Cat or cat eats land - why and what to do?

Caring owners are wary of the strange habits of their four-legged friends. For example, if a person sees that his pet is crushing the ground for both cheeks, he will be wary. It is important not only to understand what such an act means, but also what to do in this case.

Cat or cat eats land

Find out the reasons

There are some beliefs that a cat consumes soil due to the fact that he will die soon. There are more logical explanations for such things, so you should not believe everything that you hear from the older generation or friends. However, it is impossible to lower such a meal of a furry friend on the brakes, since the soil can be toxic, which will lead to poisoning of the animal.

  1. The reasons for this behavior have not yet been fully studied, but it can be asserted with certainty that the goal of eating land with animals is not at all the desire to play tricks. Pets overturn indoor flowers, eat the soil on the street not because they want to upset the owner. The etiology is not fully understood, but there are more plausible explanations.
  2. For example, some animals understand their body so well and feel that they are thus trying to cleanse their stomach and intestines. They consume soil, then induce vomiting to cleanse. This triggers digestion, the animal feels much better.
  3. Also in this category are psychological disorders. If the animal has been stressed for a long time due to certain circumstances, it will start to behave differently than usual. The cause of the disorder of the psycho-emotional environment is usually mockery, the departure of a family member, the appearance of a new pet in the house, etc.
  4. Next on the account is a reason that conceals a certain danger. When infected with certain types of helminths, cats feel that their body works differently. They try by all means to expel the parasites, eating the earth.
  5. Of course, one cannot rule out such a common and well-known reason as a lack of vitamins and minerals. If your pet does not have enough iodine, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, etc., it is likely that he will begin to have fun by eating algae or earth.

Mental disorder

  1. Above, we considered that one of the reasons for animals to eat the earth is a disorder of the psychoemotional background. If the cat is stressed or depressed, he will change his behavior. Each animal is individually, respectively, and the reaction will be different. A special role is played by the breed, the situation in the house, the age and even the sex of the pet.
  2. If your four-legged pet did not experience a lack of attention, affection and love, ate quality food, did not remain in the background, then there should be no negative consequences and stress as well. However, animals with an unfavorable fate, forced to live on the street or in a family where they are not loved, are constantly in a state of stress.
  3. A mental disorder can be detected in an adult animal due to certain shocks in childhood. For example, if at a young age the cat suffered from hunger and nearly died, he may have certain difficulties in the future. Of course, this condition may be due to other aspects.
  4. This includes relocation, change of ownership, lack of food, prolonged stay without people alone. Also, one cannot exclude the rivalry for the owner’s attention between other animals living in the house. The animal is depressed due to a lack of communication with the owner.
  5. All of the above can lead to changes in nutritional plan. It is important to understand that initially the root cause must be eliminated.If you know for sure that the cat is bad and is experiencing stress, get rid of the irritant factor. Give your pet more time so that he does not have a deficit in communication. In extremely difficult cases, the veterinarian prescribes antidepressants to the animal.

Parasite infection

  1. Another reason why the animal can lean on the use of soil. The owner, of course, such an outcome will mislead and even worry about the health status of his pet. This is not surprising, since it is really worth being wary. When infected with certain types of parasites, cats really begin to consume land.
  2. In their natural habitat, they would rather prefer sand over the land, but living at home, the animal will begin to overturn pots with indoor flowers. With this method, a four-legged friend tries to cleanse his body from parasitic creatures. Also, a cat can eat not the earth, but a toilet filler. Similarly, this action indicates infection.
  3. So, pay attention to the symptoms and condition of your pet as a whole. If you do not timely deworm, it is likely that the cat has a lot of worms and they poison its body. Signs of infection include deterioration of the coat, a hard stomach, weight loss, suppuration in the eyes, bad breath, and vomiting.

Lack of essential enzymes

  1. Take a closer look at the behavior of the animal, if such a feature worsens with the onset of spring, then we can say that the cat most likely lacks useful compounds. Simply put, an animal suffers from vitamin deficiency.
  2. This will especially indicate that the cat is happy to have the soil purchased from the store. In this composition there are many valuable compounds. The earth is enriched with fertilizers. As a result, the cat tries to replenish the vitamins he needs.
  3. Most often, animals suffer from a deficiency of phosphorus, calcium, sodium and potassium. In this case, it is enough to correctly compile a diet so that the cat ceases to feast on the ground. In addition, some feline owners claim that the animal may experience a deficiency of certain elements due to eating large amounts of meat.
  4. The problem is that such a product in large quantities leaches calcium from the body. As a result, the animal may suffer from the development of rickets or osteoporosis. In any case, do not wait for anything. Be sure to contact a specialist for help.
  5. It is strongly recommended that you refrain from starting to give your pet various micronutrients and synthetic vitamins. Only a veterinarian should prescribe a special diet and prescribe certain nutritional supplements.
  6. In order for the cat to fully receive all the vitamins necessary for him, you can sprout oats, peas, wheat, rape and barley on your own. As an alternative, you can purchase special cat grass at the pet store.
  7. The cause of an unusual addiction of the animal may be the development of anemia. Especially kittens can suffer from such a pathology. An unpleasant disease develops due to active growth. The disease can be recognized by the pale shade of the mucous membranes. General lethargy and bradycardia also occur.
  8. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to take the animal to the clinic so that the doctor does a blood test. Thus, it will be possible to find out about the level of iron content. If anemia occurs in the acute stage, it will be necessary to treat it with serious injectable drugs.

Stomach cleaning

  1. Many people know that feline representatives need to clean their stomach from time to time. The hairs enter the stomach when licked and must be disposed of in a timely manner. Cats often use common grass for such purposes.
  2. Accordingly, it remains for the cat to use only the earth in flower pots as a brush.As mentioned earlier, it is best to grow grass for your pet yourself. Thus, he will satisfy all his needs.
  3. Consult your pet store consultant for the best seeds to buy and germinate. As an alternative to your pet, it is recommended that you regularly give a special composition in the form of a paste. It helps to remove swallowed hair from the gastrointestinal tract.

We studied the underlying reasons why an animal can eat soil. Often cats overturn pots with indoor flowers, their behavior changes. The basis of this was psycho-emotional disorder, helminthic invasion, lack of nutrients, etc.

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