Munchkin - breed description and cat character

It is time to talk about one wonderful breed of cats - Munchkin. Anyone who is not indifferent to the representatives of the cat kingdom will understand how interesting, unique and charming this breed is. Just look at this cute creature, you immediately have to note the presence of touching short legs. No wonder many representatives of this breed are called dachshund cats. This kitty is unique in absolutely everything. Even the name she has is fabulous. If anyone is familiar with the work “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”, which was written by Frank Baum, then this name was given to little chewing men.


Characteristically, the Manchkin breed is not the fruit of selection work. Her pedigree includes those cats that are natural carriers of the representative of the gene set responsible for achondroplasia. This circumstance determines the presence of excessively short legs.


Data on the existence of feline short-legged representatives arose at different times in different countries. In 1944, the mention of such representatives belonged to Great Britain. The former Union did not stand aside. Archives mention that in 1954 there was a "Stalingrad kangaroo cat" in the Soviet Union. She was named so because she had the ability to be in the groundhog pose.

In the eighties of the last century, an American stray pregnant cat was taken by the American Sandra Hotchnedel. She called her Blackberry. This time is considered the beginning of the historical reference associated with the breed Munchkin. The moment has come and the animal has come round. Among the offspring were kittens that had very short paws. Naturally, Sandra was very surprised, and she consulted a veterinarian. But the doctor, who was also a geneticist, said that kittens have no health problems. He explained that the cause of short legs is a spontaneous gene mutation. After that, the cat and its kittens were crossed with other domestic cat representatives. A little later, attempts were made to officially recognize this breed. However, this did not work out right away. Such events were successful only in 1994.

The path to official recognition of the breed was long and thorny. I had to survive a large number of obstacles posed by animal rights activists. The reasons were the fact that short legs of the animal can contribute to back problems. Although no one has observed such situations. Another requirement was the prohibition of all kinds of experiments, since ugly specimens may appear with them. However, all these disputes only fueled interest in this breed and contributed to the growth of its popularity.

In our country, the time of the appearance of this breed was only 2001. However, the breed has not achieved the desired popularity until now. This can not be said about Japan, where Munchkin takes a leading position in the popularity rating.

External data and intelligence

All representatives of this breed have short legs. As for the length of the coat, there are significant differences within the breed itself.

External data of cat breed munchkin

Wool cover protects from adverse weather conditions. In general, external data can be represented as follows:

  1. The head is like a modified wedge with rounded outlines. In relation to the body, the proportions are not broken. The muzzle has high, prominent cheekbones. In males, this is somewhat more pronounced.
  2. Ears with rounded tips. They are arranged as if a cat is constantly alert, have a high and wide setting.Long-haired individuals have trotters on their ears.
  3. The organ of vision is almond-shaped. The color cast is not associated with color. Eyes make a look with pronounced openness.
  4. The chin does not protrude very much forward.
  5. The muzzle is of medium length with smooth contours. In relation to the head, the proportions are observed. The pads on which the mustache are located are clearly indicated.
  6. The forehead is flat, the transition to the nose is smooth.
  7. Representatives of this breed have a strong and muscular neck. In females this is somewhat less pronounced.
  8. The body is elongated. Females are smaller than males in weight and size.
  9. The limbs are very short, with a uniform arrangement in relation to each other.
  10. Paws are round in shape and compact in size. All have a direct location.
  11. When the cat moves, its tail is upright. There is a curve at the end of the tail. The length corresponds to the body.
  12. The coat has an undercoat. They can exist in various colors.

Cats of this breed are distinguished by a lively mind. The animal has sufficient intelligence with the presence of elements of judgment. Very good at training. If you start to practice with her at an early age, it is quite possible that the cat will master the technique of various tricks. The development of intelligence in representatives of this breed is recommended using puzzle toys. In training, it is recommended to use games that require a high concentration of attention and innovative solutions. Such classes should be carried out, though not every day, but at least several times a week. In this case, do not forget to encourage the pet. It can be not only tasty food, but also an elementary caress. In this case, the cat will not only shine with the mind, but also become the standard of obedience.

Munchkin likes to watch what surrounds him. Having adopted the groundhog pose, they literally spend hours looking at the same picture outside the window. With the same zeal, they watch what is happening on TV.

The manifestation of high intelligence can be observed in the situation when the cat has to defend itself. Five minutes ago, the cat behaved quietly and carefree. But suddenly, right before his eyes, he becomes a cold-blooded and brave warrior. And it’s nothing at all that he has tiny paws. Very often, he wins the winner's palm. With his short paws in battle, he acts so that he literally confuses his enemy.


Munchkin is distinguished by pronounced peacefulness and affection. They resemble a dachshund not only in their appearance. The similarity still lies in devotion to the service of its master. Representatives of this breed are extremely active. The owners of these cats sometimes can only be surprised. Having short legs, they are able to develop just fantastic speed. Short paws do not bother them to jump onto a high cabinet, chase the ball, while at the same time not inferior to the dogs.

Munchkin cat breed character

Its activity is so high that sometimes it seems that he constantly nourishes himself with energy tonics. If he plays day and night, his activity will not fall at all. Munchkin does not show signs of aggression at all and is distinguished by pronounced patience. They patiently treat all the "charms" of the inadequate attitude of children towards them, when they tremble and even drag them by the tail.

These cats have one feature that is also common to ravens. They will never pass by that which lies badly, they will pick it up and take it to their nook. All sorts of shiny little things attract their attention. You can then find something interesting in their apartment.

Social adaptation

Perhaps you will not find a single representative of a feline family such as Manchkin, who would be so contactable and non-conflict in his communication.They are distinguished by incredible friendliness, which manifests itself in relation to both humans and other animals. It's hard to believe, but with dogs they get along much better than with other cats. With the same representatives as themselves, representatives of this breed are in constant competition for a leading position. Short-footed cat is a great nanny by nature. Children's pranks can not bring them out of balance. They are rather condescending to them, and on occasion they themselves will take part in them. If a mother buys such a pet for her baby, then she will get rid of many problems at once. They will keep each other busy while adults are busy with their own affairs.

Munchkin hates conflicts and will never become their initiator. But he does not fear fear at all and never runs away from it. But next to a huge ferocious dog, of course, he did not belong.


Munchkins are distinguished by good obedience (increased activity and the desire to “steal” something are not taken into account). If you compare Munchkin with other cat breeds, then they mature later. But basic skills are mastered early. For example, to accustom it to the toilet is available after four weeks after birth.

Anyone who wants to engage in training with a cat, Munchkin will be a real find for him. Classes should be supported by affection. Munchkin fully trusts his master. Therefore, if you start to treat him cruelly, it will be a real blow for him.


Possessing natural activity, these cats, as in the air, need outdoor games. It is allowed to use any toys, starting from primitive balls, and ending with complex cat labyrinths. Munchkin is not a couch potato. He is more impressed by walks in the fresh air, where there is a real prospect of hunting for pigeons and chasing them. You need to walk him like a dog on a leash. But, starting to walk with him on the street, one should not forget that various dangers can await there. Therefore, preventive vaccinations should be taken care of in advance.

Cat breed munchkin

The breed shows a pronounced tendency to travel. For this reason, many who go on a trip during their holidays take them with them. During transportation, the animal behaves quite calmly, watching with interest the events surrounding it.


Keeping the Munchkins is easy.

  1. A couple of times a week they should be combed out as standard. If the representative has a short coat, then it is enough to do this weekly. Use a cotton swab to clean your ears. That, in fact, is the whole departure.
  2. Water should be accustomed from early childhood. So he will quickly get used to them without unnecessary stress.
  3. Munchkin does not tolerate odors. This should be considered when selecting cat litter.
  4. Keeping this breed in an apartment requires a bit more space than other cats need. Munchkins are neat and tidy. But it is better to make sure that objects that can break do not fall into their hands.

The cat is very attached to its owners and follows it literally on the heels. Loneliness tolerates very badly. Given the lively nature of this breed, if there is no desire to tolerate its excessive activity, it is better to refuse to purchase kittens of this breed at all. By the way, for a promising healthy kitten you will have to pay 55,000 rubles.

Video: cat breed Munchkin

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