Mokruha purple - a description of where it grows, the toxicity of the fungus

This type of mushroom contains a lot of vitamins, however, despite this, it has not gained popularity either among mushroom pickers or among fans of mushrooms. Some even consider it poisonous and inedible. And very in vain! Mokruha has a pronounced rich taste that tastes like this mushroom.

Wet purple

Description of appearance

Among other representatives of the kingdom of mushrooms is large, the hat can grow up to 15 centimeters. It is usually gray; it may have dark or purple spots. The season of spruce in the forests - August - September. He loves coniferous and mixed forests. Creates mycorrhiza with pine or birch. On the territory of Russia can be found almost everywhere - in the Caucasus mountains, in Siberian latitudes, Far Eastern forests and other places. It usually grows one at a time, less often in small groups. They called it Wet because a mucous membrane forms on it. If you are going to collect mixed mushrooms, then for mokruha you need to take a separate container. Otherwise, it will stain the remaining mushrooms with mucus.

The calorie content of purple spruce reaches 192 kilocalories.

Beneficial features

The composition of Chroogomphus rutilus or purple jellyfish includes certain enzymes, which are then used to create some drugs, for example, antibiotics. These are very useful mushrooms, as they have certain chemical properties and contain a complex of vitamins.

Using Mokrukh for food

It is an absolutely edible mushroom filled with aromas of the forest. Its rich taste will not leave indifferent any lover of mushrooms. Makruhi got its name due to the fact that when cooking their color changes to purple. When cooking, you should first clean the mucous skin of the fungus and rinse it well, and then cook as you like. Of all the mushrooms, the taste of mokruha is most reminiscent of butter.

From them you can cook all the same dishes as from ordinary mushrooms. Perfect for pickling, you can cook delicious mushroom sauce or just fry it as a side dish for meat or fish. There are many salad recipes with the addition of various mushrooms, including mokrukh. Due to the fact that they become purple during heat treatment, all prepared dishes with them in the composition will look unusual and memorable. For example, adding them to the salad, you will get bright splashes of color in the dish, which will give it great appetite.

Mokruhi in medicine

It is not only tasty, but also insanely healthy mushroom. When they are eaten, the immune system is strengthened, the nervous system is restored, blood circulation and memory improves. The general condition becomes satisfactory, and fatigue passes without a trace. The active substances that make up purple mucus have a positive effect on the hematopoietic organs, in connection with this they contribute to blood formation and renewal of all body cells.

Mokruhi in medicine

In some peoples, this type of mushroom has been used since time immemorial; it has been used to relieve headaches, treat insomnia and alleviate the course of diseases of the nervous system.

Cosmetology is also a branch of medicine that successfully uses purple moss. Of these, creams, masks, serums, tonics, shampoos, balms and so on are produced. The skin becomes elastic and toned, and the hair becomes strong and silky. When using cosmetics based on wet, you can achieve equalization of skin color and giving it a matte shade.Shampoos and balms promote hair renewal, strengthen the hair follicle and protect the hair from cross-section in the future.

Possible contraindications

The complication of taking mukruha as a food or as an additive in medicines and cosmetics does not cause. Not to confuse purple mokruha with any other poisonous fungus helps a purple shade of color. At the cut, this type of mushroom always takes on a pink or red color. However, even the most harmless at first glance mushroom can have negative consequences on the human body. This can happen if mushrooms were collected in the forest near roads, in the boundaries of a large city, near industrial enterprises or landfills. Such mushrooms should not be collected and eaten.

For some people, mushroom food may be too heavy, and it will be difficult for their body to digest this product. Such groups of people include children, the elderly and people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Chitin, which contains mushrooms, is practically not absorbed in the child’s unprepared body.

Video: purple mokruha (Chroogomphus rutilus)

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