher. In addition to coriander nectar in this honey, of course, there will be some impurities from different herbs.

What is coriander honey good for?

The outstanding composition of this product has endowed it with a host of useful properties. For example, coriander honey improves vision and cleanses the human body of cholesterol. Use this sweetness to normalize heart rhythms, in particular, with such an ailment as tachycardia. Being a natural product, coriander honey does not increase blood sugar, but rather reduces it.

Regeneration of the exemplary functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and increased secretion of the stomach become possible with regular use of coriander honey. Add this product to your diet and your liver function will improve, your gall bladder problems will disappear. In addition, coriander honey will help get rid of pain and cramping.

It is recommended to use it with a low level of hemoglobin. Coriander honey significantly accelerates the healing process of deep cuts, burns and other skin lesions. It also has the ability to increase the resistance of the human body to all kinds of viruses and is an excellent antibacterial agent. Coriander honey will be especially useful for the stronger sex, who have problems in bed.

Coriander honey is an effective antiseptic that also calms the nervous system. It is very good for restoring both physical and mental activity.

To whom can coriander honey be contraindicated?

Despite the fact that this product has such an impressive list of useful properties, it also has some contraindications. Unfortunately, sometimes people experience individual intolerance to coriander honey. If you are allergic to bee products, you will also have to give it up. It is not recommended to abuse this sweetness for those who suffer from low blood pressure or bradycardia.

Regarding the use of coriander honey by pregnant women, specialists cannot give a definite answer to this question. In any case, it is better to consult your doctor.

As mentioned above, coriander honey is very, very high-calorie. People who are overweight should by no means lean on it, however, as well as those who have been diagnosed with diabetes.

Coriander honey in medicine

To treat various ailments, coriander honey can be taken orally and used externally. Of course, this product alone will not become a panacea, but should be used as an addition to the doctor’s prescriptions.

Coriander honey in medicine

With a cold, you can drink it with warm milk or. However, the liquid should not be hot (not higher than 50 degrees), otherwise honey will lose most of its beneficial properties. In its pure form, this sweetness increases hemoglobin and strengthens the immune system.

The recommended dose of coriander honey for children is 30 grams per day. Adults should not exceed the mark of 100 grams.

Coriander Honey Storage Tips

This is a fairly scarce product, therefore, its storage must be treated responsibly. Coriander honey does not like heat. Do not store it in a room where the air temperature exceeds 18 degrees. The container must be tightly closed. This will prevent premature sugaring of honey.

The average shelf life is 1 one year.


  1. Infusion for hemorrhoids. To prepare the medicine, we need only two ingredients - coriander honey and beets, or rather its juice. The resulting drug, we will lubricate the external nodes of hemorrhoids. It is prepared very easily. We get the juice from beets and mix with honey in a one to one proportion. After 4-5 days, positive changes in the patient's condition should be outlined. In most cases, the nodes are significantly reduced, and it happened that they disappeared with the sucker.
  2. Coriander honey for the treatment of the stomach. To prepare a healing infusion, we take coriander honey, cabbage leaves and water. If desired, you can add some herbs. To begin with, fill the leaves of cabbage with boiling water. Let cool for an hour and a half. Add honey and mix until it is completely dissolved in the liquid. Take the infusion three times a day before meals. Dose - 1 tablespoon.
  3. Mask for face skin. Coriander honey can significantly improve the condition of problem skin. You can use it in its pure form, but you can also prepare a special mask. For her, we will also need sage. We fill it with boiling water and insist for an hour. Add coriander honey and let it dissolve. We dip a piece of tissue into the obtained liquid and apply it to the face for half an hour. After this time, rinse with warm water. It is best to carry out such a procedure in the morning and evening, preparing for bed.
  4. Coriander honey to stimulate mental activity. This recipe is quite complicated, because for it you need to get the mother’s milk. The ratio of this ingredient to coriander honey is 1 to 1000.
  5. Coriander honey infusion for washing wounds and gargling. We boil water (0.5 liters) and fill it with dried chamomile flowers (2-3 tablespoons). Let cool, then filter.Add 2 teaspoons of coriander honey to the resulting infusion and mix everything thoroughly so that it dissolves. There are practically no dose restrictions. You can gargle one to five times a day.

Coriander honey for impotence in men
In order to get rid of erection problems, we will need coriander balm, which normalizes blood circulation in the pelvis. Duration of treatment - a month or more. It is prepared as follows:

Finely chop aloe leaves (150 grams) and mix them with coriander honey (500 grams). Pour the resulting mixture with red wine (0.5 L). The drink should be of high quality, it is definitely not worth saving on this component. Next, insist our balm for a week in a dark, cool place. Then the drug is filtered and consumed in 1 teaspoon before meals. After a week, the dose is increased to 1 tablespoon.

Video: coriander honey

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