Can pregnant women ascorbic acid?

It is inherent in nature that every woman takes care of her child not only from birth, but also from the very moment of conception. As soon as a woman finds out that she will soon become a mother, she changes her life habits. From the early stages of pregnancy, you need to switch to a healthy diet, try to move more, refuse to take some medications. In general, self-medication is now strictly prohibited. Any appointments of a highly specialized doctor should go through the filter of the attending gynecologist. A woman should carefully monitor what she drinks and eats, even what air she breathes. Sometimes the most harmless vitamins and supplements can be harmful and even dangerous if you do not know their full effect. In this article we’ll talk about ascorbic acid - what kind of vitamin it is, how it affects the body of a pregnant woman, consider its useful and harmful properties.

Is it possible for pregnant women ascorbic acid

The benefits of ascorbic acid in pregnancy

Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, is an organic compound that is essential for the healthy growth and development of any organism. A lack of this vitamin leads to serious consequences, the main of which is Zing's disease. The disease was first diagnosed in sailors who went to sea for a long time and could not eat fresh fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C. The disease is manifested by insufficient synthesis of collagen, the integrity of the connective tissue is impaired. The main symptoms of the disease are lethargy, muscle weakness, bleeding gums, tooth loss, rheumatoid pains. Vitamin C is essential for the body, especially in acute periods - pregnancy, lactation, childhood and old age, postoperative rehabilitation, etc. But how does ascorbic acid affect the body during pregnancy?

  1. Immunity. A woman is often sick during pregnancy, a catastrophic decrease in immunity affects. Vitamin C helps restore the body's defenses, prevents the development of flu and colds during pregnancy.
  2. For the fetus. Ascorbic acid is incredibly useful for the formation of fetal organs, it is involved in biochemical processes.
  3. Prevention of pro-eclampsia. Pro-eclampsia is a serious and very dangerous diagnosis, which is manifested by severe edema, protein in the urine and increased blood pressure. Ascorbic acid, coupled with vitamin E, can prevent this unpleasant scenario of pregnancy.
  4. Folic acid. This is a very important vitamin that is necessary for all, without exception, pregnant women, especially in the early stages when the baby’s organs are formed. Ascorbic acid in combination with iron helps folic acid to be better absorbed. This is an excellent prevention of fetal neural tube malformations.
  5. From smoking. Sometimes a woman continues to smoke or is forced to suffer from secondhand smoke when nicotine is in the surrounding air. Vitamin C protects the baby from harmful effects.
  6. For childbirth. Vitamin C is very useful in late pregnancy, because it is involved in the synthesis of collagen. This means that ascorbic acid makes the tissues more elastic, stretchable. Moreover, a sufficient amount of vitamin C helps tissues heal faster, which will be very important in case of ruptures of the birth canal.
  7. Blood coagulability. Ascorbic acid is recommended to drink in the prenatal period, since vitamin C increases blood coagulation. This is an excellent prevention of bleeding, especially uterine bleeding.
  8. Anemia. Vitamin C helps treat anemia because it is involved in iron absorption.
  9. Vessels. Ascorbic acid perfectly affects the health of blood vessels, strengthens their walls, makes them more flexible and mobile. This allows you to get rid of plaques, lower cholesterol. A sufficient amount of vitamin C in the body is an excellent prevention of varicose veins.
  10. Poisoning. Vitamin C, entering the body, is able to bind free radicals and heavy metals, inhibits the development of pathogenic bacteria. Vitamin is often prescribed in the complex treatment of food poisoning.
  11. Stretch marks. Since ascorbic acid is involved in the synthesis of collagen fibers, this means that it makes the skin more stretchable. This is especially important for the skin on the stomach, chest and hips. Taking vitamin C can protect a woman from stretch marks.

Vitamin C has a positive effect on joint health. During pregnancy, hormones make bone tissue more fragile, weight increases in a short time, all this leads to pain in the knees and ankles. Proper intake of ascorbic acid can prevent the development of such symptoms.

Can ascorbic acid be harmful during pregnancy?

Any product and any drug can harm the body if taken thoughtlessly, without a doctor’s prescription. Especially if this technique is regular, and the dosage is significantly exceeded.

Harm of ascorbic acid during pregnancy

  1. First of all, the danger of prolonged and uncontrolled intake of ascorbic acid is associated with high blood coagulability. If you do not follow this process, ascorbic acid can cause blood clotting and blood clots.
  2. A large amount of ascorbic acid can corrode the walls of the stomach, this is manifested by nausea, heartburn, severe pain in the abdomen.
  3. An overdose of vitamin C can lead to metabolic disorders in the mother's body, this leads to the fact that the child has an allergy.
  4. An excess of ascorbic acid can cause the formation of kidney stones.
  5. Vitamin intake is strictly contraindicated in diabetes.
  6. A large amount of ascorbic acid can cause reactions such as insomnia, headaches, flushing, fever.
  7. Sometimes even a small amount of vitamin C leads to unpleasant symptoms in the form of excitability, skin rash, and indigestion. This indicates the individual intolerance of this substance.

Remember that taking vitamin C on a regular basis is only possible after prescribing a doctor. As a rule, there must be good reasons for this.

It is believed that a young and healthy woman without chronic diseases does not need additional intake of ascorbic acid, especially on a regular basis. Especially if her diet is adequate and balanced. During pregnancy, you can support the body with vitamin C, which some foods are rich in. Most of the vitamin is found in rose hip, red pepper, sea buckthorn, black currant, Brussels sprouts, kiwi, mountain ash, orange, strawberries, etc. To get only benefits from fruits, you need to try to eat seasonal vegetables and fruits that grow in your native region.

Ascorbic acid was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century, many hopes were assigned to the vitamin. Indeed, moderate consumption of vitamin C helps maintain the body and protect against colds. But this is far from a panacea, and ascorbic acid should be used wisely. Remember that a better medicine is a varied and balanced diet!

Video: what will happen if you eat a lot of ascorbic acid

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