Can pregnant women have mold cheese?

The diet of pregnant women differs from the usual nutritional complex with a more saturated composition. For her own menu, a woman chooses exclusively useful foods with a high content of minerals and all kinds of vitamins. In this regard, cheese looks quite attractive. This lactic acid product has not only excellent taste characteristics, it has a lot of healthy components.

Is it possible for pregnant women to have blue cheese

Noble cheeses contain such an important substance as melanin. This component protects the skin reliably. The assortment of cheese products presented on the shelves of modern stores will impress any customer. Therefore, the expectant mother can freely choose a decent product for her table. But here the question arises of what cheeses a woman can complement her menu. After all, each variety has its own characteristics. This issue is especially relevant for women who are fans of blue cheese. It is about this extraordinary product that will be discussed.

Production Features

Cheese production technology involves the use of special bacteria that activate the fermentation process in milk. Moreover, during the manufacture of some varieties of cheese are pasteurized, while others are not subjected to such processing. This point should always be considered when choosing products. In addition, the industry produces cheeses of various types: hard and soft, processed and curd. Each product name has its own quality features. When buying, be sure to study the information on the packaging. As a rule, the manufacturer always indicates such data: fat content, calories, the presence of preservatives and other additives. For the diet of a pregnant woman, the best option is dietary varieties of cheeses.

Beneficial features

And now let's focus on the nutritional value and useful qualities of cheese. There are many of them, so we list the main advantages of the product:

  1. All cheeses are high in calcium. This microelement is responsible for the formation of the skeleton of the baby, and helps mom to maintain healthy teeth and avoid such a serious problem as osteoporosis.
  2. Retinol, more commonly known as vitamin A, is an extremely important element for the full development of the fetus.
  3. Vitamin E, aka tocopherol, prevents the risk of miscarriage.
  4. The tryptophan amino acid, which is also present in high-quality cheese, stimulates the production of serotonin, which is responsible for the state of the emotional background. In scientific circles, this element is called the “hormone of happiness”, because it helps to cope with depression and improves mood.
  5. Iron also take part in many important processes taking place in the human body. He will help the future mother cope with anemia.
  6. For the harmonious development of the fetus, Vitamin D is essential. Its deficiency in the mother’s body, and it is from here that the fetus takes strength for its development, negatively affects the state of bone tissues. Deficiency of this vitamin is the root cause of rickets in small children.

At first glance, it may seem that absolutely all cheeses are useful for a pregnant woman. But in reality, the situation is not entirely unambiguous, because some varieties of cheese are strictly contraindicated for ladies in an “interesting position”.

Secrets of Blue Cheese

Secrets of Blue Cheese
In the production process of certain types of cheese, fungal mold is used. Due to the participation of these microorganisms, the product acquires a specific taste, which true gourmets so value.But it is this specific feature that excludes the possibility of the appearance of blue cheese on the menu of a pregnant woman. We briefly explain the reasons for such restrictions:

  1. The composition of cheeses with mold has a low content of lactic acid, which creates a favorable soil for the development of fungal flora.
  2. Once in the digestive tract, mold changes its microflora, which causes upset stools and other intestinal problems.
  3. Since antibiotics are obtained from mold, it can simply kill beneficial microflora, which also translates into serious intestinal problems.

But the most important thing is that together with mold spores, listeria penetrates the body - a bacterium that causes a serious disease that can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Important! Uncontrolled consumption of mold cheese by a future mother can lead to regression of the fetus or provoke premature birth.

Even with the normal course of pregnancy, a craze for cheese with such an unusual supplement can lead to meningitis in a newborn baby or pneumonia.

Which cheese should be excluded?

To exclude any possibility of pathogenic microflora getting into the placenta, the expectant mother should refuse such varieties:

  • blue cheese;
  • exclude brie and soft varieties;
  • a product made from sheep and goat milk is also dangerous, since such cheeses are not pasteurized;
  • processed and glazed curds are harmful;
  • it is undesirable to use salty varieties, for example, "Sulguni";
  • Any smoked products are strictly forbidden to pregnant women.

Cheese is tasty and healthy. This is the undeniable advantage of the product. But the future mother, when compiling her personal grocery basket, should first of all think about the baby’s health, and not about her taste preferences.

Video: 5 reasons to eat blue cheese!

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