Kozlyak - description, types, toxicity of the mushroom

A goat is a mushroom that grows mainly in forests with conifers. Most often, gifts can be found in the temperate climatic regions of Eurasia. Otherwise, this mushroom is called a solitary confinement. As for the season when you can go to harvest, this period falls on the last month of summer and lasts until the first month of autumn. In today's article, we will study everything that affects members of the family.



  1. This variety belongs to tubular mushrooms, belongs to the family of boletus and the genus oleifera. Some believe that the name of this instance comes from the almost similar word "kid". However, if we consider the situation from the side of science, this is fundamentally wrong judgment.
  2. Since the fungus in question is classified as oily, it should not be confused with the moss mushrooms, which include the kid. Partly for this reason, it is worth remembering that these species are different. The first mushrooms are permissible for eating, and the second are considered conditionally edible.
  3. Over a long period of gathering people have their own impression of the goats. They come up with new names, including the moss-fly, moss-fly, ivanchik, mullein, swamp, breeder and others.
  4. Under the lattice is meant a mushroom with a convex hat, which over time acquires a flat outline with a hill in the middle. The diameter of the surface is about 10 cm. It all depends on the weather and the area of ​​growth.
  5. The hat is fleshy, with brilliance when it is dry outside. If it rains or is damp, the hat will become sticky and oily. The pigmentation of the tip of the fungus also varies from the growing conditions, it may be red with brown, brown with red, brown with yellow, ocher with pink.
  6. The base has the format of a cylinder, the leg is fleshy, not loose, about 10 cm high. It can taper and bend at the bottom, without feeling rough. As for the shade, the base color matches the top of the fungus, but a yellowish pigment at the bottom of the leg can be observed.
  7. Examining the tubular layer, it makes sense to say that it adjoins the hat sufficiently and does not fall off. In color, it all depends on the maturity of the fungus. It may be pale yellow in young specimens and dark brown in young mushrooms.
  8. The flesh is compacted in structure, brown or yellow in tone. If you cut it off, then redness will appear not very intense. The aroma is pleasant, not sharp.


  1. Mushrooms are distinguished by their unpretentiousness. They can be found in the Caucasus, the Far East, the Urals. Also found in Siberia, European countries. They prefer moist soil, live in temperate forests. Found in wetlands.
  2. By the nature of growth, the representatives of the group are similar to oils. They settle in colonies, but after heavy rains they can grow to large groups.
  3. In the presented variety of raw materials, worms quite often appear. Therefore, in collecting this aspect is given special attention.

Valuable qualities

Valuable qualities of the goat

  1. This mushroom is edible. This is due to the fact that a large number of valuable substances are present in it. So, carotene, ascorbic acid, B-group vitamins, minerals of various categories, as well as amino acids, should be distinguished.
  2. It is not worth mistaking to believe that, due to the small overall characteristics, this fungus is not useful. What is the inclusion of omega acids. They are required for the full functioning of human systems and organs.
  3. By consuming raw materials for food, protective functions are strengthened.A person better tolerates virus attacks, moving, and other aspects of such a plan. This is made possible by the inclusion of vitamin C.
  4. Fungi normalize the functioning of the digestive system. They are consumed in food to normalize the state of the stomach with gastritis and ulcers. Also, the raw material cleanses of slagging and poisons, prevents constipation, improves the absorption of valuable substances.
  5. The specimens under consideration belong to low-calorie mushrooms. Despite this characteristic feature, it perfectly eliminates the feeling of hunger. If you eat such a product, then you do not run the risk of overeating. Only safe carbohydrates will enter the body. The latter are not converted to fat.
  6. The unique composition of this instance allows you to cleanse the intestines from slagging. In addition, all metabolic processes are significantly accelerated. In addition, the fungus in question with systematic consumption allows you to cleanse the blood vessels of bad cholesterol and toxic substances.
  7. As a result, you do not run the risk of plaque and blood clot formation on the walls of blood vessels. Thus, the risk of heart attack, rheumatism and atherosclerosis is significantly reduced. In addition, the unique composition of the product has antibacterial and antimicrobial effects.


Contraindications goat

  1. It is worth noting the amazing fact that the specimens in question have practically no contraindications.
  2. The only thing that should be noted is that it is not recommended to include mushrooms in the diet if you have problems with impaired bile secretion and the pancreas.
  3. Do not forget that food should not be consumed overgrown or old specimens. Otherwise, poisoning may occur. No need to give the product to young children.


  1. Sort the mushrooms using classic technology. Get rid of damaged specimens and foliage. Wash the raw materials and leave to soak in cool water for half an hour. Such mushrooms can be salted, fried, pickled and dried without any problems.
  2. If you are going to dry the fruits, then they must be carefully sorted and inspected. Hang specimens in direct sunlight. In addition, a similar process can be repeated at home. Arrange the mushrooms on a baking sheet.
  3. Dry them for half an hour to an hour every day for 1 week in the oven. In this case, the temperature in the furnace should not exceed 70 degrees. Please note that the camera door must always be open. The air should flow to the mushrooms, as they will release a large amount of moisture.
  4. If you dry the mushrooms, then there is no need to cut them into pieces. Once the procedure is complete, the product can be turned into flour through a meat grinder. Mushroom powder makes delicious sauces, gravy and mashed soups.
  5. Keep in mind that during drying the flesh of the mushrooms darkens, if the product is processed in another thermal way, then it can turn purple. The considered examples turn out very tasty if you pickle them.

Presented mushrooms have a unique taste and aroma. Such a product can be prepared in various ways. In addition, in the composition of such instances there is a huge number of useful enzymes. If you systematically eat such mushrooms in moderation, then you can significantly improve health. Do not forget about possible contraindications.

Video: goat (Suillus bovinus)

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