Turmeric - beneficial properties and contraindications

It is rare that a tropical plant can simultaneously be the original spice, dye, medicinal substance, and used in the manufacture of fabrics or cosmetics. Turmeric was able to show its diversity in all sectors.

Useful properties and contraindications of turmeric

General plant information

The most favorable conditions for the plant are the southern territories of Asia, and East India and Vietnam are considered the homeland. The surviving documents of the Middle Ages tell that turmeric was used as a dye when it was necessary to give a golden color to metal, wood and gloves.

The plant can be recognized by large leaves that have an oval shape, and color - from light green to dark. Moreover, they grow immediately from the rhizome. Turmeric is not afraid of heights over 2000 meters, and is actively cultivated. This shrub reaches a height of up to 1 meter.

Over the many centuries of its existence, the plant has many varieties, but people have chosen mainly some species. Thanks to them, the famous seasoning is obtained:

  1. Long. This variety is mainly intended for the preparation of meat and fish dishes.
  2. Theodaria. An extract of its root is used, and goes on sale in the form of pieces. They are easy to crush with your hands. Used mainly in the preparation of alcoholic beverages, alcohol tinctures.
  3. Fragrant. Indispensable in the preparation of many pastry dishes and pastries.
  4. Round. It can successfully replace starch if it causes stomach irritation. But nevertheless, this variety is classified as technical.

Turmeric, with its coloring properties, gives the dishes a very unusual yellow tint, which helps to improve appetite and the digestion process, which means that the stomach and gall bladder work better, bile and digestive juices are processed better. Added to products, turmeric can quite significantly soften the too sharp aggressive taste of many products, while saturating the ingredients with healthy fats.

People actively use the plant due to the fact that it contains: essential oils with a special aroma, as well as curcumin - a dye that helps to give a unique golden hue. Extract it from leaves and roots by extraction.

The taste of turmeric is as unique as its color. Fans of spices describe the taste of turmeric in their own way, but everyone is unanimous in the fact that there are pleasant notes of weak-spirited, harmoniously combining a soft speck and a salty unobtrusive taste. But a large dose turns the spice into a too saturated spicy and burning component.

Turmeric has many useful substances for people. The main ones are:

  • iron and calcium;
  • iodine and phosphorus;
  • vitamins.

In order not to purchase a fake, you can determine turmeric (another spice name) by smell. He is very nice, but sloppy. It does not dissolve in water, unlike an alcohol or fat base.

Recommended dose

There are limitations in taking spices. It is permissible to use per day on average for

  • adults up to 50 g;
  • children only 10 g.

Turmeric is often used to stimulate appetite, but in small quantities so as not to harm the stomach.

How to lose weight by including turmeric in your diet

Losing weight is a long process.But to achieve a decrease in body weight is possible for those who have set such a goal. Turmeric will help with this, but not as a main ingredient, but as a supplement. And not in its pure form, otherwise the effect will be the opposite - you will want to eat more.

Using turmeric, active processes in the body begin. The presence of essential oils helps to speed up the metabolism, which contributes to the breakdown of fats. The vitamin group acts positively on the walls of blood vessels, and having significantly strengthened, enriched with life-giving oxygen, they work easier. The liver is actively involved in the filtering process, and turmeric is able to remove fluid, but without dissolving in it. And, if the diet is properly scheduled, moisture and carbohydrates go first. That's why nutritionists are advised to eat in small portions, but subject to a balanced menu. Turmeric helps increase metabolism, water fats begin to break down.

But the obvious benefit will be only if the food is made in accordance with all the rules of dietetics, since there is a danger that excess fats and carbohydrates received by the body with products will be stored in subcutaneous fat, and then all the efforts of turmeric will be reduced to zero. At this time, you will have to limit the fluid in large quantities and not burden the body with active physical exercises, as well as visit the bathhouse and sauna more often, if, of course, health allows.

The effect of spices on the liver, blood vessels and the body as a whole

There is no rest time for the liver; it constantly filters the blood to cleanse the body of accumulated substances that threaten human health. To help her work, turmeric should be included in the diet. It is estimated by doctors that using only 10 to 12 grams per day of this spice improves the entire defense system of the body.

The effects of turmeric on the liver and blood vessels

But also this dose contributes to the fact that:

  • kidney function improves;
  • strengthening the central nervous system;
  • blood sugar is approaching normal;
  • the muscles of the fundus are strengthened.

If to restore the functioning of the organs of turmeric - only an auxiliary worker, then for capillaries and blood vessels it is more useful than medicine. Doctors often note a positive trend after the inclusion of turmeric in the diet, which is able to neutralize the autoimmune syndrome of vascular disease. The threat of thrombosis disappears.

Turmeric Against Arthritis

Arthritis causes a lot of suffering, has dangerous destructive effects on the body. Scientists have tried to determine whether turmeric has a healing effect in this disease. It turned out that turmeric should be eaten by patients, since it can act due to its components on bone cells and soft compounds. As a result, health is significantly improved.

For patients who experience the severity of the disease, a special prescription in the form of a compress is offered, it helps to calm down pain and helps to defeat the disease.

Sift in a container of turmeric in the amount of a teaspoon, adding 2 teaspoons of ginger powder crushed to a state of powder. Mix the ingredients, and add ½ teaspoon of chopped red pepper. Separately, the mustard oil should be heated in a water bath, and as soon as it becomes hot, add to the prepared spices. Mixing thoroughly to achieve consistency of gruel. Put the resulting drug mixture either on a gauze napkin or a tissue made from natural fiber and strengthen on painful places.

The procedure should last several hours. But, if after a short time the pain has passed, it is advisable to remove the compress. If the pain is sharp enough, you need to wait until the natural medicine made at home begins to work. Sometimes such a tool is used at night, and only in the morning the pain can pass.

Turmeric and gastrointestinal diseases

Gastritis is another scourge of modern man.Snacks, worries, improperly prepared menus can provoke many diseases of the stomach. But turmeric will help relieve pain, and also reduce the number of attacks, short-term exacerbations. But you can not rely only on spices, you need a basic course of therapy under the supervision of a doctor.

There is an excellent tool that reduces pain in the stomach. Measure 10 grams of turmeric. Separately, dissolve 4 tablets of activated carbon in boiling water, and then mix both ingredients. It should be taken before meals, a tablespoon. As a therapeutic therapy, the course can be extended to three weeks. But, if treatment is necessary to continue, you will need a break of 14 days. If pain occurs during this period, consultation with your doctor and the use of tablets are necessary.

How to cure psoriasis

From psoriasis, unfortunately, an absolutely effective remedy has not yet been invented. Therefore, patients suffer from inflammatory skin rashes, which are accompanied by itching, pain and a burning sensation. In addition, crusts on the scalp and seborrhea are disturbing. And in this case, turmeric comes to the rescue of people, but in the form of tincture, ointment or tablets, because the acquired 100 percent spice can provoke an allergic reaction.

How to Cure Turmeric Psoriasis

A medicinal product of industrial production consists of 95 percent turmeric extract, and during treatment you can use only from 1.5 to 3 grams before meals for three weeks. However, if improvements are noticeable, you can take a short break.

You can buy ready-to-drink tinctures in the pharmacy network, and there is a wide selection - both on a water and alcohol basis. What is more acceptable for health can be decided by a doctor, independence of choice can harm the body. The difficulty is that alcohol has a tendency to dry the skin, and therefore it is not recommended to use this type of drug for the treatment of dry dandruff. A positive effect will cause the water base. Before starting treatment, the instructions for tincture should be studied. Usually, therapy is based on the use of 40 drops, which are washed down with boiled water. Repeat no more than three times a day for two weeks.

If the medicine for psoriasis, dandruff is used in the form of an ointment, then it is used only locally - just on the affected area. So you can get rid of not only dandruff, but also from redness and itching. Ointment must be prepared. To do this, take a quarter of the ointment and warm it up, wrapping it in a clean bag or foil. Then add 100 grams of water and mix well. You should get a homogeneous mixture, which is intended for compress. It must be securely fixed, since the affected area must be subject to treatment for at least 6 hours. The skin must then be washed with medical shampoo, removing all traces of ointment.

For patients with type II diabetes, turmeric is very useful!

Scientists have found that when combined with oily water, turmeric can normalize blood sugar, but it does not require the use of drugs. Oils do not split this spice, because the effect of turmeric only intensifies. When this significant fact was discovered in 2009, and turmeric was included as a medicine, the number of patients decreased, and more than 70 percent of patients feel full members of society.

There is a prescription designed for patients with type II diabetes. You need a regular spice, which you need to sift and pour boiling water. Ginger and black tea are added here in equal proportions, and after thorough mixing, a teaspoon of honey is added. The product should be liquid, and it is taken only after eating. Such an infusion will have to be done every day - either in the morning or in the evening, and within 1 - 2 months, if there is a desire to stabilize the sugar level.

Turmeric as a remedy for various diseases

Turmeric as a remedy for various diseases
To relieve inflammation in bronchitis, you can use turmeric, then you will not have to include stronger antibiotics in the treatment. During a cold, turmeric will have the following effects on a sick body:

  1. Antibacterial, helping to eliminate inflammation with the help of useful microelements and successfully fighting viruses, eliminating their cells. Moreover, this spice preserves the beneficial microflora.
  2. Antiseptic, fighting natural allergens and disinfecting blood.
  3. As a natural antibiotic. It is noted that turmeric has a positive effect on the lymph nodes.

If there are burns of varying severity, turmeric ointment will be an indispensable tool.

Turmeric also helps fight cancer thanks to the presence of an antioxidant that can replace an already affected cell with the help of the neutralization process.

Use for disease prevention

For the prevention of diseases, turmeric is mixed with milk and they drink this drink, which is not in vain called "golden milk". It has beneficial effects on blood vessels and the stomach, intestines and heart muscle, supports the general tone of the body.

Application restrictions

But still this unique plant has its own prohibitions. Despite its many medicinal properties, turmeric should be used both in cooking and as a medical target, correctly, observing the necessary proportions. Otherwise, you can harm the body or contribute to the exacerbation of the disease.

Before using turmeric, you need to know the state of your health, since an allergic reaction can occur during an overdose. If dishes are prepared for young children, you must consider the permissible dose of spices.

Turmeric has a strong choleretic property, but if you use it during an exacerbation, you can do much harm, and the first signs will be diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Therefore, with abstraction of the biliary tract, you need the permission of the doctor to use turmeric.

If the therapeutic course for patients with diabetes continues, then turmeric can provoke in some patients not only dizziness and fainting, but also coma. This is because turmeric significantly enhances the effects of drugs.

During pregnancy, there is a danger that a too high dose of spice can increase the tone of the uterus, especially in the early stages.

Fans of turmeric need to know that its large consumption can provoke inflammation of the duodenum 12.

Remember that everything is useful in moderation, and do not neglect this simple rule.

Video: the benefits of turmeric water

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