Can pregnant women do massage?

There are no people who would not like massage, especially among women. No woman will refuse the procedure of various physiological effects on the skin and rubbing aromatic oils.

Can pregnant women do massage?

Massage as a treatment technique was practiced in ancient China, Egypt and Japan. And in ancient India, massage, in addition to treatment, was applied to expectant mothers in order to alleviate the physical and psychological state. Even then, the doctors knew what processes occur in the body during pregnancy, and how it is possible to alleviate the condition for the safe bearing of the fetus throughout the entire period.

There is a lot of literature on massage methods and its healing effects on the human body. Massage for a future mother is a special procedure that requires deep knowledge and high qualification of a massage therapist, because in no way can you harm a baby and his mother.

Massage during pregnancy - is it possible or not?

Do not give up massage, especially since experts unanimously believe that massage only has a beneficial effect on the condition of the pregnant woman. However, the doctor prescribes the procedure individually, and this depends on general and particular contraindications at the time of pregnancy. All is well, but only in moderation.

1 trimester
In the first three months of pregnancy, frequent massage procedures are not recommended. This is due to the fact that a woman is already experiencing a hormonal malfunction, which can lead to a miscarriage. The effect on the sacral spine, tailbone, heel and base of the thumb can also provoke a miscarriage or adversely affect the course of pregnancy. Therefore, in the first three months of pregnancy, you can only stroke your stomach on your own and no more (this procedure will be useful throughout the entire period of pregnancy, moreover, it soothes not only mom, but also the baby).

During pregnancy, only a light, gentle massage is allowed, which is more like stroking than using physical effort. After all, first of all, massage should relieve pain in the lumbar region, in the cervical region, on the hips and relax the tense muscles of the limbs. This procedure helps reduce swelling, relieves stress and fatigue, normalizes blood flow and generally improves well-being. You can learn and independently perform this procedure at home, or you can contact a qualified specialist.

2 trimester
Starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, it is recommended to carry out systematically massage procedures - this contributes to the synthesis of endorphins and charges the expectant mother with positive emotions. The expectant mother will receive a positive attitude and strength to combat fatigue.

For massage, you can use aromatic oils, but only those that do not cause an allergic reaction. You can determine this yourself, for this it is enough to put one drop on the wrist and after some time, see the result. A negative reaction of the body is redness, itching or bloating. In this case, it is better to refuse the use of oil - it is not suitable for the procedure.

Absolutely all oils act differently on the body, so when choosing a product you need to pay special attention. Sandalwood, lavender and cypress oil can relieve swelling in the dorsal region, and juniper and cedar can narrow the vessels on the legs with varicose veins. Massage is mainly carried out in the neck, back, shoulder area and limbs.

Note! Many women attend anti-cellulite massage procedures, but at the time of pregnancy such sessions are strictly prohibited!

Massage of the spinal and cervical spine

Due to the fact that the pregnant woman’s tummy is constantly growing, the load on the spine and on the cervical vertebrae is increasing, so it is recommended to massage the back and neck. This will help relax muscles and reduce overall body fatigue. Moreover, in addition to gravity, the spine also bends, because the woman’s center of gravity shifts, so it’s recommended that you visit the masseur regularly during pregnancy. Such procedures will allow the expectant mother to ease her well-being and remove nervous tension.

In the first three months, massage of the lower vertebral and lumbar regions is undesirable, but at this moment the fetus is still very small and the mother can lie on her stomach, because the baby’s weight is small and does not compress blood vessels. Therefore, you can do a light massage of the legs, lumbar, hip and spinal sections.

At later dates, the pregnant woman can lie on her side or sit. Massage always begins with light strokes. In no case should you use intense exposure, especially if the massage therapist is poorly informed about the placement of active nerve centers on the human body.

Hand and foot massage

Foot massage is necessary for a pregnant woman, because during pregnancy the volume and weight of the tummy increase. The whole load goes to the legs, so often pregnant suffer from swelling of the lower extremities. It doesn’t matter if the pregnant woman spends most of the time walking or sitting - in any case, foot massage will be useful and will help prevent swelling.

This procedure contributes to the normalization of blood circulation, due to this, the cells are enriched with oxygen, the work of internal organs improves. Moreover, during the massage, points are activated that contribute to the work of all body systems. Foot massage is a pleasant, calming, painless procedure. You can enhance the effect with the help of the environment - soft lighting, pleasant music, soothing aromatic oils are suitable, all this contributes to relaxation and enjoyment of the procedure. One such session is able to completely restore the mental state, relieve nervous tension, put thoughts in order, cheer up and charge with positive emotions. If the expectant mother suffers from insomnia, then this procedure should be carried out before bedtime, which will provide a deep sound sleep.

In the process of foot massage, special attention should be paid to the feet and calves. You can not make sharp, strong and fussy clicks and movements. Only slow and smooth maneuvers. If a pregnant woman has prerequisites for varicose veins, then you should not use a section of veins in the procedure.

Tummy massage

Abdominal massage during pregnancy
Usually this area is massaged in order to eliminate unwanted body fat. During pregnancy, this type of massage is strictly prohibited. It is important to avoid any physical effects in the abdomen, any sharp or incorrect pressing can most negatively affect the child. The only thing that is possible is light stroking in the abdomen, if they relax and bring pleasure to the future mother. Usually, mom herself strokes her tummy - this is how she contacts the baby. This procedure helps to increase muscle tone of the abdomen, which in the future will prevent the appearance of postpartum stretch marks. It is believed that stroking the stomach in a clockwise direction is correct.

Anticellulite massage

Absolutely all types of anti-cellulite massage are strictly forbidden to carry out during the period of carrying the baby, although some experts believe that not all types can be canceled. However, it makes no sense to continue the procedure, because fat is stored during pregnancy by nature.Therefore, at this stage it is an absolutely useless procedure.

But this is not a cause for disappointment, chubby hips, buttocks, legs and tummy can be returned to the previous form after the birth of the child, the main thing is that you need to correctly approach this issue in due time. Remember that during lactation, diets for weight loss are strictly contraindicated.

Crotch massage

In the last weeks before childbirth, experts recommend a massage of the perineum - this method allows you to stimulate a woman’s organs and facilitate the process of upcoming birth. It is used if a woman will give birth in a natural way. If the doctor prepares a woman in labor for Caesarean section, then this massage option can not be used. In any case, it is carried out only by competent specialists.

The course of massage of the perineum and the technique of proper breathing will allow you to give birth without negative consequences for mom and baby. And also get rid or minimize pain syndromes during childbirth.

Many doctors recommend a genital massage in the last trimester of pregnancy, explaining their advice in that it will increase blood flow and prepare the muscles, making them more elastic. This method will help to avoid tearing of muscle tissue at the time of delivery.

Massage rules for pregnant women

So, to summarize, we list what rules should be followed in the process of massage for pregnant women:

  1. Only light movements without pressure and effort, absolutely relaxed hand.
  2. Stroking the back, buttocks, limbs is necessary slowly, without fuss and sharp maneuvers.
  3. Rubbing oils in a slow rhythm.
  4. No pressure and kneading.
  5. Vibrating movements are performed only by fingers.
  6. In no case should you massage your stomach, only light strokes clockwise are allowed.

The session time is usually 30 to 45 minutes. At the time of gestation, do not use massage devices and tools. You should not use vibrating massage belts and various electrical stimulants, because this can negatively affect the health of the child.

When massage is contraindicated

There are frequent cases when pregnant women do not like other people's touches - in this case, it is not worth visiting a masseur. After all, massage will not bring positive results, but on the contrary, it will only worsen your well-being and add irritability. This applies to the psychological level, as for the physical, then there are a number of contraindications:

  • Elevated body temperature.
  • Colds.
  • Toxins and slow metabolism.
  • Various blood diseases.
  • Various skin diseases.
  • Purulent inflammation.
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes and blood vessels.
  • Thrombosis.
  • Leg vein dilatation.
  • Various diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Various diseases of the abdominal cavity.
  • Stomach upset.
  • Acute or chronic osteomyelitis.
  • Tumors in various locations.
  • Chronic asthma
  • Acute pain in the dorsal region.

Before visiting the massage room, you must always consult a doctor, since in no case can you harm the health of the child.

Video: massage for pregnant women at home

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