Is it possible to aspirin with breastfeeding?

The period of carrying a child and its further feeding with breast milk is a rather difficult time for a woman's body: a lot of useful substances are washed out, a feeling of fatigue appears, which is subsequently supported by stable insomnia, hormonal explosions, resulting in depression. As a result, all of these factors lump on an already disarmed immunity. And colds infections, however, have not been canceled. And as soon as the off-season comes - they actively attack the weakened body Runny nose, cough, fever and other misfortunes completely capture the woman and try to knock her off her feet, but you can’t get sick - she is responsible not only for herself, but also for the defenseless screaming crumbs. The first-aid kit is urgently moving over, and the first saving thought about reducing the rising temperature that most often occurs to me is the treatment with an old, familiar, proven aspirin. Is it possible to take it while breastfeeding?

Aspirin for breastfeeding

Aspirin: general pharmacological description

Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid is a drug of the non-steroidal group of anti-inflammatory drugs. Its main effect is the combined simultaneous analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects on the body during the active phase of the common cold.

In addition to stopping the rising temperature, aspirin has a hemorrhaging effect - it prevents the erythrocytes from sticking to thrombogenic masses, reacts with lipid groups and breaks down cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels.


Aspirin will be indicated in the following conditions:

  • As a thrombotic agent.
  • As a complex antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • For the treatment of joints, especially with their rheumatic fever.
  • With migraines of diffuse localization.


However, it should be understood that acetylsalicylic acid is not as harmless as is commonly believed. In addition to therapeutic factors, it has a number of persistent contraindications, such as:

  1. Gastrointestinal diseases, especially ulcerative lesions and gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice.
  2. Allergic intolerance to salicylic acid and other components of aspirin.
  3. Urolithiasis with calculi having an acid origin (oxal type).
  4. In diseases of the pancreas in the acute stage, aspirin is prohibited.
  5. With caution, the medicine is taken for anemia, as it reduces the digestibility of iron by the body.

Can I use aspirin for a nursing mother?

Each nursing mother is primarily concerned about the condition of her baby and often neglects her own health. However, at the time of the common cold, such a quality plays into her hands, since when choosing a medicine, not only its effectiveness for the mother is evaluated, but also the potential benefit-harm ratios for the baby are weighed.

Can I use aspirin for a nursing mother?

When choosing medications, young mothers often give preference to the old proven methods that their mothers treated them in childhood. There are many reasons for this:

  1. Harmful to the child indicated in the annotation to the drug.
  2. The presence of chemical additives (stabilizers, sweeteners, thickeners and other substances) in modern antipyretic drugs.
  3. The stories of girlfriends, often invented to emphasize their own superiority in certain knowledge.
  4. Reviews on the Internet, often written by amateurs.

Focusing on these factors, the young mother thinks about taking proven, old and familiar aspirin. Is this decision true?

Aspirin is an acid that easily reacts with any chemicals in the human body. It can easily penetrate both the placenta and breast milk, changing its usual qualities. And this can adversely affect the condition of the baby. What is this fraught with for crumbs:

  1. Allergic reactions, both of a clear nature (redness on the cheeks, lethargy, rashes of both an open type, and predominant localization in poorly lit areas - typical for intolerance to salicylic acid), and latent nature, manifested in the digestive tract, up to diarrhea, vomiting and convulsive syndrome.
  2. Aspirin changes the composition of the blood, both for the mother and the baby. In the latter, this can be seen as a noticeable violation of the blood transport of useful substances (there is a risk of oxygen starvation of tissues and the development of anemia).
  3. Promotes leaching of calcium from the body and, as a consequence, the development of rickets.
  4. In some cases, with prolonged use by the mother of acetylsalicylic acid preparations, hematomas on the skin may develop - as a result of small-point hemorrhages resulting from changes in blood composition.

In some cases, the systematic intake of aspirin causes deeper disturbances in the functioning of internal organs in crumbs:

  1. A noticeable decrease in the functioning of the hearing organs - as a result of exposure to acid, the composition of the intraocular fluids changes.
  2. Dystonia of intracranial pressure, and this phenomenon can affect both a significant increase and a qualitative decrease in performance.
  3. Become the cause of asthma attacks.
  4. It is noticeable to reduce the immunity acquired by the baby from the mother and become the cause of the disease with especially dangerous viral infections, such as early chickenpox, rubella, measles. Normally, the immunity received from the mother to these types of diseases begins to decline by 4 to 5 years of age, when the child’s body is able to cope with the infection on its own. In the event of the appearance of these diseases in a baby whose age is less than 1 year, a number of complex disorders may develop, which subsequently will turn out to be almost a leading factor in the occurrence of disability.
  5. The development of complex pathologies of internal organs: acetylsalicylic acid, through its detrimental effect on the baby's blood, can cause significant delays in the development of internal organs, or completely disrupt their functioning.

The most common disorders caused by an overdose of aspirin include:

  • renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • disorders of the vascular structure;
  • decreased quality of gastric juice.

In some cases, mental disorders associated with the effect of altered intracranial pressure on the structure of the brain.

What to do if aspirin is still taken

As shown in the article, aspirin turned out to be much more dangerous than most modern drugs, because the lack of instructions does not mean the complete harmlessness of the drug. If for some reason the young mother nevertheless neglected this warning and took the pill, then:

What to do if a nursing mother takes aspirin

  1. Breastfeeding should be abandoned for the next 3 or even 4 days. The calculation is carried out at the end of taking the last pill. It is during this period that aspirin is completely excreted by the body, including through the outflow of milk.
  2. It is necessary to concentrate in this period so that as much milk as possible is gone.
  3. You should periodically try your own milk - if there is acetylsalicylic acid in it, its taste will be given in light sour or sour-bitter notes, depending on the concentration of the amount consumed.
  4. At the first feeding, you should track the reaction of the child, for this reason it should be done in the morning.
  5. After taking aspirin, you should drink as much fluid as possible so that the drug is eliminated from the body as soon as possible, you should not use a large amount of salt - it retains moisture and will interfere with the excretion of the drug.

For any form of the common cold, before using each medication, it is important to clearly coordinate its use with the pediatrician, and for this purpose, the mother should always have his phone number on hand.

Video: what kind of medicine can you breastfeed

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