Wren - description, habitat, interesting facts

Wren is otherwise referred to as a basal root, as well as hazel. This is the only individual belonging to the family of wrens. If you translate the name of the bird, you can understand it as "an individual living in a cave." Feathered friends got this name because of their nesting method. They prefer to make a dense home in the format of a ball, which looks similar to a cave. Let's not look ahead, consider the features of the species in more detail.



  1. The fact that individuals are called hazel and root roots, we have already figured out. They are also familiar to people under the name vernichnost. The species was listed because of its external data.
  2. Wren is a small bird that can grow up to 12 cm in body. In body format, it is round, short-necked, round-headed. A feature of the bird is its tail bulged up.
  3. The color of feathers is brownish with chestnut spots. The plumage is fluffy and softened, light in the abdominal region and dark on the back. The beak is thin, bends down, elongated.
  4. The individuals of this family are similar to fluffy balls. They are distinguished by their loud voice and sonorous singing, as well as the speed of movement. They can quickly fly and move on land. In size, birds are comparable to sparrows. With a case length of 10 cm, their mass is about 12 grams.


  1. The wren family has its own homeland, it is considered North America. Specialists came to the conclusion that it was from here that the birds moved to Eurasia.
  2. Also, these individuals are found in Asian countries, they are suitable for climatic conditions. The largest population is certainly in North America, but individuals also live in Europe.
  3. Birds of this family prefer to live in a mixed or coniferous forest. They like to have lakes, rivers, and other water sources nearby.
  4. Hazelnuts try to fly around desert areas, but they are often found in park areas next to people. Also live birds in the mountains at a decent height from the sea.


  1. If we consider the diet of the birds in question, they like food of animal origin. The menu every day includes a variety of bugs, spiders, insect larvae, grasshoppers and other pests.
  2. When there is no opportunity to eat animal food, birds introduce plant food. They lie on such berries as elderberry, blueberry. Be sure to eat seeds and ears.
  3. Since the roots try to stay close to water sources, they can always get food. Catch the tadpoles aground, absorb the fish.


Wren Lifestyle

  1. Wrens love to soar in the air, receiving from this a real pleasure. They are mobile, active, fly a long distance in a short time, soar not in the sky, but above the ground. They are dodgy and agile, crawl into different crevices.
  2. A characteristic of this variety is considered to be a bright and sonorous voice, the songs are beautiful and sonorous, similar to nightingales or canaries. By means of songs, individuals of male gender conquer and protect their territory from strangers. Birds do not sing seasonally, but year-round. They can stop acting only in the middle of summer and before the beginning of autumn (molting).
  3. If an individual notices danger, then it will try to hide in dense grass or on the ground. Birds prefer a solitary lifestyle. In some cases, the birds are divided into pairs or live in small groups. Most often this happens in a safe area, which is guarded by other birds.
  4. At night, individuals often knock together in a flock, in which there are no more than 10 birds. Thus, birds spend the night in dense grass or on the ground. They form a circle in which they place their heads towards the center. Thus, they retain more heat.
  5. As for nutrition, the basis of their diet in most cases includes beetles, insects, crustaceans, etc. If for some reason they can’t get food of animal origin, the birds begin to regale with seeds, berries and algae. Feathered people seek food on land or in shallow water.


  1. After wintering, wrens return to their habitat. The migration period falls in mid-spring. Many factors depend on the specific region of their habitat. Most often, males fly first to nesting sites.
  2. Male individuals are trying to break their territory into personal sites. Only after that they begin to build nests. Such behavior is not typical for most species of birds. In addition, the personal area of ​​the wren must have several criteria.
  3. On the personal territory of the bird, thick grass and thickets should be present. A water source is also required. Thanks to all this, birds can hide from pests and calmly provide their family with everything necessary.
  4. One male builds about 6 nests, maybe more. In this case, the female will choose the chosen one with the most dwellings. Often males build nests on the ground or on a small hill. Also, dwellings can be found between the roots and on stumps.
  5. Birds build nests from leaves, twigs, moss, straw and grass. Individuals try to use almost everything that they can carry in their beak. At the same time, all dwellings are only half completed. After the female chooses a suitable place, the male finishes his work.
  6. A pair may have 2 broods per nesting season. At a time in the clutch there are up to 6 white eggs. In this case, red blotches can be observed on the shell. The female hatches the future offspring of a fortnight. After birth, young adults are looked after by both adults.

Wrens are quite interesting individuals. Indians have a saying that such birds, despite their small size, make too much noise. Separately, it is worth noting that individuals often destroy the eggs of other birds.

Video: Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)

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