Black chanterelle - a description of where it grows, the toxicity of the fungus

For some reason, many are convinced that wonderful things or phenomena are somewhere far away, in foreign lands, and they cannot be near. So, about unusual-looking mushrooms, they think that they cannot grow in the neighboring forest, located behind the house ...

Black fox

In fact, strange mushrooms can be found anywhere - and in their native coppice, including. Only often a mushroom picker, having seen an unfamiliar mushroom, calls it a grebe and scornfully kicks. Not knowing that quite often among unfamiliar mushrooms come across edible and tasty.


A fungus under the name funnel-shaped funnel grows in the forest (it is often called the black horn, funnel-shaped funnel-funnel, horn-shaped craterellus). And he is better known to mushroom pickers as black fox. In appearance, it completely justifies the name - indeed, it is very similar to a funnel of coal color, standing on a leg with a hat torn into small rags (in young mushrooms, the edges of the hat are whole and bent). Such a sad color gives the element contained in the product called melanin.

The height of the mushroom is 10 centimeters.

The hat - the inside of the funnel, is the surface of the gray-black color, if the mushroom is young - then the presence of a brownish tint is necessary, the diameter is 3-6 centimeters. On the outside, gray-white, all dotted with tubercles, wrinkled. When the spores ripen, it acquires a bluish color. When cooked, it becomes charcoal black.

Each fungus — whether it is edible or not — has plates or similar structures. The funnel has nothing of the kind.

The leg is very short - 8 millimeters long, tapers to the base, the color is the same as that of a hat. The flesh is grayish-ash, delicate, the structure is thin, the taste is mushroom, it smells of fresh mushrooms, the smell of dried mushrooms even intensifies.

Places of distribution

Black chanterelle grows mainly in deciduous, less often - mixed forests of the temperate zone in the territories of Eurasia and North America both on the plains and in the mountains. It prefers moist soil open to light, rich in limestone and clay, under beeches, maples, hazel and oaks, using fallen leaves as soil and humus. It grows in large groups, forming entire colonies. Growth begins in early summer, with the onset of the first month of the year until the end of autumn, the highest yield can be harvested in late August - early September.


Edibility of black chanterelle
Of the many species of chanterelles growing in the forest, the carob-shaped funnel can be considered the most delicious mushroom. Although it belongs to the last - the fourth taste category, but in some countries of Western Europe (France, England), on the North American continent (in Canada), it is considered the same delicacy as rare morels or truffles. For dishes, only a mushroom hat (funnel) is used, because the legs are rather rough, rubbery (poorly chewed) and not very tasty. Hats are cleaned of the earth and other forest litter, dried for the winter or washed in plenty of water, and then fried - either individually or with vegetables and potatoes, boiled nutritious soups, stewed. From black chanterelles, very aromatic and tasty sauces are obtained. Dried mushroom (by the way, the pulp of dried black chanterelle becomes lighter when dried) is ground into powder and used as a seasoning. Also, the carob-shaped funnel, like other types of chanterelles, is eaten raw, sprinkled with salt.

Similar views

Often, a funnel carob is confused with another species of the chanterelle family - with the gray chanterelle.It is also gray above and black below. They differ from each other by a sign about which there was already a speech - at the funnelman there are completely no plates. Also, a funnel-shaped funnel-shaped resembles a funnel-shaped funnel, but its color is much lighter - closer to yellow, and the cap is slightly more dissected.

Other name for funnel

This unusual mushroom very much resembles musical instruments - a pipe protruding from the ground or a horn. True, their appearance is rather scary and depressing. Therefore, the Germans call this delicious, but having a frightening appearance mushroom "pipe of the dead." In England and France, the attitude to the fungus is more loyal and supportive, the French, along with the English, call it simply and with taste - "cornucopia." In Finland, however, they did not come up with anything too much and called the crater “black horn”.

Medical use and properties

The funnel contains a lot of phosphorus, contains calcium and a little potassium. The mushroom is very suitable for those on a diet - the protein content in it is only 28%. And the polysaccharides contained can prevent the sarcoma from growing, if any.

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