Can pregnant women drink Coca-Cola?

Pregnancy and lactation for a woman is a difficult and insanely responsible period. Indeed, from the very moment that the fertilized egg is attached to the uterine wall, the development of the child begins, which completely depends on the mother, genes and lifestyle of the pregnant woman. During the period of carrying the baby, you need to carefully monitor the diet, abandon potent drugs without a doctor's prescription, you need to completely eliminate the consumption of alcohol and nicotine. Such tests sometimes become a serious problem, especially if before pregnancy a woman did not think about a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes a future mom wants to eat and drink something very tasty, familiar, but insanely harmful. We are talking about the popular carbonated drink Coca-Cola, which literally enslaved a large part of the world's population. But it is one thing when an adult drinks harmful harmful soda, another when the drink enters the body of a child or a pregnant woman. So, let's talk about Coca-Cola, its composition, harmful properties and acceptable doses of consumption for a pregnant woman, if they exist at all.

Can pregnant women drink Coca-Cola?

Coca-Cola harm during pregnancy

The composition of this drink has been kept secret for over a hundred years. We learn about the main ingredients from the carbonated drink label, which lists various sweeteners, flavors, flavor enhancers, caffeine and numerous chemical additives. What is harmful Coca-Cola?

  1. First of all, doctors are concerned about caffeine, which is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy, especially in the early stages. It excites the nervous system, causes irritability, enhances the course of insomnia, speeds up the heartbeat. This can lead to panic attacks and headaches.
  2. The drink contains acesulfame potassium, which plays the role of a sweetener. In fact, it is many times sweeter than plain white sugar, it increases the level of insulin in the blood, provokes an attack of migraine. Frequent consumption of this chemical additive worsens the cardiovascular system, is addictive.
  3. The cyclamate in Coca-Cola is another artificial sweetener that, with prolonged consumption, causes the growth and development of cancer cells.
  4. The drink is rich in harmful flavors, dyes and other additives that enter the baby’s body through the umbilical cord. This is especially dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy, when the embryo is just forming, vital organs are laid.
  5. Coca-Cola is harmful not only for the baby in the womb, but also for the mother’s stomach. If you consume a drink constantly, regularly, and in large quantities, it can lead to gastritis and an ulcer.
  6. Phosphoric acid in the composition of the drink leaches calcium from the body of a woman. During pregnancy, the problem of calcium deficiency is very acute. And if it is also washed out, there is a risk of developing various diseases of the musculoskeletal system of the child.
  7. Any carbonated drink leads to bloating and flatulence in a woman, the intestines compresses the uterus.

Remember that the immense consumption of harmful carbonated drinks can lead to the death of the embryo in the early stages, and sometimes even cause congenital abnormalities of the fetus.

Can Coca-Cola Be Helpful?

Coca-Cola during pregnancy
But how so, you say? Can't a woman drink Cola at all? After all, the factories for the production of the beverage have been operating for more than a century, can such a harmful product poison the population for so long? In fact, Coca-Cola has a specific composition that the consumer simply does not fully know until the end.We all saw how the drink copes with limescale in the teapot, does the soda have the same effect on the stomach? Scientists have proved that hydrochloric acid of the stomach is much more aggressive, the drink (especially with a single dose) does not affect the stomach. In some cases, cola can even be helpful. If you dined in a dubious street cafe and are worried about the freshness of the food you eat, just drink it all with a glass of Coca-Cola. Surprisingly, the drink kills many pathogenic bacteria, it helps to cope with light food poisoning. Sometimes during pregnancy, it becomes more relevant than ever, because taking many medications is undesirable.

How much Coca-Cola can pregnant women drink?

Sometimes one wants to enjoy a harmful carbonated drink that the expectation, and even more so the ban, seem unbearable. A pregnant woman is forced to indulge her whims. If the future mom wants to drink a little Coca-Cola, do not refuse her this. After all, the drink is produced for many years, with moderate consumption it is absolutely safe. If a woman drinks a glass of soda, it will not bring any dangerous consequences, on the contrary, it will help to cope with heartburn and cheer up. However, remember that daily consumption of Coca-Cola in the amount of more than one and a half liters per day will lead to poor health, obesity, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Such a regular dose is harmful even for an adult healthy man, not only for a pregnant woman. If you really want to enjoy a carbonated drink, replace it during pregnancy with Coca-Cola Ziro with zero calories, at least less sugar in it. In general, if you want a sweet soda, then the body lacks calcium. This deficiency can be filled with the help of dairy products, young potatoes, sesame and broccoli.

Remember that Coca-Cola is a time bomb. If you consume a drink every day in large quantities, this will not bring anything useful for the baby, on the contrary, it will lead only to additional problems. Love your child under your heart - eat only high-quality, fresh and healthy foods.

Video: 5 dark secrets of Coca-Cola

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