Honey gourami - care and maintenance in the aquarium

Such a small and beautiful fish, an inhabitant of a home aquarium - this is its real decoration. This species got its name due to its unique coloration of a pleasant and incredibly warm golden color that appears in males during the spawning period.

Honey gourami

Note that when opening this type of fish, an erroneous conclusion was made about the presence of two subspecies, which was explained by significant differences in color between males and females. This subspecies of gourami is a close relative of such a fish as lalius, which is less popular than honey gourami. The reason for this is a faded look of representatives of this species. To reveal their color, individuals of this species require a certain time for adaptation.

Honey gourami, like most representatives of the species, belongs to the class of so-called "labyrinth" fish. This means that they have the ability to breathe outside the water, respectively, in which case they require mandatory access to the water surface. This is due to the fact that fish species belonging to the labyrinth type, although they can breathe in water, nevertheless, nature has awarded them with opportunities for complex adaptation to various conditions. For example, to be in water with low oxygen, so this type of fish can live well in those conditions where other species simply die.

I would like to note that such fish are an excellent choice, especially for aquarium fish breeders who do not have sufficient experience. As mentioned above, they have high survival rates and there are no large requirements for the food offered. Gourami are the smallest fish of this species. The average size of females is 5 cm, males are about 4 cm.

Thanks to the peacefulness and sociability of the species, its representatives can be kept with other species. Also, these slightly timid fish feel good in minimal volumes of water, 10-20 liters are quite enough for one individual.


The first mention of honey gourami dates back to 1822. The natural habitat of this beautiful fish is India, the countries of South Asia, Nepal. It is found in freshwater bodies of any type and volume, including flooded fields, canals, and large ditches. Typically, places that prefer these fish for living are characterized by dense vegetation and fairly soft water. It feeds on gourami with zooplankton, a variety of small insects and their larvae.

One of the main features of the gourami is its ability to successfully hunt small insects flying over the surface of the water. For this, the fish freezes directly under the surface itself, such an occupation implies even a rather long search for its future prey. Immediately after its appearance within the reach of the fish, the latter carries out a rather powerful “spit” with water, which helps to bring down the insect into the water.


The body shape of honey gourami is a bit similar to its closest congener, lalius, however, it is narrower, and its back and tail fin are smaller. As mentioned above, honey gourami also has a respiratory organ (labyrinth type), which allows the fish to breathe even outside the aquatic environment. Life expectancy of representatives of this species does not exceed 4-5 years. With good care, they can live longer.

The main color of honey honey in natural conditions is gray-silver with the presence of some, not too pronounced yellowness.A characteristic strip of light brown color is located along the entire length of the case. During the spawning period, males acquire a brighter and more saturated color. The color of the abdomen and head is dark blue.

We draw attention to the fact that today at the points of sale of aquarium fish you can see honey gourami having different color variations, however, they are all derived from several basic forms of the species having a natural color - gold and red. Obtaining individuals with different colors is explained by the desire of breeders to obtain fish with more original and saturated colors, obtained by crossing pairs of representatives of species having the most preferred and outwardly attractive colors.

What difficulties may arise in its content

Honey gourami is a very effective fish, absolutely unpretentious in care, which suggests that its content will be the perfect solution for beginners and inexperienced breeders of such pets. This is due to the ease of care. In addition, gourami do not require special delights in food, as they eat all the food offered to her. Although the fish prefers warmer water for living, it can nevertheless get used to keeping it cooler.


Honey Gourami Feeding
As indicated above, this is an omnivorous fish that eats in the natural habitat of insects and their larvae. That is, various feeds can be used for its nutrition. Note that as the basis it is better to use any food in the form of flakes with mandatory additional top dressing (this additional feed can include: bloodworms, brine shrimp, etc.). When using a tubuloder for feeding fish, owners of an aquarium pet should be extremely careful, this food often leads to the death of pets due to banal overeating.

Features of keeping in an aquarium

Gourami in a home aquarium prefer to stay closer to the water surface. To keep these beautiful and spectacular fish, you can use aquariums or containers of small sizes. For one pair of fish, an aquarium of 40 liters is quite enough.

One of the significant requirements for the maintenance of gourami is the temperature indicators of air in the room where the aquarium is installed - they should be as close as possible to the temperature of the water, due to the fact that the fish breathes and atmospheric air. If the difference between temperature indicators is significant - damage to the labyrinth organ of the fish is possible.

For an aquarium, it is better to choose a dark-colored bottom coating - gourami most effectively look on a dark background. Also, one should not forget about the vegetation for shelter, as well as a variety of additional artificial and natural materials for placement in the aquarium. Although honey gourami are quite sociable and friendly fish, nevertheless, timidity with timidity can be attributed to the features of their characteristic behavior, and small caves are the best suited for their shelter.


Fish are excellent neighbors, but when choosing neighbors for them in the aquarium, you should take into account their some slowness. It should be ensured that honey gourams have time to eat. Do not plant gourami with fairly aggressive and large species, since such neighbors can leave them hungry.

Aquarium fish honey gourami

We draw attention to the fact that honey gourami is not a flock of fish, however, they welcome good company and good neighbors. Therefore, in this case, the best solution would be to maintain a group of pairs.

Gender differences

The main difference between a male and a female is the characteristic honey color of his body and abdomen of a dark blue color. The female, as a rule, is somewhat larger than the male with a faded color.


If you decide to engage in the cultivation of honey gourami, in this case you should know that this process is not particularly difficult, and even a not too experienced, novice aquarist can engage in fish farming. Fish of this species can spawn both in pairs and in small groups. Unlike other representatives of the species, in particular, lilies, nests are placed under large sheets of plants, and foam is used for construction instead of pieces of vegetation.

Before spawning, the selected pair of gourami is abundantly fed with live food. At one time, the female can lay about 20-25 eggs, after which they are inseminated by the male. The process of laying and insemination continues until a few hundred eggs (up to three hundred) are collected in the nest prepared by the male.

Hatching of fry occurs after 24-36 hours. Independently, fry begin to eat after three days. For food, ciliates are used.

Video: aquarium fish gourami honey

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