Lesser spotted eagle - description, habitat, interesting facts

Lesser spotted eagle belongs to the hawk family. Representatives of this species live in Africa and Eurasia, only in certain areas.

Lesser Spotted Eagle


Previously, scientists attributed the small and large spotted eagle to the same bird species. This is due to the fact that they are almost identical in appearance. Only a specialist can distinguish them. But in fact, these are two different species that have been established for a long time. Each of them is a representative of the eagle genus. But the large spotted eagle is larger in size.

They nest in different places. In addition, each species has its own behavior. Scientists have found that they also differ in DNA. But these eagles came from common ancestors, who are supposed to live on the territory of modern Afghanistan. About 2 million years ago, these birds were divided into two species. The western branch formed the species Lesser spotted eagle, the eastern branch formed the greater spotted eagle. Today, these species live in completely different areas. You can meet both of them only in the northern part of Hindustan, as well as in some areas of Eastern Europe. Related species include the steppe eagle, as well as the Spanish burial ground.


Eagles are medium in size compared to other species of eagles. In length, they grow to 60 cm. The wingspan of the lesser spotted eagle leaves on average about one and a half meters. In color, males and females do not differ from each other, but spotted eagle females are larger.

The weight of the female is approximately 3 kg. While males weigh about 2 kg. Representatives of the species have a small head and a rather short tail of a rounded shape. Like other hawks, their beak is yellow, and on the tip is black, powerful and curved.

The plumage of the small spotted eagle is light brown. Lighter than plumage of the greater spotted eagle. Near the base of the tail is a white stripe. But not all individuals have it. Almost all of the plumage of the bird is the same color, only the feathers are black along the edge of the wings and tail. Young spotted eagles have a bright spot on the back of their heads.

Lesser spotted eagle flies smoothly, alternately flapping its wings and gliding in the air. They fly over open areas to find food for themselves. If obstacles appear in the way of the bird, the spotted eagle overcomes them very quickly.


Representatives of this species live in the south of Asia, in Asia Minor, as well as in Europe (mainly in the east and in the center). For winter, eagles fly to Africa.

Small spotted eagle habitats

Representatives of the species can be found in Russia. They are not far from St. Petersburg and Novgorod. A few small spotted eagles live in the Moscow and Tula regions. They are also found on the territory of Ukraine. Most of them are in the west of the country. In addition, they can be found in countries such as Romania, Turkey and India.

Podorlik prefers to settle in the forest near open areas. It can also live in a forest-steppe near fields that are practically not used by humans for agricultural purposes. Many of these birds are in the mountains. They are in the Balkans and in the Carpathians at an altitude of up to about 1800 m.

In almost all areas where the spotted eagle lives, it belongs to a rare species, which is almost endangered. The main reason that the small spotted eagle is threatened with extinction is the massive deforestation, with which the mass of nesting sites for this bird disappears. In particular, in the Krasnodar Territory, this bird is already considered very rare. On the territory of Ukraine in some habitats it is under protection. These are Carpathian, Polessky and other parks.


Lesser spotted eagle refers to birds of prey.He hunts most often for land inhabitants. Its food is insects, chicks and some medium-sized birds. But most often he preys on snakes and small rodents.

Lesser spotted eagle can prey on the cubs of other mammals. An adult hare is too fast for them, but a hare can become a prey of a spotted eagle. These birds lead an active life during the day. Most often they hunt not from the air, but moving on the ground, or sitting on branches, to clearly see the prey. Every day, the spotted spotted eagle eats about 500 g of food.


These birds fly to nesting sites in April. They belong to the monogamous, choose a pair only once in a lifetime. A couple whirls in the air, performing a marriage ritual. The male feeds the female. It also happens that one bird from a pair sits in a nest, flowing in a lingering voice, while the second at this time can circle in flight at an altitude of about 1 km.

Lesser spotted eagle nesting

Small spotted eagles nest on large branches. They choose places in such a way that they can then easily fly up to their nest. Their nests are quite large. In diameter, they can reach from half a meter to a meter. A nest of twigs and twigs is being built. Inside, the bird lines its house with tree bark, dry grass and leaves. Having equipped it, they will use the nest for several years in a row. If the place is chosen successfully, then the couple will fly here for many years.

When the nesting period begins, the pair determines its territory around the nest and begins to guard it violently. They do not let anyone into this territory, protecting it from other spotted eagles, as well as from other birds. But the rest of the time, representatives of this species are distinguished by peaceful behavior, and quite calmly coexist with other eagles in the same territory.

It is interesting! In one clutch there are usually two eggs. It often happens that after hatching, one chick kills the second.

The couple hatch their masonry in turn for a month and a half. Small spotted eagle eggs are white with brown spots. After the chicks hatch, their parents carefully feed them for about two months. After that, the kids fly away from the nest.

Representatives of the species reach puberty only after 3-4 years. The average life span of the lesser spotted eagle is 15–20 years.

Video: Lesser spotted eagle (Aquila pomarina)

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