Brown discharge from a cat from the eyes: causes and treatment

Pets are not only a great joy and pleasure in communicating with pets, but also responsibility and proper care, which is especially important if the animal is sick.

Brown cat discharge from the eyes

The appearance in cats of such characteristic symptoms as discharge from the eyes of brown color may indicate the presence of various diseases. Therefore, having noticed such a problem in your mustachioed purr, you should not let things go by themselves. Consult a veterinarian who will help not only find out the cause of the disease, but also prescribe an effective treatment.

Discharge in cats, which is considered to be the norm: what to look for

I would like to draw attention to the fact that healthy cats, discharge from the eyes, as a rule, do not bother. The only thing that can be noticed is a slight secretion of a transparent color (a small amount of fluid secreted from the tear ducts).

Severe lacrimation may occur due to fairly strong external irritants: dust, smoke, fumes of corrosive chemicals, sharp blinding light in the eyes. However, even the above factors cause only a short-term release of fluid, after which the eyes of the animal return to normal. In some cases, moistening of the eyelids of the animal can be noticed after its awakening.

Note! If the animal suffers from the appearance of secretions of a cloudy yellow or brownish color - this clearly indicates the beginning of the development of a disease of an infectious nature.

Causes of discharge

The appearance of frequent and abundant discharge from the eyes of an animal is commonly called the term epiphora, used in both medical and veterinary practice.

The density and color of the discharge from the eyes of a pet directly depends on what kind of ailment struck him. The brown color of the tears is explained by the color of the pigment, which is part of the secret, which manifests itself in some inflammatory processes and pathological conditions caused by the presence of infection in the body.

As a rule, most infections caused by harmful bacteria provoke the appearance of suppuration in the eye area, as well as the release of a thick liquid with a characteristic yellow-green or cloudy white hue.

Pathologies characterized by a violation of the outflow of secretion from the tear ducts:

  • The presence of inflammatory processes that narrow the lacrimal canals.
  • Stenosis of the lacrimal ducts.
  • The presence of a foreign body in the lumen of the lacrimal canal.
  • Eye injury, allergic reaction to any irritant.
  • Inflammation of the lacrimal sac caused by a disease such as dacryocystitis.
  • Neoplasms and tumors, due to which the lacrimal ducts are pinched.

Ailments that can provoke profuse lacrimation:

  • Inflammation of the eyelid (blepharitis).
  • Conjunctivitis caused by infection.
  • Keratitis
  • Glaucoma and iridocyclitis.

Important! A specialist can establish the correct diagnosis. Treatment without identifying the causes of the disease can seriously aggravate the situation. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, pets should be referred to the veterinarian for an appointment.

What does the onset of symptoms indicate?

Note that the symptoms appearing in your pet can help find out the possible causes of a developing pathology.

Discharge from the eyes of cats

The appearance of purulent discharge from the eyes of a domestic cat, characterized by the presence of brownish-red impurities, may indicate the development of a rather serious bacterial infection.Often, this pathology is painful for the cat as a whole, because of which the pet becomes lethargic. The nose of the animal is dry and hot.

If the discharge from the caudate pet is thick, but translucent, this indicates that your pet has caught a viral infection. Isolation of pus in a disease of this type, as a rule, is not observed.

If your pet began to cry with brown tears, then most likely this is a disease related to pathologies caused by a violation of the outflow of secretion from the lacrimal canals. Accordingly, in this case, anti-infection therapy should not be used to treat the animal.

Too profuse tearing is common. One of the common causes of this pathology is the banal allergic reaction of a cat to any stimulus. Often, the concomitant symptoms of this ailment are redness and a rather strong swelling of the animal's eyelids.

Highlight red. In the case of cats, this is usually the pathology described above, the main symptom of which is brown discharge. The thing is that the brown secret is more pronounced in animals with a light color, acquiring a characteristic red hue.

In some cases, the appearance of a discharge of dark eyes from a pet can provoke an improperly selected diet. Concomitant symptoms are diarrhea, constipation, and frequent vomiting.

Treatment features

Cat eye treatment
If you notice an unpleasant and discomforting symptom in your cat, involving abundant brown discharge from the eyes, do not try to cope with the problem yourself. This can not only aggravate the situation, but also cause even greater harm to the health of the animal. It is better to immediately make an appointment with a veterinary clinic. A qualified specialist will establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe an adequate and effective treatment.

Depending on what causes the discharge from the eyes, the animal may be prescribed such drugs: antibiotics, drops to relieve inflammation and clean the lacrimal ducts, antiviral ointments. Also, cats are often assigned to undergo such a procedure as eye wash.

The treatment of certain diseases involves the appointment of physiotherapeutic procedures. Only in some, quite rare cases, the specialist recommends conservative treatment (surgery).

If for any reason there is no possibility of visiting a veterinarian, then you should not be inactive. To alleviate the condition of a cat, you can perform a procedure such as washing her eye with a medicinal herbal infusion consisting of sage, oak bark and chamomile. Also for these purposes, you can use an antiseptic solution that does not contain alcohol. Use cotton swabs for washing. Such fairly simple procedures will help to significantly alleviate the condition of the pet, which with a simple pathology will lead not only to an improvement in its condition, but also to recovery. If the cat’s condition, on the contrary, only worsens, do not hesitate and take the animal to the veterinarian.

It is important to remember that pets, like their owners, are ill, need timely and professional help that only specialists can provide. The main difference between pets from us is that they are completely and completely dependent solely on their owners.

Video: eye discharge in cats

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