Can pregnant women eat walnuts?

The birth of a new organism in a woman’s body is real magic, because in just 9 months a full-fledged organism grows from a fertilized egg, which is able to eat, breathe, live on its own! In many respects, the health and immunity of the child depends on the lifestyle of the mother during pregnancy. A future mother should closely monitor what she eats and drinks, what medications and vitamins she takes, what changes occur in her body. A very responsible approach to the issue of nutrition - the diet should be healthy, balanced, varied. Among the various products, it is worth talking separately about walnuts - their benefits and harms to the pregnant body.

Can pregnant women eat walnuts

The benefits of walnut for a pregnant woman

Walnuts are used in many cuisines of the world. It has long been considered a true source of the entire palette of nutrients. The composition of walnuts is surprisingly rich - it contains vitamins, minerals, fiber, fats, acids. Nuts are useful not only in ripe form, but also at the ripening stage. The fruits of the nut are very nutritious - only a few kernels can satisfy the hunger. The diverse composition of nuts makes them indispensable in the diet of a pregnant woman.

  1. Blood. Walnuts are rich in vitamin PP, which is involved in the synthesis of nucleic acids. Without this substance, blood simply cannot reproduce. As the baby grows in the woman’s uterus, the need for blood is constantly increasing, and its volume can be increased with the help of walnuts.
  2. Folic acid. The walnut contains a lot of folic acid, which is extremely necessary for any woman during pregnancy, even in the absence of any diagnoses and pathologies. Folic acid reduces the risk of developing defects in the child, is involved in the formation of the central nervous system of the fetus.
  3. For tissue elasticity. Walnut is very rich in fats, and in particular, vitamin E. Tocopherol is necessary in order to make the tissues more stretchable and elastic. A sufficient amount of walnuts in the diet of a woman before childbirth will help the cervix easier to open. And during pregnancy, the elasticity of the skin will protect the future mother from possible stretch marks on her stomach and hips.
  4. Iodine. Walnut contains a lot of iodine, which, along with folic acid and magnesium, is considered to be mandatory for vitamin intake during pregnancy. This is especially true for regions with a low iodine content in the soil. Iodine deficiency is manifested by depression, decreased performance, iodine deficiency is very dangerous during pregnancy.
  5. With diabetes. Walnuts are a natural way to lower blood sugar, so the product is not only safe, but also useful for diabetes.
  6. From edema. The walnut contains a lot of potassium and magnesium, which favorably affect the work of the heart muscle. Thanks to this, a woman will be able to get rid of edema, which becomes especially unbearable in the later stages of pregnancy.
  7. Iron. Nuts are incredibly rich in iron, which is simply necessary during pregnancy. Regular consumption of walnuts is an excellent prevention of iron deficiency anemia. The best remedy for low hemoglobin is ground nuts mixed with dried apricots and raisins.
  8. Magnesium. If you often feel cramps in your limbs, if you suffer from irritability and hypertonicity of the uterus, most likely, the body lacks magnesium. Walnuts are rich in this trace element, it is enough to eat several kernels a day to cover the daily requirement of the pregnant body.
  9. From a headache. Even a child knows that a walnut kernel resembles the meanders of the brain.And all because nuts are incredibly useful for the head - they improve memory, increase concentration and performance. This is very important for future mothers who continue to work and study. But most of all, women appreciate nuts for the fact that they expand the vessels of the brain, this helps to cope with spasms and pain without the use of medications.
  10. From the nerves. Vitamins of group B, which are contained in the composition of walnuts, are useful for the nervous system, they perfectly calm, relieve anxiety and irritability, help cope with insomnia.
  11. For the skeleton of a child. The walnut contains a large amount of phosphorus and calcium, which are necessary for building the bone tissue of the fetus. If you regularly consume a nut during pregnancy, this will protect the baby from diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  12. Zinc. And nuts are incredibly rich in zinc. With a lack of this microelement, babies are born weakened, with low weight, malformations often arise.

In general, walnuts are an excellent, fortifying and immunomodulating product. If the future mother suffers from toxicosis, cannot eat normally, you need to try to eat at least a couple of walnut kernels. It will help restore strength and saturate the body with useful substances.

Is walnut so safe?

Any product, and especially one as potent as a nut, cannot be consumed in large quantities. During pregnancy, do not lean on walnut kernels, since they are very fatty and nutritious - this is a huge amount of calories. What else can a walnut be harmful, try to figure it out.

Walnuts during pregnancy

  1. Walnuts, like any other types of nuts, are a fairly strong allergen. Even if you were allergic to nuts in childhood, you should not consume them during pregnancy, because during this period all reactions are aggravated.
  2. You can not eat any allergenic products in late pregnancy. After 30 weeks, the baby's own immunity is formed, the abuse of allergens can lead to the fact that the baby is born with an allergy.
  3. Do not eat fried or heat-treated walnuts. Firstly, there is nothing useful left in them. Secondly, when exposed to high temperatures, nuts begin to produce toxic poisons. Therefore, try not to add nuts to the baking or do it after the dough is baked.
  4. Walnuts can cause constipation, so lean on the kernel with a tendency to this problem is not worth it.
  5. If you suffer from frequent bleeding, a nut will increase blood clotting. But if your blood is already thick, if there is a tendency to form blood clots, a nut can only aggravate the condition.
  6. Sometimes a large number of nuts can provoke the appearance of ulcers and inflamed areas on the oral mucosa.

Green nut jam has special healing powers; it contains an incredible amount of iodine. In the presence of diseases of the endocrine system, you must first consult a doctor, and only after its permission you can enjoy an unusual dessert.

Walnut tastes good and has disproportionate benefits. It is able to saturate with vitamins and microelements even an organism weakened by pregnancy. But in order to get only benefit from the cores, they should be consumed sparingly - no more than 3-5 pieces per day. Eat walnuts, be healthy and full of strength!

Video: who benefits from walnuts

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